The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

MPs show support for Trudeau in dispute with Trump
Members of Parliament from across the Canadian political spectrum demonstrated support for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his trade dispute with Donald Trump by unanimously adopting an NDP motion against Trump's tariffs on aluminum and steel.
Good one Donald fucking with America's largest trading partner and biggest energy supplier.
What people need to keep in mind is that Russia is playing a new game when it comes to military aggression and intimidation. They are weaponizing corruption. This is an actual thing in international conflict gaming. The CIA has used it, so it isn't new.

Look at it this way. If you had $1B to invest in a new weopon system, what would it get you?

Maybe a new fighter or anti-aircraft design, but few actual working units. It wouldn't come close to a state of the art sub or aircraft carrier (russia only has one carrier, and it is so decrepit it had to be assisted at sea before it could get to syria). It certainly wouldn't get you anything you could consider a lasting or unbeatable system.

But if you take that $1B, and use it to corrupt institutions (like the GOP, NRA, and Evangelical bodies) and leaders, you could transform the battlefields without ever dusting off your boots. Enemies would yield unexpectedly, you could destroy alliances that oppose you and create chaos and disruption among your enemies. And it would be a deal.

A $1M here, a few hundred $K there, and sooner or later you have levers that are far more effective than missiles or ships or planes. Because when you use those assets, nobody fires back. It's your own side that is hurting you. Putin can just sit back and laugh.

And when you have tens of Billion$ to throw around, you can turn an awful lot of leaders. The GOP and it's love of greed was ripe for this. They have been totally infiltrated. Trump was an asset from the start. People like kelly and tillerson and flynn were already there as well.

This is all about the money. Ours becoming theirs. And nobody will stop it. Because MONEY.

Lifting sanctions is worth billions and billions to the oligarchs. What they spent to get this done is a fraction of the interest on the capital alone. They will keep doing it. They own our gatekeepers.
Fuck you! I din’t vote for trump and hope to see him in jail some day. Fuck that dude.

He made that comment to antagonize Sessions. He's just reacting to prevailing attitudes, it's not genius. "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." Leaving it to the states to decide would be simple and suits his thought process. Do you make your voting decision based on a single issue?
What people need to keep in mind is that Russia is playing a new game when it comes to military aggression and intimidation. They are weaponizing corruption. This is an actual thing in international conflict gaming. The CIA has used it, so it isn't new.

Look at it this way. If you had $1B to invest in a new weopon system, what would it get you?

Maybe a new fighter or anti-aircraft design, but few actual working units. It wouldn't come close to a state of the art sub or aircraft carrier (russia only has one carrier, and it is so decrepit it had to be assisted at sea before it could get to syria). It certainly wouldn't get you anything you could consider a lasting or unbeatable system.

But if you take that $1B, and use it to corrupt institutions (like the GOP, NRA, and Evangelical bodies) and leaders, you could transform the battlefields without ever dusting off your boots. Enemies would yield unexpectedly, you could destroy alliances that oppose you and create chaos and disruption among your enemies. And it would be a deal.

A $1M here, a few hundred $K there, and sooner or later you have levers that are far more effective than missiles or ships or planes. Because when you use those assets, nobody fires back. It's your own side that is hurting you. Putin can just sit back and laugh.

And when you have tens of Billion$ to throw around, you can turn an awful lot of leaders. The GOP and it's love of greed was ripe for this. They have been totally infiltrated. Trump was an asset from the start. People like kelly and tillerson and flynn were already there as well.

This is all about the money. Ours becoming theirs. And nobody will stop it. Because MONEY.

Lifting sanctions is worth billions and billions to the oligarchs. What they spent to get this done is a fraction of the interest on the capital alone. They will keep doing it. They own our gatekeepers.
I think ya hit the nail on the head, Vlad is the chief oligarch. Maybe somebody will realise how disastrous the "citizens united" decision was. When the country is for sale to anonymous "donors", the Russians might just buy it and it looks like they did. If the democrats manage to claw the country back for you, the first priority must be electoral reform and putting the money in politics on a tight leash with full public disclosure. Currently the country is ripe for the picking for anybody with the big bucks to throw around. Someone could buy ya and snuff ya one day, and that day might already be here.

