Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

That reallt stinks buddy... I hope u get more rainfall throughout the yr then.... Im headed into the woods now to clear off a patch in a thicket iv already started on.. Its almost 50 already this morning and is supposed to be 65 70 today... We were supposed to get rain last night but we didnt.. And its actually supposed to be raining right meow.. But its not.. Im kinda glad it isnt... Rain later, cause im working inside later today lol
Correction it did rain last night. But not very much. I'm taking a fishing pole with me because there's a stream that I fish that flows right beside the thicket. I was going to use fishing as a cover, but I'll probably end up casting line anyhow LOL I can't help it.
Damn it!.. I was a little slow on the draw or I would have had a picture for you. I've already counted 78 whitetails this morning. I don't know if they're out enjoying the Spring weather or what but man they are out today
Had to fish one little hole i always have luck at.. These natives look more like bait lol... But this is the best size to eat.. I tossed em back though
no need to zoom c them flags a mile away lol any snorting?
Yea i figured u would be able to see em.. And tbh no.. None snorted on me today.. I grunted at a couple and they stopped though
pretty brookie there,looks to be native
Yea they are native brookes.. A lot of ppl dont know what im talking about when i say natives... Man those are my fav fish to eat hands down... I caught 3..all small like that one... But in this very stream iv caught my biggest one.. It was 15 in.. Last year actually. Ppl claim to catch them 18 20 in but those are the ppl that always miss da 30 point buck lol... Iv caught 1000s of them honestly.. And outa those iv only caught maybe 20 over 13 in... Plenty 10 in plus.. Iv actually caught ones a lil smaller than that one and a bigger one try to swallow it as i brought it in and caught it.... Veerrry aggressive fish. So fun to catch
Cold front came through early Wednesday morning. Got some hard rain and wind right when it passed. Then an occasional shower the rest of the day. Mild day yesterday. I camped every night this week, and hiked when I could. Still have a house full of the wife's cousins.

After saying I was through with mornings in the low 40's, this morning it was 43F inside my tent. It did warm up though. At 1450 it's sunny, 72F with 29% humidity. Forecast high/low of 73/50F with no chance of rain. 10 day high/low of 84/47F with three days of possible rain.
38°f and sunny today.. got down to 0° last night.. my car is buried in the driveway thanks to my lovely woman.. lol.. so I get to dig some more and push... And I'm out of smoke at the moment... Yay me..
Damn man. I saw your snow picture in the garden thread. You are getting hammered. Hope you at least get some smoke. No good to hope on weather. It's going to do what it damn well wants.