Dick's Stopped Being Dicks..


Well-Known Member
Merely an example of gun control not working at all like intended, invalidating your statement that it has always worked in every country that has ever tried it. But keep up the hyperbole, it always works.
name a country in which strict gun control laws are not working.


Well-Known Member
why not?

they work really well

i guess you just gave up pretending to be a liberal jew. no one really bought the act for long anyway, klan-pansy

Why would anyone pretend to be a liberal Jew if they were not one?

I was born Jewish. I don’t follow religion. And I am far more liberal than you. You are an extremist now. You might as well be the Nazi you call everyone else.


Well-Known Member
I'll take Canada's homicide rate too. Any rational person would. I never said more guns is the answer. I wonder if your graph would look skewed if we used a larger sample?
google it.

The numbers move around a little depending on the year. It isn't a sample. The US data came from FBI registry of crime in the US as of 2012. The data includes all crimes in that year that ended in a gun homicide. A UN commission on crime aggregated data from each country to compare rates in each country. The US is by far an outlier compared to other similar nations.

You said you don't give a fuck. I can't understand that.

Edit: He had said he didn't give a fuck about illegal immigrants being detained for unlimited time, and did not say he didn't give a fuck about gun homicides. We've been going back and forth on various topics and I crossed them up in my memory. So, I retract that last line.
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Well-Known Member
google it.

The numbers move around a little depending on the year. It isn't a sample. The US data came from FBI registry of crime in the US as of 2012. The data includes all crimes in that year that ended in a gun homicide. A UN commission on crime aggregated data from each country to compare rates in each country. The US is by far an outlier compared to other similar nations.

You said you don't give a fuck. I can't understand that.
Feel free to quote me on this. I think you got your threads mixed up.


Well-Known Member
What do you support? doing nothing? I simply don't understand that.
No. I have talked about things I believe in for almost 2 years here now. You only argue your current agenda. Nothing else is even considered. You just pretend you are open minded.

And please. I don’t need any more of your repetitious word salads. You don’t care how I feel about any of this. Only that I agree with you.


Well-Known Member
google it.

The numbers move around a little depending on the year. It isn't a sample. The US data came from FBI registry of crime in the US as of 2012. The data includes all crimes in that year that ended in a gun homicide. A UN commission on crime aggregated data from each country to compare rates in each country. The US is by far an outlier compared to other similar nations.

You said you don't give a fuck. I can't understand that.
Define, please.