Another priority might be unleashing your national security agencies on the cocksuckers with the mission of quietly wiping them from the face of the earth and taking their money whenever possible.
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I think ya hit the nail on the head, Vlad is the chief oligarch. Maybe somebody will realise how disastrous the "citizens united" decision was. When the country is for sale to anonymous "donors", the Russians might just buy it and it looks like they did. If the democrats manage to claw the country back for you, the first priority must be electoral reform and putting the money in politics on a tight leash with full public disclosure. Currently the country is ripe for the picking for anybody with the big bucks to throw around. Someone could buy ya and snuff ya one day, and that day might already be here.

Another priority might be unleashing your national security agencies on the cocksuckers with the mission of quietly wiping them from the face of the earth and taking their money whenever possible.

The russian equivelant of Plata O Plomo?

The russian equivelant of Plata O Plomo?
After this bullshit, only lead for those boys and ya take their silver whenever and wherever ya find it. I'd say cold war level sanctions on russia and cutting off their internet as much as possible from the west, let em get it through China. I'm sure someone has a few other ideas for helping them to achieve a stone age existence until the end of the century.

Guts are a prerequisite for public office and dealing with Putin takes some, Trump has no virtues and therefore no courage. The GOP leadership lacks a spine and therefore has no virtue, the base lacks brains as well as virtues.
"Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage".
:Maya Angelou
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vanity fair says michael cohen expects to be arrested any day. michael cohen says vanity fairs source is wrong.

who do you believe?
He wouldn't have a clue he was gonna be arrested, Mueller doesn't hand out notices. Even if Trump pardons the rat, Mueller and other prosecutors have a ton of paper, computers and cellphones with perhaps hundreds or even thousands of recorded conversations. Ya just know that's driving Trump nuts! If he pardons Cohen, but Cohen's evidence sinks him, that would be a bit too much for Donald to take, Cohen walking and Donald being the loser holding the bag...
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vanity fair says michael cohen expects to be arrested any day. michael cohen says vanity fairs source is wrong.

who do you believe?
Maybe Mueller is gonna dangle Cohen in front of Donald on a hook like the worm he is, come get it Donnie pardon time. Maybe Mueller will be so happy with the haul of shit he took out of Cohen's office and home that he'll give him a pass, just like he was cooperating. In a way he is cooperating, by being so stupid, sloppy, lazy and sleazy, remember he worked closely for a decade with Jared and Don Jr too. If they charge Cohen along with Russians as part of a conspiracy case, that would make pardons problematic to say the least. I'd say Cohen is the key to Trump, no testimony required, Mueller has the recordings and boxes of paper evidence. He also has Trump's tax returns and knows about every dime that passed through his hands for the last ten years, Mueller knows everything, including what Putin has on Trump and soon everybody else will know too.
Maybe Mueller is gonna dangle Cohen in front of Donald on a hook like the worm he is, come get it Donnie pardon time. Maybe Mueller will be so happy with the haul of shit he took out of Cohen's office and home that he'll give him a pass, just like he was cooperating. In a way he is cooperating, by being so stupid, sloppy, lazy and sleazy, remember he worked closely for a decade with Jared and Don Jr too. If they charge Cohen along with Russians as part of a conspiracy case, that would make pardons problematic to say the least. I'd say Cohen is the key to Trump, no testimony required, Mueller has the recordings and boxes of paper evidence. He also has Trump's tax returns and knows about every dime that passed through his hands for the last ten years, Mueller knows everything, including what Putin has on Trump and soon everybody else will know too.

i am more than convinced the trumptards will not care. and if they don't their representatives are not gonna stick their necks out.

just last night republitards nominated a racist in virginia.

times are changing in america and not for the better. i don't believe we will be able to solve this problem with elections or the courts.

america needs to take out the WHITE TRASH again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am more than convinced the trumptards will not care. and if they don't their representatives are not gonna stick their necks out.

just last night republitards nominated a racist in virginia.

times are changing in america and not for the better. i don't believe we will be able to solve this problem with elections or the courts.

america needs to take out the WHITE TRASH again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's the general election that they need to worry about, I told ya the GOP would be vomiting up unelectable candidates as the base is full of Trump loonies now and the moderates are gone. Societies can do a lot of things to protect themselves from this kind of foolishness, ya just need a government willing to institute them. Let's hope for a landslide in the midterms, Trump would already be a bad memory if your political system was functional, once the courts get a hold of him he's gone forever.

As for the trumptards, you are dealing with a cult of personality, evidence and reason won't help with them.
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I think that unless the doj suspects a suspect will flee, it's standard practice to give them notice before arrest. That way they can arrange legal representation and prepare people close to them.

So it is possibly justice gave him a heads up.