The Original 16oz Party Cup Comp

I'm Here to Enter :eyesmoke::

My Hefty 16oz Cups:


Drilled 1/4" Hole in the Cups in the Bottom Center, and one in the Propagation Tray Platform.


Rinsed Black Label Hydrocorn Bottom Layer:


My Soil Mix:

50% Fox Farm Ocean Forest
33% Advanced Sunshine #4
17% Coarse Perlite
1/2 Tbsp per Trade Gallon Mykos
1/2 Tbsp per Trade Gallon Azomite

My Nutes for Entire Grow:

Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow &Bloom
Botanicare Cal Mag Plus
Advanced Nutrients Flawless Finish

Intermittent Teas will be noted as used.


Germinating Direct to Soil:

1 PeakSeedsBC KushBerry
1 Jordan of the Islands God's AK-47
1 RedEyed Genetics Emerald City Cookies
1 RedEyed Genetics Locktite
1 RedEyed Genetics Blueberry Iced Cream


My Space:

1x2x3 Box
100w SSG Chinese 3000k COB, No Glass
6" Comfort Care Clip Fan & Muffin Fans
2 Humidification Bubblers


12/12 Cycle:

Ok My Hommies The Time Is Now. So Go Ahead And Post Your Germination Pics. Remember K-Mart Blue Light Shoppers You Only Have 14 To Show Your Germination Process Or Your Eliminated.

You Are Allowed To Start 5 Seeds Total. If Your Using Fem's Your Allowed 3 Fems And 2 Regs

On Your 16oz Cup You Must Mark Each Cup with A Different Marking.

You Must Update Your Progress Every Week And Post Pics From Friday To Sunday Night. Miss 2 Updates And Your Eliminated

Because Their Is Another Comp Going On Allowing Different Size Cups With Entrants Participating In Both Comp's. So Your Entries Photo Must Include A Tape Measure Showing Your Entries Cup Height. Below Is A Pic Of A 16oz Party Cup Height Anything Taller Or No Tape Measure Accompanying You Photo Will Be Disallowed

Voting Will Be Done By The Competition Participants. Remember Peeps While The Host Can Receive Votes He Can Not Win Any Prizes

Peace And Let the Games Begin :hump:

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Show the base of that tape or name the brand so we can look up the spec. My cups are Undeniably 16oz.
mY cUps aRe tOo tAll aLso. i hAve 2 dIfferent bRands aNd bOth aRe oVer 4 1/2" tAll. wE nEed a rUling on tHese oTher 16 oZ cUps, sTat! iT aCtually sEems lIke dAwg's cUp iS tHe oNly oNe wIth tHat dImension . tHat wIll mAke iT eAsy fOr hIm tO wIn! "aNd tHey hAve tO bE eXactly THIS cOlor aNd yOu mUst hAve tHe lEtters DaWG iN yOur uSer nAme tO cOmpete!" LOL.

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Posting the germination and entries. Had to go back and get the tape measurement, stoned by that point but you'll get the idea. I think I got the 4.75" cups, yet another feeble attempt to sway things his way, but I'll still kick his @The Dawg azz... That is if these 16oz./473ml cups don't get me DQ'd. Grow on mofo's :eyesmoke:

GroErr-Germ-Post-2-14-2018-1.JPG GroErr-Germ-Post-2-14-2018-2.JPG GroErr-Germ-Post-2-14-2018-3.JPG

Cheers :bigjoint:
mY cUps aRe tOo tAll aLso. i hAve 2 dIfferent bRands aNd bOth aRe oVer 4 1/2" tAll. wE nEed a rUling on tHese oTher 16 oZ cUps, sTat! iT aCtually sEems lIke dAwg's cUp iS tHe oNly oNe wIth tHat dImension . tHat wIll mAke iT eAsy fOr hIm tO wIn! "aNd tHey hAve tO bE eXactly THIS cOlor aNd yOu mUst hAve tHe lEtters DaWG iN yOur uSer nAme tO cOmpete!" LOL.

Your Breath Stinks Ever Heard Of Toothpaste And Mouthwash??
Fuck me - a THIRD CUP thread?? Hopefully we are off to the races......

Ok Party Cup Folks - it's time to start showing what you've got in prep for Germination Day.
Here is my spread of what is going to take you out in this comp:


Nutes: Ionic Grow / MKP
Media: rock wool block trimmed to fit in cup. No holes or mods to cup - Wood stand is just to keep my girl upright


Light: Single Cob module - 4000K Citizen something or other
Strain: Samsara Seeds - El Alquamist (this one won me a prize last time so why not run her again?)

