Old School Skunk, who's found it???

#1. RKS is a Phenotype. 1 of several.

#2 There ARE 2 people That Are Known to have the ORIGINAL GENETICS that "Contain" the RKS Pheno.

NOT counting Swami.

Swamis version was a Real 1985 RKS Pheno, that was found in 1985.

This cut was taken to near Guadalajara Mexico over 30 years ago, Hybridized, and Stabilized/IBL for the RKS Pheno. I cant tell you if the whole IBL of this is straight RKS, and could possibly the Mexican pheno used in the stabilization process.

Its well known among the Nor Cal community that guy nicknamed UNCLE FESTER is responsible for the Original RKS genetics.

This is NOT the same Uncle Fester the Bomb Maker, who wrote books. Hells Angel Fester may have made Meth, but still isn't the same person. That guy is 60, or less. Real Uncle Fester would be 80+. I think he was born in 35-38

Uncle Fester was a Psychology Professor in the early 60s and turned HELLS ANGEL in the mid 60s. His place in Nor Cal was known to the Angels, and others as The Farm. I'm betting many of his genetics came from BOEL.

Original Sk1... Also known as SK18 and was previously mentioned by an earlier poster that he had beans from The Nature Farm Genetics.

These ARE the Real Uncle Fester Sk18 IBL. It harbors the RKS, but also has the Cheese pheno, and others lurking about.

These genes came from Master Thai.

Master Thai is Uncle Festers Nephew. Master Thai calls it OG Skunk #1.

Nor Cal community is mad at MT for ripping people off, and not keeping his word.

So The Nature Farm Genetics also has the Original, and released it but is now sold out, and wont be back until late this year, or next year.

Also the Swami Blue Orca x RSK will probably have RKS phenos, but you would have to look for them.

I had 20 of them going, but had to kill them at 2.5 weeks because of an erratic partner. But they had a very high end terpene smell, that was much different than the Blue Orca Haze, I also had going. Whether they would be RKS, I know not, but there should be some.

I believe the Uncle Fester 1969 Sk18 IBL has around 20% RKS.

HEres what an RKS Leaf looks like.

I believe the RKS are more often Double Serrated. Some of the other phenos are not DS. Also not every serration is DS.

DS is indicative of region of origin. Mainly India, Nepal, Afghanistan


1969 Skunk#18 IBL Open Pollination- Original Skunk#1

2/3 Sativa 1/3 Indica

These are Original Skunk#1 line derived from 1969 stock via Inbred line, passed to Thai after his uncles passing In Eureka, CA. Pre Skunkman Skunk#1. And also go by a few other handles, Such as Uncle Festers Skunk#18 IBL(from the keeper), Professor Beatnik Skunk#18 IBL, Hells Angels Skunk, Cali Skunk, we choose one truer to form being 69′ Skunk#18 IBL which is when these Skunk seeds were said to be derived from.

Number 5 and number 7 female are the RKS leaners from our open pollination run and will be hunted down further, they are included in this open pollination release. Id say the RKS pops up in 20% of the expression. The number 20 male was dead on Match to the 5 female so something to keep in mind very animal musk scented with good acrid chemical touches. Number 5 female was tops in the true bouquet and super musky acrid chemical eye and nose burning skunk musk funk, dead on, and then theres the other great males were present. Extremely pungent onion chemical fuel male Number 20, and the frostiest sativa dominant number 8 had the Cheese musk heavy as well on a totally different build highly on 7 female but more animal musk on the aged cheese funk.

Number 2 is raw white onion chemical and the dankest rich soil humus as rich as any ground coffee but not coffee. Stout hybrid 50/50 look. Has was i call “Onion” tail leaf. Early on she is pure raw white onion chemical. Very acrid and then it evens out by finish into a wonderful bouquet. Heavily double serrated individual. Very quality plant with extremely thick cola formations. A good 10-11 week flower. Yield is high. Calyx to leaf ratio is low. Node spacing is tight.

