Quick Drying - The Other Side Of The Coin

Wow, you can't even manage to read the board FAQ yet you deign to instruct us on your world of knowledge about THC chemistry.

Amazing. :lol:

Look genius.

"In fresh green plants, the cannabinoids are primarily present in carboxylic acid forms, which are changed into the corresponding neutral compounds by aging or heat (for example, burning or cooking).159, 174 THC acid (THCA) for example, is apparently psychotropically inactive, and must be decarboxylated to THC prior to administration in order to produce significant effects."
Chemical and Botanical Aspects of Cannabis

Just because I'm new to these forums doesn't mean I don't know what I'm saying, it also doesn't mean you have to be a total dick but if the shoe fits wear it. I really could care less if you smoke harsh shitty herb. :mrgreen:
To further clarify if the last one failed to penetrate your skull.

"The position of the carboxyl group does not affect the potency, but, in fact, in their acid forms the cannabinoids are not psychoactive. In fresh plant material, cannabinoids are almost entirely inn their acid forms. The normal procedure of curing and smoking the grass (heat) removes the carboxyl group, forming the gas CO2 and the psychoactive neutral cannabinoids"


'neutral state'? As opposed to Park or Drive states, I suppose. :roll:

WTF kind of science is that? Answer: It's NOT science!

'Curing' is a method suiting tobacco leaf but is not necessary with cannabis. All you need do is reduce the moisture content of buds to about 2-3% and they're good to go.

There's a number of problems in the post you cited. Aging is not a good thing for THC. Every scientific study I can find on THC (and I'm talking about good, peer-reviewed stuff, not gasbagging on cannabis forums) indicates that even with good storage conditions, THC breaks down into non-psychoactive isomers CBD & CBN with time. Fresh bud is more potent bud.
no, neutral as opposed to acidic or alkaline :roll:, if you would reread my post you would see I am agreeing with you, drying is what gives the bud its potency, if bud gets more potent in jars while curing it is because it is slowly drying....key word there....drying.....
Look genius.

"In fresh green plants, the cannabinoids are primarily present in carboxylic acid forms, which are changed into the corresponding neutral compounds by aging or heat (for example, burning or cooking).159, 174 THC acid (THCA) for example, is apparently psychotropically inactive, and must be decarboxylated to THC prior to administration in order to produce significant effects."
Chemical and Botanical Aspects of Cannabis

Just because I'm new to these forums doesn't mean I don't know what I'm saying, it also doesn't mean you have to be a total dick but if the shoe fits wear it. I really could care less if you smoke harsh shitty herb. :mrgreen:

That sure looks like Science to me......

Thanks for the links.
The search function seems to be kludged...

Hey! Don't use my name in vain! ;)

Moreover, the conditions required for mould & fungi to survive don't exist inside a living lung, so even if you manage to inhale some live spores, they're not going to live there long.

If you want a lung infection, you're going to have to get it the old fashioned way, from bacteria or a virus.

FYI: “Aspergillosis,” a lung infection caused by certain molds of the Aspergillus genus, causes fever, cough, and chest pain. Organ transplant patients, individuals undergoing high–dose corticosteroid therapy, and others with weak immune systems may be susceptible to aspergillosis, but healthy people are unlikely to get these infections (Centers for Disease Control, Disease Information, Aspergillosis).
Hey! Don't use my name in vain! ;)
:shock: Triple-big OOPS. :lol:

Just give me science. Hard facts that can be backed up. Although! I will accept empirical or anecdotal evidence, but my acceptance really depends on the source. ;)

Apparently a book I'd discovered a couple of months ago, Marijuana Botany, is cited in one of those papers. Guess I know which books I'll be asking for for Christmas. Although I also would like a heated vest for cool/cold weather riding and a backrest for the scoot. And maybe heated gloves, too.
Just because I'm new to these forums doesn't mean I don't know what I'm saying, it also doesn't mean you have to be a total dick but if the shoe fits wear it. I really could care less if you smoke harsh shitty herb. :mrgreen:

Your citation of data completely irrelevant to drying cannabis DOES tell me you don't know WTF you're on about. You're wriggling because you can't prove your claim.

