Random Jibber Jabber Thread

If you kill yourself you'll never be able to smoke meth again.

That's how you talk a tweeker out of killing himself.
Fuck man.
I read that post of his way early this morning. I had this tune in my head all day because of it!
Now I wanna fucking kill myself :-(
Fuck man.
I read that post of his way early this morning. I had this tune in my head all day because of it!
Now I wanna fucking kill myself :-(

The other day he was suicidal (last month maybe) I tried to reach out to him through a private message. I got frustrated and ended up talking shit to him instead. I'm not much help when it comes to these type of issues, I have no patience for it....

Don't let him ruin your day though. He just wants more meth and doesn't have any money. He must be running out of people willing to let him suck their dick for sac'$.
O of cause we still have humans working, just less of them which was the point of my post, and we always will but the job pool is shrinking and shrinking fast.
That's not necessarily a bad thing and we human's can just relax or party or travel. It will be left to what will become the working poor to look after our automated "stuff".
Really? Who is paying for that? What is the criteria for entrance in the group that just gets to play? Further, who are the "working poor", and why don't they get to play? With over 6 billion people, the free play group will be large. no?
Are you a mental health professional?
If not, how can you say people just need to "get their act together"?

Reminds me of the unhelpful advice I got while suffering from depression...
"You should get out and do something fun. No wonder you're depressed!" :dunce:
Exogenous vs endogenous depression, most folks have no clue about the difference.
Really? Who is paying for that? What is the criteria for entrance in the group that just gets to play? Further, who are the "working poor", and why don't they get to play? With over 6 billion people, the free play group will be large. no?
Tax's like what pays for unemployment benefits and pensions today.
If you own your own home you can live on unemployment benefits today in Australia. (The current Newstart Allowance is set at $489.70 per fortnight for a single adult with no children. If you’re single with dependent children you will receive $529.80 per fortnight and if you’re partnered you will each receive $442 per fortnight.) and many, many do.
Those who can afford to.
Working poor are the same working poor as today- Those that made poor choices or have simply been unlucky. With more people wanting less jobs wages will be low.
Yes it will. There will be money to be made on keeping them entertained. When I semi retired my spending increased. Why? I have more time on my hands.

We are already seeing full time jobs being replaced by part time jobs. We are seeing talk and discussion on the working week dropping from 38hrs a week to 36hrs and there was some discussion here about dropping it to 30hrs. Reason was lots of people would then choose to have in effect a long weekend every weekend and allow a part time job searcher more income. Win/Win. There has been talk (and an experiment in Norway I believe? forgive me I got the country wrong) around the world on a Universal wage. I expect more talk on this in the future. Would probably come into everyday use in more Socially aware countries before America id suspect. But then maybe not, after seeing the swing from the war on drugs to legalizing rec use of cannabis in a relatively short time frame....
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Tax's like what pays for unemployment benefits and pensions today.
If you own your own home you can live on unemployment benefits today in Australia. (The current Newstart Allowance is set at $489.70 per fortnight for a single adult with no children. If you’re single with dependent children you will receive $529.80 per fortnight and if you’re partnered you will each receive $442 per fortnight.) and many, many do.
Those who can afford to.
Working poor are the same working poor as today- Those that made poor choices or have simply been unlucky. With more people wanting less jobs wages will be low.
Yes it will. There will be money to be made on keeping them entertained. When I semi retired my spending increased. Why? I have more time on my hands.

We are already seeing full time jobs being replaced by part time jobs. We are seeing talk and discussion on the working week dropping from 38hrs a week to 36hrs and there was some discussion here about dropping it to 30hrs. Reason was lots of people would then choose to have in effect a long weekend every weekend and allow a part time job searcher more income. Win/Win. There has been talk (and an experiment in Norway I believe? forgive me I got the country wrong) around the world on a Universal wage. I expect more talk on this in the future. Would probably come into everyday use in more Socially aware countries before America id suspect. But then maybe not, after seeing the swing from the war on drugs to legalizing rec use of cannabis in a relatively short time frame....

The greens want to legalise but there never gonna get more than 10-30% votes best case scenario there’s too many “not in my community” old farts for whatever reason absolutely hate cannabis and not only that they don’t want others to have access to it either, it just makes me angry as fuck that the government still sends people to jail daily for growing/using a plant.. Australia has some pretty draconian drug laws , especially WA the limit that makes you a dealer is 10 grams , yep 10 grams.. I have literally smoked 10 grams in 2 days before and I know people who could smoke 10 grams in one day , if your caught with more than 5 plants you are in for a bad time .. as the max sentence goes up from 2 years .. oh and to top it off our current pm has an investment in the pharmaceutical companies that create synthetic cannabinoids, (concerning)
The greens want to legalise but there never gonna get more than 10-30% votes best case scenario there’s too many “not in my community” old farts for whatever reason absolutely hate cannabis and not only that they don’t want others to have access to it either, it just makes me angry as fuck that the government still sends people to jail daily for growing/using a plant.. Australia has some pretty draconian drug laws , especially WA the limit that makes you a dealer is 10 grams , yep 10 grams.. I have literally smoked 10 grams in 2 days before and I know people who could smoke 10 grams in one day , if your caught with more than 5 plants you are in for a bad time .. as the max sentence goes up from 2 years .. oh and to top it off our current pm has an investment in the pharmaceutical companies that create synthetic cannabinoids, (concerning)
Cannabis laws on my little island are not that bad thank god. Ive heard WA has the toughest in the country.
Agree with you on the Greens idea not getting up
I thought u couldent be in pollaticts or a pm if u had investments cuse we all now he gunna use it 2 hes personel gain
I don’t know if it’s true but I’ve heard it more than a few times , the elite can do what they like , we are tricked into thinking we have a choice when we vote but both majority parties are whack
ye take what u can and give nothing back thats what i say i mean its like thats what the elite do so fuck it then thay trick uss and all that shit fuck em all sucks cuse its kinda unastralian we should all be cool 2 one another
i do trynna quit tobbacco atm and im abstaining from weed a week in if i had weed good enough 2 smome straight id be weet cuse i dont crave cigs when im stoned any more