Number 5 Female Afghani Dominant heavy “stretch” monocola look. Old Musky acrid chemical eye and nose burning skunk musk funk. Elongated Claw reaching leaf, golfball ghani stature and very Acrid. Purple leaf and darker Skunk look. Half Double Serrated type individual. Yield is high. Calyx to leaf ratio was average compared to the other phenos. Node spacing is average.

Number 7 female. Purer mexi sativa expression. “Chemical Spray” dominant. She is pure burning acrid chemical strong as Trinity in her chemical burn and it doesnt let up. Stomach churn, nose and eyes burn. They have true linger and permeating quality and its inside the plants grease, not just the flower scent. Full plant double serrations. A good 12 week plus flower with early Mexi scents heavy. Elmers glue trichome, extreme calyx and very tight dense build. Yield is above average. Calyx to leaf ratio is low. Node spacing is average.

Number 9 female is colgate trash juice, damn near rotten scope mouthwash. Stout hybrid 50/50 look. Green Acrid Chemical astringent with a touch of rotten rubber. Not pleasant stomach churn quality. A good 12 week flower. Yield is above average. Calyx to leaf ratio is low. Node spacing is average.

Number 10 female is brand new vinyl, clear bouncie ball rubber and pure chemical terpenes. Sativa, Colombian dominant Mexi extreme Calyx stack Pheno. Extreme dense and caked with pure goop. Fully double serrated individual. Yield is above average. Calyx to leaf ratio is low. Node spacing is tight for her 12 week flower.

Number 11 Female, and Number 14, are on the cheese path and each is highly acrid chemical on top of that funk.

11 being that yellow auto interior foam insulation, dead on and super tasty, if you like those sweet chemical noses. Also huge football buds. The plant was extreme thin leaf double serrated sativa. Of all the females she was the biggest throw down, least tight nug structure but still absolutely dripping and a huge kief producer. Extreme coloration. By finish she was that same profile auto interior foam, with an added black hash burn finish extremely reminiscent of the 89′ Uk Cheese just more chemical oriented. Calyx to leaf ratio extremely low. Node spacing average.

Number 14 being the truly gamey animal chemical cheese funk. Stout hybrid look and one of the frostiest of the group And thats saying something. Good classic noses to this gal at points where astringent bleaches, to onion chem spray, and finishing on the final profile once dry. A good 12 week plus flower. Calyx to leaf ratio is quite low. Node spacing is average.

These are pre release. Keepers selected from a 4 pack seed run and repopulated. Felt this is something needed doing with the current focus on Skunk1 genetic but also the Fact of the originator of these seeds ripping folks off and not keeping his word to many members in our community for no reason whatsoever, especially when his genetic selection is solid.

He is Master Thai Organic Seed garden and our open pollination recreation was never to harm but rather to preserve the experience for everyone. This is his uncles line, preserved via seed stock and kept mother for us to enjoy and thats what i intend for all, not to rip anyone off like where these originate. Like i always say, we let the genetic speak.

So there is a few underlying circumstances that have lead me to give you the same shot that I have for Magic. The Main is because it is what the genetic and the plant derserves and so do you.

So Please, ENJOY!

The Nature Farmer

Thanks for all this info.
Where did you get this from??
Also what about the skunk that was not grown in Cali, but back in the Northeast, and Kentucky?
I read some articles very long ago on skunk in northern California, and there were many different phenos, from that skunk to sweeter, even floral. I hear of one called Cherry blossom.

Swami, says that his RKS x Guatemalan doesn't show much skunk as of yet, but hope he can bring it out? I like his stuff, as my BOH's are very frosty, dense dark green, and all have a light similar scent. Very good potency and a very complete high. The Kahuna x Cherry Bomb, same, very dense, frosty, dark green rocks, better scent that the BOH,
Only thing is, I think Swami breeds for genetic preservation, and dense frosty potent. But not for flavor as much.