It's one thing to cite some scientific data that supports your case- it's something else to post something that looks like science in order to mislead people, which is precisely what you've done here.

Delta-9 THC changes from its acidic state into a neutral ph state during the curing process thus making not only taste better but more potent.


Exactly WHERE in the process of drying or in the much vaunted but unnecessary process of 'curing' does decarboxylisation occur? C'mon, tell me how this works.

I'll give you a hint- decarboxylisation doesn't occur in drying OR in anybody's idea of curing, unless it's done in your kitchen's oven!

Your moronic and insulting assumptions about what I'm smoking or growing speak volumes about what you don't know.

Your attempt to mislead readers of RIU who can't tell how to apply the data you've cited is enough for me to accept RIU admin's recent offer to be a moderator, just so I could have the pleasure of banning you.
From a +r comment:
You are gonna be a mod al? Sweet -NG
Thanks for the +r, but I politely declined admin's offer to be a mod. I put in 6 years as a mod on Overgrow.com (1999-2005) and that was enough- until I run into knobs like GMT who really need a swift and permanent exit. If I signed on to be a mod, I'd feel some obligation to be here regularly, something which isn't always possible, particularly when I'm in the middle of harvesting every 2 weeks- and it's that time again.
From a +r comment: Thanks for the +r, but I politely declined admin's offer to be a mod. I put in 6 years as a mod on Overgrow.com (1999-2005) and that was enough- until I run into knobs like GMT who really need a swift and permanent exit. If I signed on to be a mod, I'd feel some obligation to be here regularly, something which isn't always possible, particularly when I'm in the middle of harvesting every 2 weeks- and it's that time again.

Yah but you just told that guy you decided to be a mod now to ban him. C'mon Al I think RIU can be as good as Overgrow we just need the right people.kiss-ass

RIP Overgrow.com:sad:
Ahh.. that answers a question that had been turning in my own head as well. I, too, have been there, done that (but for another type of forum entirely). It is a lot of work, especially on busy sites.
Yah but you just told that guy you decided to be a mod now to ban him. C'mon Al I think RIU can be as good as Overgrow we just need the right people.kiss-ass

RIP Overgrow.com:sad:

I said that antics like GMT's are enough for me to consider taking the mod job on (again), but merely banning one idiot isn't worth taking on the job. Moderating a cannabis board is no small task and I would be remiss if I could not step in every day for several hours.

Yeah, OG was a good board. Great people for the most part.

Ahh.. that answers a question that had been turning in my own head as well. I, too, have been there, done that (but for another type of forum entirely). It is a lot of work, especially on busy sites.

It wasn't too long ago that I had to have Al B. FAQt closed while I was catching up my own op work. I was putting in 6h/day just answering the queries in that thread alone. I could easily see myself putting in twice that much time modding RIU. I only get 24 hour days like the rest of us and I need every bit of 2-3 12-14h/days to get a harvest out in a timely manner... and that's precisely where I should be as we speak.
I said that antics like GMT's are enough for me to consider taking the mod job on (again), but merely banning one idiot isn't worth taking on the job. Moderating a cannabis board is no small task and I would be remiss if I could not step in every day for several hours.
Yeah, OG was a good board. Great people for the most part.

Overgrow became a vast database of information and as a result a lot of good growers came out of it. I was sad to see it go, it is where I posed all my annoying noob questions, silly attic grows, ect. So I if I get some more people like GMT to come and post around here you will be a mod Al?:confused::mrgreen: Maybe just a part time mod?
Do you know what really happened with OG was it linked to the Mark Emery seed bust in any way? I'm still not clear what the got Richard on . . .
Your citation of data completely irrelevant to drying cannabis DOES tell me you don't know WTF you're on about. You're wriggling because you can't prove your claim.

It's one thing to cite some scientific data that supports your case- it's something else to post something that looks like science in order to mislead people, which is precisely what you've done here.


