opinions on chem gro 4-20-39 and other CHEAP DRY NUTES

What exactly is 'meniscus membrane' NFT and how does it differ from the usual variety?

It basicaly a really wide nft system (mine will be 2.5 - 3 ft x 6)
Where you form a "meniscus" film in the bottom
Using a batting as a wick material to help form the film of water

If you dont use the batting the water will just flow down hill in the path of least resistance.

The batting uses waters surface tension to hold it in a few mm thick film.

Where your roots can lay down a base of wet feeder roots and being surrounded in a dark moist chamber
It uses a very little amount of water.

Originally developed in Australia to grow food where the water is limited and so is the power.

So it can be fed from a raised barrel and not use power :)

Its also basicaly media less besides the batting and what ever you start you cutting in ill be trying to go bare root so i have to buy nothing except more batting :) no root rot do to high air volume.

Panda covers the root chamber
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what kind of batting do you plan on using for the membrane? cotton? i imagine it'd be better to use something inorganic to prevent rotting..
Im currently (well half ass lol) testing a nylon i think it just cheap batting about 1/8th to 1/4 inch thick

It seemed hydrophbic the first few time i tried
I thought fuck i need to find somthing eles
But after a few waterings it soaks up like a sponge ...so i may run the full size version through a wash cycle first :)

That system is stupid simple thas why i want to try it.

The one that im racking my brain on is how toake a seed running table that i can constantly pull out of the system roots and all.

But i want it to be media LESS just a net cup or collar preferd basically a containorized hydro setup that is fed from one res but made of individual cells if that makes sense its late lol
Only thing i've found regarding this system:

looks promising as i was expecting the usual lettuce grow but nope, this guy grew heirloom tomatoes.. and quite a lot of them too...
as a rule of thumb if you can grow full size tomatoes you can grow weed.
Boom your a smart one :)

Look up how major ag grows tomatoes......none use rdwc lol mostly drip feed in rockwool or other methods :)
The mini test system i built is preforming admirably so far but i have really gave it much care just a proof of concept (to my self)
i was actually looking for videos showing this nft method in action but couldnt find any... got a link?
I had a vid link but look up flood and drain the easy way :)
(Even though its a hybrid of flood and drain
Im almost positive he got the idea from the meniscus setup
Wow you tube deleted some GREAT VIDS!

User grow pot cheap all vids are gone! "4inches is all she needs to explode"

User grow your own "flood and drain the easy way"

These where good vids (for the most part)
I should have made coopies while i could
Boom your a smart one :)

Look up how major ag grows tomatoes......none use rdwc lol mostly drip feed in rockwool or other methods :)

heh ever since i posted that i've been non stop researching to find more info about this, apparently Andrew Parker the inventor of the membrane meniscus system had a website entirely dedicated to the system called http://www.membranemeniscusmethod.com, this site has unfortunately shut down in 2017 and all that remain is its waybackmachine snapshot:

this site offered a free download of Andrew's e-book "the new hydroponics" which is now unavailable as a result, from there i've found a blob post from a guy attempting to grow some leafy greens in this system but the blog is from 2016 and there are no updates since, also a bunch of comments asking him to send them a copy of the pdf if he has it.

did find the video of Andrew's tomato grow on the Hydroponic gardening society of victoria facebook page where he was a member:

need to get my hands on that ebook :fire:
Look in the journal section for three differnt hydro system on one pump.

Me and the op discuss what we knew and i think he found that book ;)
How so? It looked effective.
Just cause i always make my systems my own.

I rarely copy others work to a t .
but find ways to make it mine :)

Theres a few tweaks i got in mind .
But as said my head is wrapped on my seed tables atm .

But i have about 2 or 3 differnt versions of the meniscus designs thought up ;)
Just cause i always make my systems my own.

I rarely copy others work to a t .
but find ways to make it mine :)

Theres a few tweaks i got in mind .
But as said my head is wrapped on my seed tables atm .

But i have about 2 or 3 differnt versions of the meniscus designs thought up ;)
Maybe a new thread is in order. I'm interested.
My rdwc for example i havent seen anyone make one like it (yet) .

I even got into an argument with Heisengrow about it cause he didnt belive it was rdwc lol
He and i eventually saw eye to eye after i did some splainin :)