Riot seeds may have some shady shit, don't know, never ordered from him. But his genetics always interested me. My Facebook friend documented his grow, and told me about the results. That's all i'm conveying to you folks.
I don't know for sure, as I am not there to sample his grow, so just going by what he pm'd me.
Maybe riot has some good stuff but he's a very shady dude. He got caught using Heath Robinson's pictures for some of the strains he was selling. So your buddy grew this strain?

Facebook friend, not a real friend. But I have seen many of his grows, and he seems pretty on it.
In my neck of the woods. East Ky, the earliest genetics I know of came from Meigs County Ohio.

Those genetics, came from California.

The stinkiest stuff I ever got a hold of as what was allegedly a South Indian crossed with RKS. It came from Meigs in 76. After 83, I never saw any stinky skunk again.
I dont think i posted here yet but apologies if I did.

I just got 2packs of ‘86RKS from the AlaskanCannabis Cache. Hope theyre the realdeal, I think Ill do an open pollination on all 20.

Heres what the guy I bought em off said. And I have confirmed that James does in fact run the AlaskanCannabis Cache.

‘Oh yes, do you know James Schenk?
He owns the alaskan cannabis cache in ketchikan
Gave up the traders after a bunch of vendors started reporting him left and right..anyways the beans originally came from him, he breeds old school strains like rks. This one was bred from original 86 seed stock he collected back in the 80s from california. No S1s or BXS or anything like that”
I dont think i posted here yet but apologies if I did.

I just got 2packs of ‘86RKS from the AlaskanCannabis Cache. Hope theyre the realdeal, I think Ill do an open pollination on all 20.

Heres what the guy I bought em off said. And I have confirmed that James does in fact run the AlaskanCannabis Cache.

‘Oh yes, do you know James Schenk?
He owns the alaskan cannabis cache in ketchikan
Gave up the traders after a bunch of vendors started reporting him left and right..anyways the beans originally came from him, he breeds old school strains like rks. This one was bred from original 86 seed stock he collected back in the 80s from california. No S1s or BXS or anything like that”

As the years go by, and weed becomes more accepted/legal, its hard telling who has some of this old stuff hoarded up.

Dominion Seed Company has some hybrids of SSSC Sk1, and Skelly Hashplant

Granny Skunk
VA Afghani x Skelly/SSSC Sk1.

Dominion Skunk
VA Chem91 x SSSC Sk1 x Skelly x SSSC Sk1.

Coastal Seeds has
Heirloom NL1 x Skelly/ called Puck Yeah. Skelly cut is also called. PUCK.
I grew out dutch passions skunk #1 back in 2002 and trust me, your neighbor down the block knew you had skunk. Literally that stupidest smelling weed I've grown. I had a dinafem power kush which was just a strong skunk pheno they called kush and it also stunk hard enough to stink your clothes up.

For everyone looking for the true, old school, one and only Road Kill Skunk, please check out my thread.

It has been here hiding in the hills of the Appalachias now for ages, deep in the rural Eastern Ky hills and hollers... In my particular region.

There is an old man whom lives around here, him and his family and circle of growers closely affiliated with the Cornbread Mafia had brought it into Kentucky in the mid to late 70s, from where it made its way in across the US/Mexico border.

I wasn't in the game in the 70s, but I know for a fact it has been here since the late 80s, I can confirm that.

In the early 90s, Afghan flooded into the bluegrass hard and heavy. It was faster than skunk which meant farmers could get their crops in sooner which meant an earlier yearly salary, expressed so many phenotypes ranging from almost a dead on road kill smell (but not hardly) to sweet fruity musk, had amazing yields, grew short and bushy and you never found an Afghan phenotype that didn't have good knock out potency, back then anyway...

So here is what happened. This is where the true Road Kill which honestly has zero Afghan relations, got burried so deeply and forgotten.

