Fun facts

oh weird and freaky facts

1 goats have square iris
2 most of the ppl u know have thought about killing u at one time or another while knowing u (look at yourself with other ppl u know )
3 in china 80% of the ladies thought or have had sex with animal
4 every day u brush your teeth with the tooth brush left in bath room u are brushing with SHIT on it
5 in the avg household there are enough chemicals to make a boom (as for that they are and ratio not telling)
6 given the current rate of medical advances and over all ppl having kids is doom unless something major comes along to change the rate of ppl dying and giving birth or a massive influx of new lands/materials .......give it 80 to 140 years before madmax times unless some major war or virus comes along and takes out 1/3 of the planet .........( check the number for yourself the most horrible thing i figured out now u all know .......math does not lie)