Crazy high temps for 8 hours. Pull and start over?


Active Member
My new crop is about 2 weeks old and doing great. I'm starting off this time in a completely redesigned grow room. 6 plants, 3 250watt HPS, fox farms, etc, etc.

All conditions are perfect except for ventilation. I'm using open hoods on all three lights, so it gets HOT in there. I searched craigslist and found a 12,000 BTU portable A/C unit. I rigged it up, piped the exhaust outside, and everything was great. Had no problem controlling the heat.

Well this morning I woke up to a 115 degree closet. During the night the exhaust hose had detached from the register on the wall. So instead of cooling the closet, the A/C was heating it up.

I'm not exactly sure at what point in the night it detached, but some of my plants have severe heat stress. Trashed leaves on almost all of them, and one looks like it might not even make it.

So here is the question - throw 2+ weeks of work out the window and start over, or pull em and start fresh?
Here you go. Sorry about the quality


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