The real deal, true roadkill skunk is a rotten, nasty, stomach turning, stinky little dirty whore. That's just that and there will never be a sweet note to be found in any of the small variety of phenotypes. The Kentucky skunk had got so many people busted, so many crops got reaped, so many people could not take her out in public due to the extreme pungent odors she put out. You could/can smell this shit from a hundreds of feet away and it was virtually impossible to get away with it once LEO stepped up their game.

That is why it lost, not because it was weak or because it lacked yeilds or anything along those lines, but because in an outlaw state, which at the time all states was outlaw states, you just can't grow the shit and get away with it.

When Afghan made drop in the 90s, everyone replaced the skunk for that very reason, mainly security and stealth purposes. The Afghan on a normal landrace run, would be ready to harvest between mid September to early/mid Octoberish. The Roadkill on the other hand, would run people past the first frosts of the year, into mid October to mid November.

Now here is where people think true road kill has "Afghan Origins"... We had found that in the Afghan Landrace seeds you would find many different phenos... Some really did reek almost as bad as the roadkill... Smelled like a little burnt rubber mixed with skunk spray and sweet chicken shit spread out about the corn and soybean fields. Some phenos smelled like musty soured gym socks and almost all the Afghan always has a sweet back ground note to it, even if it is very sickening sweet. The true road kill, does not, NEVER. It was brought into the states smuggled over the us/Mexico border back in the early 70s possibly even 1969... But didn't really start spreading until the mid 70s. This is why people that have actually had true experience with the real road kill will tell you it is NOT afghan, contrary to belief of a lot of folks. It is likely a Mexican, Colombian, or even south American strain.

When I see people claim they have a road kill with big broad indica leaves, I laugh to myself because I know that's not true. It has skinny narrow leaves most usually with double serrations and long fingers. The plant is very lime green in color and in the sun can flash a bluish green color, as you walk by it. The plant grows medium to tall and has great yeilds, although some phenos can be a little lower yielding. You will always get a straight punch to the face of fresh rotten skunk spray, that will never fail to make you gag. I have never smelled here once in her wet or dry form that she did not make my eyes water and even though I love the smell of skunks driving down the road, it still turns my stomach. Never once have I ever or heard from those who have tried it, claimed anything sweet from it. Its like this... If you put a man in a room, blindfold him. Take a bag with a freshly killed dead skunk and the opposite bag with a fresh or even dry couple of ounces of this stuff and tell him to tell you which is which, he cannot and will not be able to do this. I promise.

I have finally got access to a small pill bottle of seeds from the old man. He had been sick the last couple of years and had been out of the game. His newest batch of seeds, he threw me the bottle and was happy to just be alive. I have never been so blessed to have them and it might be a good thing I did because I have big plans.

I plan to save the true road kill that in most places is already extinct. That is what sparked my interest in this whole thing to begin with, reading a long the forums seeing all of these people spend all of this money and try so hard to obtain the real thing. I have even seen people say that it is non existent now and truly long gone. That's when I had enough, and decided to in some way, some how, bring it back.

So my plans are, to take a quarter of those seeds from the bottle, plant them and let them open pollinate each other to get the numbers and somehow get them out to the public.

I hope to do this in the spring or by next fall at the latest.

I will document it on here, show the few phenos that exist and go from there. So basically, I am just getting started on the whole thing.

Also... As rare as this Kentucky Roadkill is, in my opinion obviously the rarest strain left in existence, I plan to do some cross breeding as well with selected phenos.

I have the Skva chem 91, the confirmed cut by Chemdog, which is also quiet rare. I think it would be nice to cross it over to the road kill. I think that would be an amazing, rare hit.

But for further info on this Kentucky Roadkill, please check out the link I posted in the beginning of this post.

Some will read this, and frown in disbelief, or this may interest some. Honestly, with the frustration that comes along with the never ending loss while searching the road kill, I wouldn't believe it either. From the looks a of it, people are bending over backwards trying to find it.

