• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Totally healthy, can I still obtain a medical card?


Well-Known Member
Here's how you obtain a card if you're perfectly healthy and you want to do it legitimately: cause yourself to have a legitimate condition...you know, break a spine or something that will leave you with a permanent disability causing a health problem that would be a recommendable condition in your state. See? Easy! :lol: ;-)



Well-Known Member
If growing what you want to do, then you DO NOT have to be a patient to do so, you could be a caregiver for a patient. If you are healthy and know someone that is a patient, you could grow for that patient as a caregiver, your biggest problem with this is that as a caregiver you can legally (under State law) grow and posses on behalf of the patient but you can't partake in the fruits of your labor.

You say 'it's not going to change' but it already has! Politicians are starting to pay attention and opening up to 'possibilities' rather than just shutting the idea down. Just look at how politicians are starting to answer questions about their MJ use, it has gone from denials or 'I didn't inhale' to answers of 'I did it in college', 'yes I inhaled that was the point', 'yes, I tried it, but I didn't like it', or 'yes when I was young I experimented' ect.

All of this has happened because a group of sick patients (some/majority were probably stoners to begin with and yes illegally partaking) that found the medicinal qualities worked for there symptoms and decided to create a state law and was able to get it passed. Rather than continue to 'beat the system' one person decided to change the system. Not all of us are willing or able to go to such extremes, but, you could do a few things:

1) register to vote
2) find out what candidates are pro MJ
3) actually vote
4) read the law, it is written in very simple language and fairly easy to understand and there is plenty of info online that can hep with interpretations.
5) call and write legislators, show them that ONE more supporter of MJ will either vote 'for or against' them. Most of these guys are afraid to support these laws because they think their constituents will view them as soft on drugs and not vote for them, if they get more calls (one call to them is the equivalent voice of 1000 voters or something close to that, so calls do count) these calls help open them up to the possibility that they won't get voter backlash for supporting these bills and laws and possibly even backlash for NOT supporting these bills and laws.

Look, a very large portion of MJ users are late teens or in their early 20's. Politicians pay attention to voters and they typically believe these 'kids' don't vote so why pay attention to their wants and needs. Older people vote and get involved in politics and now that the hippie baby booming generation is coming of age these are the voters that they are listening to, if younger people started chiming in also and becoming known as a voting part of the system, then MAYBE things could change faster. Look the OLD FOLKS are creating laws that affect YOUNG FOLKS, the OLD FOLKS aren't going to be around long enough to always be affected by these laws the way YOUNG FOLKS are, so the youth needs to speak up. You always hear 'we have to protect our YOUTH' right?

So, do you vote? If you say no, then you are only screwing yourself and putting yourself at more risk of incarceration and justifying the politicians status quo of believing they can do what they want and the apathy of the public will let them get away with it.


Well-Known Member
:sleep:Yeah man this guy knows what he's talking about, doesn't even know it's called a stethascope. Idiots giving idiots advise, can't get any funnier than that shit. HAHAHA:bigjoint:
haha how about you stop talkin shit :finger: cause you kno damn well you wouldnt say a word to me in real life:lol::roll:, dont be mad cause im giving out information, thats how it is, im tired of all these stupid ass people acting like there some kind of perfect person, wether you like it or not Marijuana is illegal under the federal govenment, yea it does save peoples lives but MMj wouldnt stand a chance if only the people who needed it got there cards, so unless you have your card and grow for people you can shut the hell up hahahaha


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1411683]haha how about you stop talkin shit :finger: cause you kno damn well you wouldnt say a word to me in real life:lol::roll:, dont be mad cause im giving out information, thats how it is, im tired of all these stupid ass people acting like there some kind of perfect person, wether you like it or not Marijuana is illegal under the federal govenment, yea it does save peoples lives but MMj wouldnt stand a chance if only the people who needed it got there cards, so unless you have your card and grow for people you can shut the hell up hahahaha[/quote]
I am legal and I do grow for others so why don't you go back to school and pick up where you left off, basic grammar skills. Also I'm not mad, if the blind want to lead the blind how far do you expect to get? You can give out as much info as you want but if this guy is healthy he's not going to be given a "card" as you call it. Do you have a rec. from one of these supposed clinics that give them away like candy? I'd like to see that, if you have one.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Here's how you obtain a card if you're perfectly healthy and you want to do it legitimately: cause yourself to have a legitimate condition...you know, break a spine or something that will leave you with a permanent disability causing a health problem that would be a recommendable condition in your state. See? Easy! :lol: ;-)

