Ethos Seeds

ive got sweet insanity, insane in the membrane, member og, mandarin cookies, colorado chem and purple skittles that will be popped as soon as i move some stuff around.
ive got sweet insanity, insane in the membrane, member og, mandarin cookies, colorado chem and purple skittles that will be popped as soon as i move some stuff around.

I want to grow all the strains you just mentioned lol. Colorado Chem is my only "maaaaybe." Only because it looks like a super bushy plant.
Was just able to pick up 2 packs of the purple zkittlez on the shn restock. Going to be my first ethos strain hopefully they are fire
I tried running Ethos Mandarin Sunset and for me, they were straight garbage. Those that did make it to the surface soon dropped dead after that.
I've tried 3 different strains now from Seeds Here Now and none of them were worthy of keeping. Bummer too cause I spent over 200 bucks on 2 packs of seeds thinking I would "treat" myself to some high priced genetics thinking it would translate into some killer plants.
Worst seed purchases I ever made.
Sucks to hear. SHN is overpriced for sure. Personally I would have went with some trusted and proven strains if your mission was to buy something nice without having to worry about hermies or dud plants.
Maybe your soil mix was too dense and killed them off? I've had it happen before
Maybe your soil mix was too dense and killed them off? I've had it happen before

Well, I started out like I usually do, Foxfarm Light Warrior straight out of the bag except for a handful of Perlite.
As time went on and these were either dying off or they stunted badly, I decided to transplant them into regular Foxfarm Ocean Forrest and now it looks like those that survived are responding positively to it.
Finger crossed.
i recently got some citral flow bx1. and its by far the ugliest plant iv ever seen. out of 8 plants only 4 even made it. horrible germ rate and then they turn out like this? very disappointing. the most lanky ugly plant ever, and its super sensitive to nutrients.
I got some buds from a rec shop in Oregon and I think they must have had an Ethos run last year because they had citral flo, black fire x mandarin and I think another black fire or mandarin cross. I ended up getting seeds in all those buds and a bunch more like death star, arrowhead and a couple more I forgot.

Not sure if the seeds are from a male or from a hidden herm but I plan on popping them some day.
First off, I'd like to tell everyone to stop raving about Ethos......the word is spreading and it's getting harder to get seeds I want.

37 days now finished on the Zsweet Inzanity, 33 to go. You can find my grow here if you look under Journals. I really wanted to do Colin OG next and had to be VERY inventive........ and got lucky to get the last 4 packs probably available anywhere. Cost me my first born, but I also somehow got some Ethos freebies as a bonus- YEAH BABY!

So, next up coming is "Colin OG"- Grateful Dawg X The White X (Sour D X Flo)

Leans to the indica side, good to very good yielding and uniform plants, 25% THC, powerful and flavorable.

Any one grow banana hammock r1 fro ethos

Should get us a log or update here IMO. I liked BH look but went with Inzane in the membrane. I might get some GSC s1 and some Zsweet Inzanity. I was burned super hard by Dark Horse Genetics, don't know if I got lost in the mix or if they just lie to people but I got 500$ in seeds and only 2 were females but they still have very light herming. DHG said they would replace seeds (I believe it was the breeder I talked to) but they never sent anything and never replied when I asked about it. I'm a little scared to trust breeders haha.
I up
Should get us a log or update here IMO. I liked BH look but went with Inzane in the membrane. I might get some GSC s1 and some Zsweet Inzanity. I was burned super hard by Dark Horse Genetics, don't know if I got lost in the mix or if they just lie to people but I got 500$ in seeds and only 2 were females but they still have very light herming. DHG said they would replace seeds (I believe it was the breeder I talked to) but they never sent anything and never replied when I asked about it. I'm a little scared to trust breeders haha.
I up local a pick when I get home but so far they are doing good