But I can guarantee, once the time comes and the moment is right, when these finally make it out there, you guys will thank me for it... I'm not here to raise hopes and slam them down I'm here to save the true Road Kill Skunk... I am not a breeder by any means, breeding is new to me and I am in the process of learning. There are tons of people on here that could school me and I will admit that. But what I do know is fact, is we do have the roadkill here in Ky, that I know for a fact people are looking for, and I have the key to open a whole new door in the search for it. Just keep an eye out, she will be abundant in the near future.
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Real Deal RKS was originally made by Uncle Fester Hells Angels Club 81 in the 60s.

It DOES have Broad Leaf in it, but is only 1/3 of the mix.

The Nature Farm Genetics does have the original genetics, from the original breeder, who dided a couple years back, and left his nephew, Master Thai, and a few others the genetics to carry on. Master Thai went back on his word, and is basically kicked out of the Nor Cal community, and is retiring. Hes in his 70s.

Uncle Fester was born in the mid 1930s, and was a college Psyc professor in the early 60s, and turned Hells Angel in the mid 60s, and is also associated with.

Ken Kesey, BOEL, Jerry Garcia/Dead, Leary,,,, Abbie Hoffman, and a host of others.

This stuff is also the original stuff sam the ratman/skunkman who was busted, ratted out, Sacred Seeds, and was working for the DEA stole the genetics out of the garbage can, that the DEA left in the garbage for him to get. Along with plants with rootballs still intact.

He then took this to Holland, and bred the RKS OUT of it, by using what I I believe I read was Sweettooth, and was gone by 1985.

RKS is also just 1 phenotype. Others are Cheese, and others. Several Others with the original genetics.

SWAMI will have a Selected Cut of RKS IBL that was stabilized from a 1985 cut that was taken to Guadalajara over 30 years ago, and stabilized to IBL. I'm sure it will also probably have some variation.

Also not saying others haven't preserved in some way these genes, as I know they have, along with others.

As weed becomes legal, stuff that was in the closet will make its way back to being known its still around.
I for sure remember RKS in Ky. I'm in E Ky, but my buddy got ratted out in the 80s, and lost it.

ALL Drug Varieties of Cannabis are INDICA. Columbian, Thai, Mexican?? ALL Drug Cultivars originated in Eurasia. From Iran-China. Columbian, Mex ect, are Narrow Leaf Cultivars. But are still Indica.

Its classified as Broad Leaf, and Narrow Leaf. The Sythicians/Iranians, are the first documented to use weed for recreation/intoxication. They probably got it from neighboring Afghanistan.

In19577194_1970873246482604_9078937442748313254_o.jpg the 60s when weed was legal, and state sponsored, and accepted in Nepal, the KING declared a state of emergency for cannabis.

Since the 50s, Beatniks, and Hippies went there, and eventually smoked up all the local varieties, ( NRROW LEAF ) and had to IMPORT BROAD LEAF, which was considered inferior, but finishes faster was imported, and hybridized with the local Broad Leaf. Thus polluting the gene pool.19577194_1970873246482604_9078937442748313254_o.jpg baba-1-process-3.jpg nepal.jpg
Real Deal RKS was originally made by Uncle Fester Hells Angels Club 81 in the 60s.

It DOES have Broad Leaf in it, but is only 1/3 of the mix.

The Nature Farm Genetics does have the original genetics, from the original breeder, who dided a couple years back, and left his nephew, Master Thai, and a few others the genetics to carry on. Master Thai went back on his word, and is basically kicked out of the Nor Cal community, and is retiring. Hes in his 70s.

Uncle Fester was born in the mid 1930s, and was a college Psyc professor in the early 60s, and turned Hells Angel in the mid 60s, and is also associated with.

Ken Kesey, BOEL, Jerry Garcia/Dead, Leary,,,, Abbie Hoffman, and a host of others.

This stuff is also the original stuff sam the ratman/skunkman who was busted, ratted out, Sacred Seeds, and was working for the DEA stole the genetics out of the garbage can, that the DEA left in the garbage for him to get. Along with plants with rootballs still intact.

