Here's a question. If the GOP doesn't impeach Trump before the election and the Democrats do it after the election, could they do a double header, could both Trump and Pence be impeached at the same time? (Assuming there was evidence).
President Pelosi after the midterms? Nancy Pelosi as first female POTUS, every redneck's nightmare!
Maybe Mitch and Paul might wanna do Donald before the midterms...
Here's a question. If the GOP doesn't impeach Trump before the election and the Democrats do it after the election, could they do a double header, could both Trump and Pence be impeached at the same time? (Assuming there was evidence).
President Pelosi after the midterms? Nancy Pelosi as first female POTUS, every redneck's nightmare!
Maybe Mitch and Paul might wanna do Donald before the midterms...
I think a run for russia is a possibility, remember this is already far stranger than fiction and ya can't make this shit up etc. If ya think about it, it's the only way to avoid prison and would leave the GOP holding the bag with shit on their faces. A historic screwing of epic proportions, the GOP would be wiped out except for Trump's base, they would remain unmoved even if Donald moved to moscow.I've said this several times, but we need 18 republican votes to convict someone in the senate. There is NO F'IN WAY we will get a republican senator to elect a President Pelosi.
They would sooner let them continue the administration from prison. In likelihood, the courts would allow him to remain in the WH until the end of his presidency. Courts cannot remove a sitting president. Only congress can do that.
So if the president refuses to resign, and the congress refuses to remove him, it gets very scary.
But what will likely happen is Pence will resign before this congress ends. It takes a majority of both houses to confirm a new vp. If they wait until after the 2018 election, they may not have majorities anymore and couldn't push a terrible choice down our throats.
They can now.
So look to Pence to resign if the gop makes the calculation they can't keep trump. The new VP will then become president when/if trump leaves office before 2021. The new pres could then pardon EVERYONE. They won't be tied up in a conflict of interest issue.
That will at least take federal charges off the table, and that may be the best chance trump has. The new york state charges may not be strong enough to jail him or his family. And if a republican ever takes over as governor, more pardons can be issued.
Yes, the republicans are tribal pigs. They would do this in a heartbeat. And they will never let a dem become president through succession forced by impeachment.