Well-Known Member
You'd like the knife crime then, and the number of deaths, etc, where firearms were involved has actually risen since the knee-jerk populist reaction which saw firearms, effectively, banned.
But don't let that stop you when the point was VERY clear, make sure that those who are unhinged don't get the chance to go crazy with firearms in the first case, then they won't get all unhinged with such a lethal weapon in their hands.
So, tell me, what kind of knife skills would it take to kill 17 students in a high school?
How does that compare to the skills that kid needed to do the same with the rifle?
Man yours is such a dumb argument I'm embarrassed to even reply.
Australia and Canada. Look at them on the chart. Then look at the US and how much better they are. OK?
Knives compared to high powered rapid fire rifles. That's what you have?