Guy comes in complaining


Well-Known Member
that the Pro Mix bails he just bought are wet and he comes to the shop because we store it indoors and because its indoors he expects it to be dry...

Normally I don't talk about customers but its fucking morning and I still haven't have my Beaver Buzz Green Tea fix

Mr Blamo

Well-Known Member
I like buying my dirt dry.
Few years ago I bought some soil that was wet.
2 months later I had a invasion of big black ants.
It came from that bail. They made a nest in the bail.
Used sticky rat traps to get them all.
Plus a few cans of any killer.
So now if the dirt is wet inside the bag I don't buy it.


Well-Known Member
I like buying my dirt dry.
Few years ago I bought some soil that was wet.
2 months later I had a invasion of big black ants.
It came from that bail. They made a nest in the bail.
Used sticky rat traps to get them all.
Plus a few cans of any killer.
So now if the dirt is wet inside the bag I don't buy it.
LOL I`ll sell you dry dirt you`re just gonna pay $10 extra per bail for me storing it for 2 months to dry out.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with pro mix at all. I have used it for years. There is something very wrong with someone selling wet bales of it then being so fucking stunned they come online and bitch that a customer had a problem with their shitty business practices.
Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
Whats next you gonna try to tell use bales with holes in them are ok because you taped them up? lmao
Cheers :)
Yup sure will. got plenty of tuck tape for winter months. Best is the guys who want unfrozen bails mid winter just after I receive the skids which were stored outside and came from Alberta LOL


Well-Known Member
Yup sure will. got plenty of tuck tape for winter months. Best is the guys who want unfrozen bails mid winter just after I receive the skids which were stored outside and came from Alberta LOL
So because you get fucked by your suppliers it is ok for you to fuck your customers? Sweet baby jesus you seriously cant be this fucking dumb.
Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with pro mix at all. I have used it for years. There is something very wrong with someone selling wet bales of it then being so fucking stunned they come online and bitch that a customer had a problem with their shitty business practices.
Cheers :)
Tell you what you find me a source that sells 100% dry Pro Mix in BC and Ill buy it from them lol


Well-Known Member
Tell you what you find me a source that sells 100% dry Pro Mix in BC and Ill buy it from them lol
Tell you one better. How about you do your own fucking job and stop ripping people off. Bales that have the proper moisture content dont freeze. How the fuck are you so clueless about your own field of business?
Must be some top notch shop you are running......
Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
Tell you one better. How about you do your own fucking job and stop ripping people off. Bales that have the proper moisture content dont freeze. How the fuck are you so clueless about your own field of business?
Must be some top notch shop you are running......
Cheers :)
Hilarious, bet you'd complain that pro mix is dirty.


Well-Known Member
I've used ProMix for years. Mostly the HP. It's supposed to be wet to keep the MycoActive alive and well.

Not sopping wet but pretty damp. Freezes into a solid 107L block in my carport in the winter. :)

Garden places and hardware stores around here store it outside all winter too. Waiting for their new shipments so I can buy a fresh bale. Always look for ones that don't have any tears in the plastic where fungus gnats and the like can get in.

Most soils, peat etc you get have little holes in the bags for ventilation and the gnats get in damn near all of them.

Hope they sent you last year's bales @CannaReview so I get fresh ones soon here in sunny northern Alberta. :)

Actually I still have a bale and a half. Got the new one sealed up in a big garbage bag for extra protection. Should be thawed out soon. :D



Well-Known Member
WAHHH WAHHHH WAHHHHH "A customer who clearly knows WTF they are talking about complained about my shitty business" WAHHHH WAAHHHHHH
LMAO fucking loser hahaha


Well-Known Member
Tell you one better. How about you do your own fucking job and stop ripping people off. Bales that have the proper moisture content dont freeze. How the fuck are you so clueless about your own field of business?
Must be some top notch shop you are running......
Cheers :)
Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?

What a douche. Even if you knew what you were talking about you don't need to be such an a-hole about it.

If you're in such a shitty place in your life why don't you take it out on your wife or kick the cat like the rest of us?

Supposed to be a friendly place. bigbird.gif


Well-Known Member
Hope they sent you last year's bales @CannaReview so I get fresh ones soon here in sunny northern Alberta. :)

Actually just had to open a second skid for another guy and they were frozen on the side facing the inside of the skid lol Had a good laugh as its been 25-30C here for several days. During the summer they're pretty fresh as so many farms use it here and in farm season time I have to wait a day to get the shipment.

Last year I sold 5500 bails and in 2016 7000


Well-Known Member
Last year I sold 5500 bails and in 2016 7000
Been thinking of opening a hydro store around here. Boycotting the hydro store in Grande Prairie and the next one is way the hell down in Edmonton a 6 hour drive away. Shipping ain't cheap either so was happy when ProMix showed up here years back. Need something in the Peace River area so it's not so far to go.

I only use about a bale a year but might need two or three the way things are going now. Wanting to grow a bunch of different strains and DWC doesn't work so well with that so pots are the way I'm going for a while.

I used to pick up skids of potting soil from a big plant in the Fraser Valley when I ran my 5-ton for a courier company and it's wet and heavy fresh from the plant. If it's bone dry when you get it that's because it's likely old as hell.



Well-Known Member
Big difference between moist bales, like they are sent out, in order to keep beneficial s alive, and wet bales that freeze. Moist bales do not freeze solid. And quite honestly once he mentioned taping bales and selling them, he made it obvious he and his shop are nothing but complete slimy fucks.
Oh and its bales of soil you fucking tool, not bails hahaha
Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
Been thinking of opening a hydro store around here.
Depends if you know the market and if you know lots of growers locally that will keep on growing. Being where you are your profit margin will be better than the stores in BC or Calgary/Edmonton. If you were here BC coast don't expect to make more then 20-25% average profit margin these days. ATM BC cannabis market is fucked and getting worse. Your other problem will be access to wholesalers since most are on the BC coast and there's one in Calgary called Rambridge Wholesale. Some of the wholesalers have pretty high levels of min purchase when it come to getting free shipping so that could bring the cost of items up by quite a bit if you can't always meet the min order requirements. If you need anymore info let me know.