Hortilux Ceramic HPS - Total trash?


Well-Known Member
I just found out that hortilux makes a 600w ceramic HPS lamp.

Spectrum looks interesting, yet awful as so much energy is wasted past 700nm. Interesting because of the huuuuuge green spike, followed by no yellow, leading into massive reds


But then we get to the efficacy, as well as PPFD data from growershouse.

32,500 lumens from a 600w bulb = 54.16 lumens per watt

And the YPFD avg. from growershouse is 206 μmol/sec/m2 whereas the PPFD avg. from growershouse is 185 μmol/sec/m2.

What the fuck is this? Seems like the worst grow light on the market, and at 450$ it's not cheap. Am I missing something? Who would ever use this?
So apparently the LER is only 221.6 lumens/w, so the efficiency is right around 25%. Not as bad as you'd think looking at just the efficacy, but still awful.

And that doesnt mean anything as far as the PPFD is concerned...
That is the best flowering spectrum I have seen and There is a comparison thread in progress here somewhere showing better results than their super hps.

And it must penetrate like a de because Hortilux advises 3 feet above the canopy.
That is the best flowering spectrum I have seen and There is a comparison thread in progress here somewhere showing better results than their super hps.

And it must penetrate like a de because Hortilux advises 3 feet above the canopy.

It is a great spectrum for flowering with all the reds, greens, ir and UV. But there's way too much IR for me to want to use them for growing. Maybe a decent heater though lol.

Something like the 2200k amber citizen cobs have a much nicer bloom spectrum IMO


I saw that thread you are talking about, results look good but I am waaaaay more interested in the yield as that will paint a proper picture for the light's performance.

Interesting that they recommend 3 feet of height. Very interesting.

I am very curious to see a PPF output value for this light. PPFD is nice, but there isnt a given height. PPF will tell us how much usable light its actually outputting overall.
Elaborate to you? No thanks.

Your signature;

"HPS stands for High Pressure Shitstain

313w Samsung LT-F562B LED strip build

1.2 gram per watt blurple grow"

kind of explains where your mindset is and why you're just a troll.

I am genuinely curious. Not trying to troll here. I love DEHPS and CMH lights. I just think regular HPS is silly.

I just want to know why ceramic HPS is worth $450 a light with what appears to be such poor output+high heat when ceramic MH exists.

I can't find any good info on ceramic HPS, I cannot find any grows aside from 1 that doesnt have any yield numbers yet. since hortilux won't provide any PPF data, this is a guessing game.

As far as I can tell, a 600w HPS would have far higher PAR output than this 600w CHPS. Which probably means higher yields, too.
I am watching a Q&A from hortilux on their facebook right now. They are saying the amount of light energy in the 350-1100nm range of the 600w Ceramic HPS is the same as the light energy that a regular 600w HPS has in it's 350-1100nm range.

Ok, cool.

But they also say the energy in the actual PAR range is lower than a normal 600w hps....

Sadly plants don't use anything over about 730nm. So yeah......
Yes, but the guy running the CHPS is also running a hortilux super hps 600w side by side. So the difference in yields between the two tell the story.

And yes, yield is based off the light more than anything. A skilled grower using a 30w CFL is not gonna pull a higher yield than a rookie using 10000w of HPS.
Does your DE penetrate more then any other bulb? When you say penetrate do you mean like through leaves and massive foliage? I thought penetration was based on plant spacing/plant lay out vs ones said light?

I don’t have a de. I have low ceilings. I was just saying that the ceramic hps must be much more powerful than the super hps because of the height suggestion. More light more heat.
Light penetration is a factor of both how many light sources there are (be it an LED diode, the reflection point from a hood/wall, a bulb filament, etc) AND how powerful the/those light sources are.

Nfhiggs made a great illustration of why more light sources = better penetration, so I thought id make an illustration of why the intensity of a light source also = better penetration.

This model is assuming a perfect enviornment where the inverse square law applies. The lux values are just for reference.


Light penetration is a factor of both how many light sources there are (be it an LED diode, the reflection point from a hood/wall, a bulb filament, etc) AND how powerful the/those light sources are.

Nfhiggs made a great illustration of why more light sources = better penetration, so I thought id make an illustration of why the intensity of a light source also = better penetration.

This model is assuming a perfect enviornment where the inverse square law applies. The lux values are just for reference.



Thank you. That much better illustrates what I was akwardly saying.
$450 is for the whole hood, ballast and light setup. The bulb itself is $150 msrp. So it will probably go for $120 which is still a bit expensive IMO.
Agree that it looks like a garbage lamp, especially when compared to conventional and DE HPS.

Some people just want to chase spectrum and imo, that's usually done poorly too. (people avoid yellow for some reason)

HPS spectrum is good.

Yeah i cannot agree more.

Eye hortilux claims the ceramic HPS has 50%, yes 50 fuckin percent of the radiant output is in the IR range of 720nm to 1120nm. Then they justify it by saying PAR is useless, so it's fine.LOL

They might grow some excellent quality bud due to the PAR spectrum it does have, and the Ir might play some weird role too. But if 50% of the output is in the Ir range, i cant imagine yields are great at all