Cat's had their way with my small eBay grow tent so had to get creative with two 10 Gallon Rubbermaid Brute's
I present to you "The Bucket Job"

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Seed went into soak today 2/14
I am not generally a cry baby wet towel germinator but since this seed was a floater I'm gonna heckle @The Dawg a bit and mimic his upright baggie germ method :P
Sprout will go into properly dated cup if she's a live one, if not I will scramble for another seed

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Good luck to everyone who get's off the ground on this comp and I'll see two of you in the winners circle :hump:

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mY cUps aRe tOo tAll aLso. i hAve 2 dIfferent bRands aNd bOth aRe oVer 4 1/2" tAll. wE nEed a rUling on tHese oTher 16 oZ cUps, sTat! iT aCtually sEems lIke dAwg's cUp iS tHe oNly oNe wIth tHat dImension . tHat wIll mAke iT eAsy fOr hIm tO wIn! "aNd tHey hAve tO bE eXactly THIS cOlor aNd yOu mUst hAve tHe lEtters DaWG iN yOur uSer nAme tO cOmpete!" LOL.

Damn Dude Go By The Book Trash Talking For Dummies And Brush Up
My timer is software based too. 0-24 is how its read.
The first number in each row determines the minute and the second number determines the hour. On said time, a Linux file is run with the input of a GPIO pin number at the very end of the line. Like, pin 26 is on from 14 to 0 which is only 10 hours total. But ill have that updated today and well handled by the time heads poke soil1518704944884-150653493.jpg 15187051758251020771656.jpg 1518705257719890066405.jpg
GoshDamn! I have a feeling I'm way outta my legue here.
Going to check if cups on hand are 16oz today as well as figure out a cab n light. Got an old kitchen upper cab in wh/ that may work if it's tall enough. Wanted to use screw in led bulbs w/ lenses if I have the hight.
Anyways, dropped 4 OBG seeds & 4 PurpleChems directly from the top seed producer on the EastCoast. If you need seeds check out : In wet paper towel. Seeing how they prob hermied from a LAWoman #2, they may be s cross strain.
No scuffing, cup of water or peroxide. Maybe cuz they're fresh seeds, evertime I try to germinate them, they pop n that taproot dives right into the towel before I know it.
Neither strain has liked me very much in flower the one time I flowered them. But if I could grow them well they would be dank strains.
Figured I'd give myself a lil self inflicted handicap here just to give other growers a chance.
GoodLuck fellow insane cuppers.
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I'm Here to Enter :eyesmoke::

My Hefty 16oz Cups:

View attachment 4089736

Drilled 1/4" Hole in the Cups in the Bottom Center, and one in the Propagation Tray Platform.

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View attachment 4089749

Rinsed Black Label Hydrocorn Bottom Layer:

View attachment 4089751

My Soil Mix:

50% Fox Farm Ocean Forest
33% Advanced Sunshine #4
17% Coarse Perlite
1/2 Tbsp per Trade Gallon Mykos
1/2 Tbsp per Trade Gallon Azomite

My Nutes for Entire Grow:

Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow &Bloom
Botanicare Cal Mag Plus
Advanced Nutrients Flawless Finish

Intermittent Teas will be noted as used.

View attachment 4089753

Germinating Direct to Soil:

1 PeakSeedsBC KushBerry
1 Jordan of the Islands God's AK-47
1 RedEyed Genetics Emerald City Cookies
1 RedEyed Genetics Locktite
1 RedEyed Genetics Blueberry Iced Cream

View attachment 4089757

My Space:

1x2x3 Box
100w SSG Chinese 3000k COB, No Glass
6" Comfort Care Clip Fan & Muffin Fans
2 Humidification Bubblers

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12/12 Cycle:

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I'm totally stealing your idea with the bubblers for humidity. Good idea. Just the solution I've been looking for.

My timer is software based too. 0-24 is how its read.
The first number in each row determines the minute and the second number determines the hour. On said time, a Linux file is run with the input of a GPIO pin number at the very end of the line. Like, pin 26 is on from 14 to 0 which is only 10 hours total. But ill have that updated today and well handled by the time heads poke soilView attachment 4090112 View attachment 4090113 View attachment 4090114
Whatchu got Audrino control or whatever it's called? Do you have control over your color output too?
Ok my Hommies Ive started My cO2 Bag And After A Couple Of Bowls I'm Going To Get On My Light Which Will Be A Citizen 1212 4000k 90 Cri Mounted On A Cool Master Dual Fan 120's Liquid Cooled Radiator :hump:

Oh And Big Green Thumb My Cup Is Blue. So Suck It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bam :hump:

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Its Called A Raspberry Pi And Yes He Has Spectral Control :clap:
Why HotDiggilyDog! So he must be out in the open using main room lighting I take it?
Something I'm strongly considering.
Do you guys grow plants from seed in your main flower room?
Sexing a plant is one thing but a freak genetic hermie is another.
IDK guys. Think ill stick to building a cab as much as I'd love to put my cup under my 450 dead center w/ lenses @ 2'. Yeah right, there'd be no cup left.
Better get to work. Looks like there's plenty of serious compitition here.
Some of you guys are using your PuppyCup in the LitterBox comp too, or have separate cups going for that seeing how there's NO rules or regulations there?