He then took this to Holland, and bred the RKS OUT of it, by using what I I believe I read was Sweettooth, and was gone by 1985.

RKS is also just 1 phenotype. Others are Cheese, and others. Several Others with the original genetics.

SWAMI will have a Selected Cut of RKS IBL that was stabilized from a 1985 cut that was taken to Guadalajara over 30 years ago, and stabilized to IBL. I'm sure it will also probably have some variation.

Also not saying others haven't preserved in some way these genes, as I know they have, along with others.

As weed becomes legal, stuff that was in the closet will make its way back to being known its still around.
I for sure remember RKS in Ky. I'm in E Ky, but my buddy got ratted out in the 80s, and lost it.

I am not sure about SWAMI ?
I tried his BOH and Kahuna x Cherry Maui, and I just wasn't that impressed.
The Hawaiian was not even close to good Hawaiian strains that I have smoked numerous times in the past. Flavor was bland. Nice looking crystalline buds, but Hawaiianis about flavor and potent up happy vibe. Was not in there.
BOH again nice crystalline buds, good potency, but lacking flavor, and would not consider this the best smoke I have smoked, but his description.
So I am not sure if he really has the skunk or not?
But I wouldn't bet the farm.
And if I have to but many packs to get a good or keeper expression, that is not what I would call breeding.
I am not sure about SWAMI ?
I tried his BOH and Kahuna x Cherry Maui, and I just wasn't that impressed.
The Hawaiian was not even close to good Hawaiian strains that I have smoked numerous times in the past. Flavor was bland. Nice looking crystalline buds, but Hawaiianis about flavor and potent up happy vibe. Was not in there.
BOH again nice crystalline buds, good potency, but lacking flavor, and would not consider this the best smoke I have smoked, but his description.
So I am not sure if he really has the skunk or not?
But I wouldn't bet the farm.
And if I have to but many packs to get a good or keeper expression, that is not what I would call breeding.
Uncle fester is the real deal. Ive heard 1 in 30 of festers lean to true burnt rubber rks. Its a hunt...sometimes an f2 will pull more phenos out.

Swami tells you flat out that he is a true breeder. The true cherry bomb is a cut only. You might have to work them a bit. Inbreed, backcross, etc. I have 3 packs from the rks collection. I'm betting the old burnt rubber pheno is hiding in there.
You said you seen it here in Ky and lost it in the 80s. I have that same exact line. Keep an eye out, it will in the near future be abundant again.

I know the story about uncle fester and according to the old man, that's where these came from. Same stuff. I have not seen it out of this region and I have been to Cali and Colorado many of times. Lived in Cali for 3 years.

@jimihendrix1 make sure and keep an eye out my man, you deserve this coming back to you.

I just consider it sativa because it finishes so late, has narrow leaves and the high is super uplifting but will mess you up in the best ways possible. Thebhigh has no ceiling. I have seen and grown a lot of skunks, been growing for 16 years. This that we have is the real deal, I ordered some of Nature Farms Skunk 18 seeds just to compare.

You will not be disappointed. You will be in the 80s again ;) Guarantee it.
Uncle fester is the real deal. Ive heard 1 in 30 of festers lean to true burnt rubber rks. Its a hunt...sometimes an f2 will pull more phenos out.

Swami tells you flat out that he is a true breeder. The true cherry bomb is a cut only. You might have to work them a bit. Inbreed, backcross, etc. I have 3 packs from the rks collection. I'm betting the old burnt rubber pheno is hiding in there.

Well if swami says he is a true breeder, then I guess that's all I need for verification!?!
Again, if I have to go through packs of seeds to find one, how is that breeding?
That means there is no responsibility on his part. He can say, well you must not have had the right pack or packs.
And with those percentages, one may never find a keeper if they were unfortunate enough to get the bad odds packs.
We found a real keeper out of 7 females so far.