Exactly WHERE in the process of drying or in the much vaunted but unnecessary process of 'curing' does decarboxylisation occur? C'mon, tell me how this works.

I'll give you a hint- decarboxylisation doesn't occur in drying OR in anybody's idea of curing, unless it's done in your kitchen's oven!

Your moronic and insulting assumptions about what I'm smoking or growing speak volumes about what you don't know.

Your attempt to mislead readers of RIU who can't tell how to apply the data you've cited is enough for me to accept RIU admin's recent offer to be a moderator, just so I could have the pleasure of banning you.
Your an arrogant ban of douche and if you banned me I would simply come back. Ban my IP I'd use a proxy server just to spite you.

You can't prove anything I'm saying incorrect and have failed to site your own sources,




Get over it chump. And kiss-ass
Overgrow became a vast database of information and as a result a lot of good growers came out of it. I was sad to see it go,

Oh yeah, stuff that was on OG has been preserved and reposted all over the web. I really miss the excruciatingly complete OG GrowFAQ.

it is where I posed all my annoying noob questions, silly attic grows, ect. So I if I get some more people like GMT to come and post around here you will be a mod Al?:confused::mrgreen: Maybe just a part time mod?

heh, if there were more people like GMT posting pseudoscientific claims which they themselves do not understand, it'd be a real schlemozzle. A mod can only keep up with so much. I can't be bothered even now with all the molasses-powered Aerogarbage threads...

Do you know what really happened with OG was it linked to the Mark Emery seed bust in any way? I'm still not clear what the got Richard on . . .

Well, the bust of OG had to do with RC's 'Heaven's Stairway' seedbank op connection to the board. I'm not sure if Emery's bust was related to OG bieing dusted off, other than the Canadians deciding to allow the US DEA to start enforcing US law on Canadian citizens.

Oh- and speaking of schlemozzles...

Your an arrogant ban of douche and if you banned me I would simply come back. Ban my IP I'd use a proxy server just to spite you.

You could come back here and post lies under ANY username or IP- and we'd catch you out every time. You've discredited yourself and would do so under any label.

So long and thanks for playing, loser.
Oh yeah, stuff that was on OG has been preserved and reposted all over the web. I really miss the excruciatingly complete OG GrowFAQ.

heh, if there were more people like GMT posting pseudoscientific claims which they themselves do not understand, it'd be a real schlemozzle. A mod can only keep up with so much. I can't be bothered even now with all the molasses-powered Aerogarbage threads...

Well, the bust of OG had to do with RC's 'Heaven's Stairway' seedbank op connection to the board. I'm not sure if Emery's bust was related to OG bieing dusted off, other than the Canadians deciding to allow the US DEA to start enforcing US law on Canadian citizens.

Oh- and speaking of schlemozzles...

You could come back here and post lies under ANY username or IP- and we'd catch you out every time. You've discredited yourself and would do so under any label.

So long and thanks for playing, loser.

Post lies, LOL!!!

Your calling the authors of the publications I cited liars, not me.

What would I gain from lying about this subject matter???

Peoples pot to taste better and get them higher??? LOL

Dude, your a loser, get over it. You've spent your life on forum boards, your a burnout who can't even prove a point. Your the one thats discredited. But nice try chump.:leaf:
Your claim that 'curing improves potency' is false. Decarboxylisation, your desperate get-out claim when caught out, does not occur in anyone's idea of drying or curing.

Any other steaming piles of wisdom for us today?
Your claim that 'curing improves potency' is false. Decarboxylisation, your desperate get-out claim when caught out, does not occur in anyone's idea of drying or curing.

Any other steaming piles of wisdom for us today?

Actually, just to requote what you failed to read the first time

"In fresh green plants, the cannabinoids are primarily present in carboxylic acid forms, which are changed into the corresponding neutral compounds by aging or heat (for example, burning or cooking)."


You have been PROVEN wrong.

Take your loss in grace this time.
Al has been able to back up his statements to my own satisfaction, and I am a pretty tough audience to play to.

Just sayin'.