Thank you, I couldn't have put it better myself. I have a spinal injury which left me with a permanent disability.+rep for you my friend!


Well-Known Member
lol your a dumb ass, anyone can get there medical card, wtf does me going to school have to do with anything, jus cause i dont use proper grammer? hahaha you serously need to get a life, and stop tring correct people online hahahahaha, every single person i kno who has there card is perfectly healthy, i can get the doctors information from my friend, its 140 for a year, idk how you live in Cali and dont kno that its as eazy as calling up and making a consultation, you go in, sign a fat ass form, the doctor give you a basic check up, and you leave with your card, eez as that, you needa get over your self hahaha


Well-Known Member
The problem is, you're NOT doing it legitimately if you are lying about your health in order to convince a doctor to write you a recommend. It's only legal if you LEGITIMATELY have an illness for which medical cannabis will help and which is listed on your states law as a recommendable condition.

I understand where you're coming from, but you aren't doing any of the legal medical cannabis users a favor by your actions. Posting stuff like this and actually obtaining a card illegally is hurting us legitimate patients.
That's right, props for the real patients.+rep for you too my friend.:clap:


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1411927]lol your a dumb ass, anyone can get there medical card, wtf does me going to school have to do with anything, jus cause i dont use proper grammer? hahaha you serously need to get a life, and stop tring correct people online hahahahaha, every single person i kno who has there card is perfectly healthy, i can get the doctors information from my friend, its 140 for a year, idk how you live in Cali and dont kno that its as eazy as calling up and making a consultation, you go in, sign a fat ass form, the doctor give you a basic check up, and you leave with your card, eez as that, you needa get over your self hahaha[/quote]
BAD GRAMMAR OVERLOAD!HAHAHA:-P Okay lets see you get your rec...., for something like, ummmm maybe stupidity, yeah I'm sure they can work something out for you. What part of "you need to be diagnosed with an injury or illness" don't you understand, I'm sure all of your little friends have told you some story like that lame ass one. But have you ever been? If it's so easy why don't you go get one and let everyone see it on RIU. A doctor will not diagnose you as a first time patient with no previous medical records and give you a rec. Let's see you do it. I might even give you something if you do get it....DEEEEEEZZZZZZ NUUUUUUUUTS!!!!ON YO MOUTH!!!!!


Well-Known Member
im getting mine when he re news his, i dont drive so why would i get one when he has his? i dont need prove shit haha cause im going to the club today, again if you guys reall want the dotcor pm and i'll get it for you but im done, this fool is disabled and retarted,


Well-Known Member
SICC";1412444][URL="http://www.weedtracker.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=1048 said:
21521 S*******, CP, Ca. im getting mine when he re news his, i dont drive so why would i get one when he has his? i dont need prove shit haha cause im going to the club today, again if you guys reall want the dotcor pm and i'll get it for you but im done, this fool is disabled and retarted,

You do understand that this IS a PUBLIC forum? You have now just given any person that has a chip on thier shoulder (and you CANT tell me they are not on this board, they may not post but they are here) the name and address of someone that is either issuing or promoting fraud within the MMJ community, this is illegal and just giving more ammo to those that want to shut down facilities and now that the State is back in the game and ACTIVELY LOOKING to raid and bust those NOT in compliance with state law for any reasons...:roll:

As unlikely as this post is to get LEO attention, do you want your 'hook-up' safe or are you of the opinion that as long as you get yours who cares what happens to those that helped you get yours?

