In House Genetics Thread

The guy just copied and pasted from some other hard on for trump site. It’s not like he was making reasonable points, just regurgitating information he copied from somewhere else. Plus, when you say something like the trump tax break and repealing Obamacare are good things, you’re beyond hope. The tax cut serves to help primarily the wealthy, which many studies have shown does nothing to create jobs or spread wealth. Trump himself mentioned this when he told all his rich friends that they owe him because he made them all that much richer. This country’s health care system is beyond fucked. Millions die every year because they have inadequate access to health care. Even those lucky enough to have health insurance end up paying exorbitant prices because there’s so little oversight of the health care system, and the costs of treating uninsured individuals gets passed on to everyone else. The guy’s a fucking moron that has bought in to alt-right propaganda. There’s no point in attempting a reasonable discussion with someone that far gone. Additionally, this is a thread about growing and smoking weed.

Does this site even have mods?

You do realize you are currently responding to someone who is even further gone than hybridcheef?
The <Ignore> button is the bomb and I love seeing the “You have ignored content” reminder. Highly recommended. I never used to use it but Now I’ve got like a dozen posters ignored and it’s sweet. Really allows me to Taylor my RIU experience away from trolls and bullshit. bongsmilie
Millions die every year because they have inadequate access to health care. Even those lucky enough to have health insurance end up paying exorbitant prices because ........the costs of treating uninsured individuals gets passed on to everyone else.

Wait....which is it? Are they dying because they have inadequate access, or are they being treated and the costs passed on?

The guy just copied and pasted from some other hard on for trump site. It’s not like he was making reasonable points, just regurgitating information he copied from somewhere else.

Lots of folks repeat and pass on info. Looks like you've done a decent job yourself, as surely your points did not originate w/ you.

The tax cut serves to help primarily the wealthy, which many studies have shown does nothing to create jobs or spread wealth.

And yet unemployment is historically down, particularly in ethnic and minority segments, and the economy is thriving.

The guy’s a fucking moron that has bought in to alt-right propaganda. There’s no point in attempting a reasonable discussion with someone that far gone.

Was that necessary? Your post was a reasonable rebuttal, though not sourced, presented in a reasonable manner. Why isn't that enough w/o the obligatory perjorative?

You seem to be a decent cat, Jay. I'm presenting you with a responding point of view, but certainly not a personal attack. No one will ever change someone's passionately held beliefs on a weed site. But it's a weed site. So why can't civility have a prominent place among people, especially those that share a love of kine buds?


IHG animal pie
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Aww, watching poor people argue politics can be entertaining but at the same time depressing.

Meanwhile, Trump and Obama sitting back smoking cigars laughing at all of us while they throw piles of tax payers money on the fire in the fireplace.
You do realize you are currently responding to someone who is even further gone than hybridcheef?
both Amos & Hybridcheef are on the same sad playing field because...Hybridcheef is...Amos Otis's sock puppet :shock::shock::shock:, now knowing you're a die hard christian as well Amos...i hope your not going to lie about this...pardon the pun 'Revelation'
both Amos & Hybridcheef are on the same sad playing field because...Hybridcheef is...Amos Otis's sock puppet :shock::shock::shock:, now knowing you're a die hard christian as well Amos...i hope your not going to lie about this...pardon the pun 'Revelation'

You should report that to a mod. Hit the 'Report' tab.
The guy just copied and pasted from some other hard on for trump site. It’s not like he was making reasonable points, just regurgitating information he copied from somewhere else. Plus, when you say something like the trump tax break and repealing Obamacare are good things, you’re beyond hope. The tax cut serves to help primarily the wealthy, which many studies have shown does nothing to create jobs or spread wealth. Trump himself mentioned this when he told all his rich friends that they owe him because he made them all that much richer. This country’s health care system is beyond fucked. Millions die every year because they have inadequate access to health care. Even those lucky enough to have health insurance end up paying exorbitant prices because there’s so little oversight of the health care system, and the costs of treating uninsured individuals gets passed on to everyone else. The guy’s a fucking moron that has bought in to alt-right propaganda. There’s no point in attempting a reasonable discussion with someone that far gone. Additionally, this is a thread about growing and smoking weed.

Does this site even have mods?

your a F ing communist. so you think your points are valid? and im alt right because i say i love trump and my country? dumb ass's like you always play shit down when infact you have no fucking clue about shit. our health insurance is alot better then most and the only reason its so god dam expensive is because of your boy obama and his obama fuckeveryonecare not to mention he spent more money then all other presidents combined, fucking us in debt. and you must be watching cnn alot with your point about the tax cuts, its like no matter what you always have something negative to say, IT WAS A TAX CUT. More then you democrates and leftist would do for us, you guys wanted to raise the taxes even higher! It helped everyone. plain and simple. i defiantly noticed on my paychecks the extra money. so if you didnt your just full of shit. And one other thing, whats your rebuttal on all the regulation cuts that saved us 8 billion dollars and counting?

and instead of actually posting a real rebuttle to the points i listed you just call them alt right? sounds like a group of people i know.

I bet you look like the guy in the first video talking about Mussolini

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The <Ignore> button is the bomb and I love seeing the “You have ignored content” reminder. Highly recommended. I never used to use it but Now I’ve got like a dozen posters ignored and it’s sweet. Really allows me to Taylor my RIU experience away from trolls and bullshit. bongsmilie

so you like living in a bubble? and surrounding your self with stuff that doesnt offend you? do you need a safe space? I didnt know peoples opinions and beliefs could be so offensive to you.
what happened to free speech without people shunning you?

I bet your secretly the guy in this video being offended huh?

The unemployment rate for black Americans is currently 6.8 percent, the lowest level recorded since the government started keeping track in January 1972.

the Hispanic unemployment rate is down a point over the last year — it was at 4.9 percent in December, down from 5.9 percent in December 2016.That is close to a record low, though it's also up 0.1 point from November.

see these are what you call facts. there is no debating them and calling them alt right. this is realty and there is no changing it. so suck a fat one. this is one of many things hes done.

the only type of people that try to argue with this are people from vox. are you a reader of vox? if you are you can just let me know now and ill concede to you, you are of a higher intelligence then me and ill never amount to the readers of vox.
Wait a fucking minute! You’re saying this die hard trump supporter, Jim Jones juice drinking motherfucker cheef is Amos?

i wouldnt call my self a die hard trump supporter. just stating when he actually does something right unlike you people who no matter what, good or bad, always make it bad and seem worse then it really is. if the man does something wrong and bad for the country you better believe ill be scrutinizing him too but i wont be over exaggerating the bad like you and never recognizing the good.

and on the other topic. who the fuck is amos?? can you guys seriously not handle more then 1 person with my view? it puts your panties in a twist that bad? so you try to act like 3 different people are the same person? are you serious dude? we won the election. there are 60 million others just like me. wtf is wrong with you.
I think your playing down the amount of actual people that have my view. you do remember the election right? we won.
With all your whining, even those who might have shared your view, find a church or bridge group or head to the politics sub to cry in please.