Club 600

Hey guys, lil breeding project just finishing up. Bunch of old timers testing them on Overgrow. Will be dropping them very soon at The Danky Bank @theDankyBank on instagram.

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Hehe excuse the bird, that was to a friend I sent these to.

Anyway, lots of fun dank stuff coming out that I can’t be more excited about

Here’s a list of some of the crosses being made. Not all are listed atm but y’all get the idea... thanks for checking em out!

Tagalong: GSC thin mint cut x Sakura

Sassaby: Fainting Goat x Durban Punch

Dorayaki: Banana Kush x Sakura

Icculus: Banana Kush x Bruce/Apollo11

Lengthwise: Afkansastan x (Katsu Bubba Kush x Wookie)

Kung: Durban Punch x Sakura

Cerasus: Murkle x (Katsu Bubba Kush x Wookie)


(Bruce Banner 3 x Apollo11Genius-f3)F2s

NL5 1989 Ortega x Durban Punch

GSC forum cut x Durban Punch (DP from tropical seeds)

Fainting Goat x BruceBanner3/Apollo11f3genius

Cherry Lime Haze x Bruce Banner3 / Apollo11f3genius

Jäger 1 x Sakura

Jäger 2 x Sakura

@whodatnation check em out brother!
Nursing a fallen soldier. This wee one started life really good and all of a sudden went sick on me. I left it and neglected it and it starting growing life again, but the stem was very brown and sickly, so I buried the petiole and I'm pretty certain roots have taken there now, and as you can see, the old stem is greening up. I love this craft!

That said, I think I've figured out what is causing all my problems as of late and would like some feedback from you guys. I recently purchased, after all these years, my first PH pen. I checked the PH of some tap water I filled into a 5 gallon container and had sitting for a couple of days and I'm getting just above 8. Recently we had a warm spell that melted a whole lot of snow really fast, causing lots of flooding. I think that it's at times like this that the city may be treating our water pretty heavy when this sort of thing happens. There's a noticeable increase in the smell of chlorine but I'm guessing maybe more than just that. Do you guys think a PH of 8, used in soil, is too high and could be my problems? Am I on the right track do you think?

Anyway, I used a little white vinegar to bring a couple of litres down to 6.0 ish to water my BB's last night. They seem good this morning.

Funny about the ph pen duchie. been doing no till and had some deficiencies last run so thought I'd check my the first time since we used paper tests in the 90s lol.
Saying that. the ph pen has been in its box sitting on my 'in tray' in my office for the last month lol.

I just couldn't figure out what the problem could be. I was using fresh soils and nutrients and starting out slow, and everything would be doing good and then all of a sudden they'd take a turn south. I never bought a ph pen before because they used to be pretty pricey, if I recall correctly. Upwards of $100. This one was around 30 so I threw it in my cart. The water I tested had been sitting for at least two days now and sat around 8.1. I mixed 8L of that water with fish, kelp and molasses at a half recommended dose. It brought the ph down to 5.7ish so I topped it up with more 8.1 water to get it above 6. I know that the consensus believes that soil is a natural buffer and that it shouldn't be a concern, but if this solves my problem and all I have to do is take the simple step to measure first, I'll be happy to do that.
I just couldn't figure out what the problem could be. I was using fresh soils and nutrients and starting out slow, and everything would be doing good and then all of a sudden they'd take a turn south. I never bought a ph pen before because they used to be pretty pricey, if I recall correctly. Upwards of $100. This one was around 30 so I threw it in my cart. The water I tested had been sitting for at least two days now and sat around 8.1. I mixed 8L of that water with fish, kelp and molasses at a half recommended dose. It brought the ph down to 5.7ish so I topped it up with more 8.1 water to get it above 6. I know that the consensus believes that soil is a natural buffer and that it shouldn't be a concern, but if this solves my problem and all I have to do is take the simple step to measure first, I'll be happy to do that.
Your fresh soil hot? try a runoff test and see if its too hot also are they damping off?
I regularly used water with a ph of 7.2 but 8 is real high , it's as high as salt water.
