Thanks Chunky. I do use silica and thought the airflow was good, but maybe I need to look at that. Will also look into Potassium Bicarb
But when you get it you just pull the affected leaves and carry on? Does it spread when you do this? I sprayed the entire plants but I've only seen the mildew on leaves. Does WPM grow on bud sites or just leaves?
Mostly leaves -- and buds have sugar leaves, so...

PM can't spread if you kill it with potassium bicarb.

Pretty sure it's really the higher ph that kills mold because I've heard diluted skim milk also works. I tried it once outdoors but didn't dilute it enough and it left a residue on the leaves that was harmless but still unattractive.
If it really is ph that kills PM, you could use liquid silica as a foliar. But definitely follow directions because too much potassium can have adverse effects. And never mix things like neem & liquid silica.
Some growers say it's better to just pull the plant because PM always comes back. They say it's "systemic".
It a way they are right, but it's a play on words. PM will come back because there's a problem in the "system", not because the plant is permanently infected.
Fix the system (environment) and you won't see it again. (It's a different ballgame outdoors

Weaker plants are more vulnerable.
Some growers fade the shit out of their plants at the end in an effort to minimize nitrogen in the finished product, but what it really does is weaken them and make plants work harder to move N from lower growth to the buds. (Nitrogen is mobile.)
When I grew in a tent I used a giant cut-off kiddie pool as a tray (about 4" deep) and put little fans on the floor in all four corners that stayed on 24/7.
Each fan was pointed at the next fan so the airflow was circular. This helps a lot.
I think most growers focus on the canopy but keeping good flow around the base is also important.