I hope if you don't edit the info for their protection and the safety of this person/company or I hope an Admin will.... come on people, common sense


I'm pretty sure it actually is that easy, a bunch of my friends have their card and all of them are pefectly healthy, money talks in this world, that's all the doctors really care about, just like anyone else, if you have enough of it and all they have to do to get it is sign a piece of paper, do you really think they're NOT going to sign it because a law nobody agrees with is in place? Get real. It would be like if one of us were the doctor, I bet more than half of them smoke themselves.

I really doubt DEA or any other agency is monitoring this website, but if you feel they are and are afraid of any type of reprocussions, tell one of the mods to delete this post, as none of the questions I posted have gotten much of a reply, instead this debate wether healthy people have as much right as disabled people to smoke a naturally growing substance has started ...

As to the change in Washington, YOU ARE DREAMING MAN! At this pace, it will take 50 more years for ANYTHING to change. FUCK waiting that long, calling my senators and congressmen when making marijuana legal is probably the farthest fuckin' thing on their mind. Did you happen to see Romney's response to a medical patient in a wheelchair's pleas to make it legal so he doesn't have to suffer enormous amounts of pain (during the primaries)? The dude just walked away from him, TOTALLY DISRESPECTFUL, that's what you get, these assholes have the mindset that "OMG it's a drug!@!!@" Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES, not even if your dying, not even if you have cancer, not even if it's the only thing that can help you eat a bite of food, do people like that give a fuck. What the hell makes you think they'll make it any different for the ones who aren't in those positions yet? Because we have a vote? PSH! Again, wake the fuck up and do a google search on DIEBOLD, then come back and tell me how important your vote is.

The only real politician I have EVER seen with a different opinion about legalizing marijuana was Ron Paul, and we all saw how far he got didn't we...

Fuck this system.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it actually is that easy, a bunch of my friends have their card and all of them are pefectly healthy, money talks in this world, that's all the doctors really care about, just like anyone else, if you have enough of it and all they have to do to get it is sign a piece of paper, do you really think they're NOT going to sign it because a law nobody agrees with is in place? Get real. It would be like if one of us were the doctor, I bet more than half of them smoke themselves.

I really doubt DEA or any other agency is monitoring this website, but if you feel they are and are afraid of any type of reprocussions, tell one of the mods to delete this post, as none of the questions I posted have gotten much of a reply, instead this debate wether healthy people have as much right as disabled people to smoke a naturally growing substance has started ...

As to the change in Washington, YOU ARE DREAMING MAN! At this pace, it will take 50 more years for ANYTHING to change. FUCK waiting that long, calling my senators and congressmen when making marijuana legal is probably the farthest fuckin' thing on their mind. Did you happen to see Romney's response to a medical patient in a wheelchair's pleas to make it legal so he doesn't have to suffer enormous amounts of pain (during the primaries)? The dude just walked away from him, TOTALLY DISRESPECTFUL, that's what you get, these assholes have the mindset that "OMG it's a drug!@!!@" Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES, not even if your dying, not even if you have cancer, not even if it's the only thing that can help you eat a bite of food, do people like that give a fuck. What the hell makes you think they'll make it any different for the ones who aren't in those positions yet? Because we have a vote? PSH! Again, wake the fuck up and do a google search on DIEBOLD, then come back and tell me how important your vote is.

The only real politician I have EVER seen with a different opinion about legalizing marijuana was Ron Paul, and we all saw how far he got didn't we...

Fuck this system.
TY :clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Nice, You guys have the balls to neg rep me. Why can't ya sign it. Neg rep for trying to promote Medical Marijuana? Twisted????


Well-Known Member
Next time I'm in San Diego, you'll have to meet me @ the beach with the coaster and well smoke out!


Well-Known Member
805? Thought san diegos area code was 805, shit, that's a freeway down there lol
Well in that case, meet ya @ the fairgounds....lol

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Wow, I have only read a few posts so far but I love how the "Medical" users feel they are so far superior to anyone using for recreational purposes. Nice guys. You think it's OK for you because you have some trumped up illnesses, but Heaven forbid if someone just wants to relax and get high.