My buddy brought the latest finished pheno over, and it was very floral/Bubblegum smell, and taste. Lung buster, and long lasting high. Made your eyes really red. It still could have gone longer. It went 68 days, and could have gone 80, but wa the best of the bunch so far, wit huge buds.

Buddy got 18oz from 1 plant/20 gallon container Promix BX and 1000w Hortilux HPS.

The largest bud with minimal stem was 40 grams. IMHO this stuff has to go 100% or it hurts the terpenes, but is still pretty strong. And NO so far its not the most potent weed Ive smoked, but its very very good. Only thing is it takesso long.

Buddy #2 has 20 females at 6 weeks veg for next pheno hunt. Will have 4 x 1000w Hortilux flowering.

But in reality, I have high hopes for the

Dominion Seed Company.

Granny Skunk

Dominion Skunk

Sis Skunk

While these aren't RKS they are some great genetics. Especially the Skelly Hashplant, and Super Sativa Seed Club Sk1. Not to mention Chemdog, and Chems Sis.

Will be some potent stuff.

Buddy that brought me the BOH the other day, is going to start, or has already started a pack of the Uncle Festers.

Swami got his shit from COOT, and COOT is BOEL, and is responsible for some of the original genetics. NO argument there.

For everyone looking for the true, old school, one and only Road Kill Skunk, please check out my thread.

It has been here hiding in the hills of the Appalachias now for ages, deep in the rural Eastern Ky hills and hollers... In my particular region.

There is an old man whom lives around here, him and his family and circle of growers closely affiliated with the Cornbread Mafia had brought it into Kentucky in the mid to late 70s, from where it made its way in across the US/Mexico border.

I wasn't in the game in the 70s, but I know for a fact it has been here since the late 80s, I can confirm that.

In the early 90s, Afghan flooded into the bluegrass hard and heavy. It was faster than skunk which meant farmers could get their crops in sooner which meant an earlier yearly salary, expressed so many phenotypes ranging from almost a dead on road kill smell (but not hardly) to sweet fruity musk, had amazing yields, grew short and bushy and you never found an Afghan phenotype that didn't have good knock out potency, back then anyway...

So here is what happened. This is where the true Road Kill which honestly has zero Afghan relations, got burried so deeply and forgotten.

The real deal, true roadkill skunk is a rotten, nasty, stomach turning, stinky little dirty whore. That's just that and there will never be a sweet note to be found in any of the small variety of phenotypes. The Kentucky skunk had got so many people busted, so many crops got reaped, so many people could not take her out in public due to the extreme pungent odors she put out. You could/can smell this shit from a hundreds of feet away and it was virtually impossible to get away with it once LEO stepped up their game.

That is why it lost, not because it was weak or because it lacked yeilds or anything along those lines, but because in an outlaw state, which at the time all states was outlaw states, you just can't grow the shit and get away with it.

When Afghan made drop in the 90s, everyone replaced the skunk for that very reason, mainly security and stealth purposes. The Afghan on a normal landrace run, would be ready to harvest between mid September to early/mid Octoberish. The Roadkill on the other hand, would run people past the first frosts of the year, into mid October to mid November.

Now here is where people think true road kill has "Afghan Origins"... We had found that in the Afghan Landrace seeds you would find many different phenos... Some really did reek almost as bad as the roadkill... Smelled like a little burnt rubber mixed with skunk spray and sweet chicken shit spread out about the corn and soybean fields. Some phenos smelled like musty soured gym socks and almost all the Afghan always has a sweet back ground note to it, even if it is very sickening sweet. The true road kill, does not, NEVER. It was brought into the states smuggled over the us/Mexico border back in the early 70s possibly even 1969... But didn't really start spreading until the mid 70s. This is why people that have actually had true experience with the real road kill will tell you it is NOT afghan, contrary to belief of a lot of folks. It is likely a Mexican, Colombian, or even south American strain.

When I see people claim they have a road kill with big broad indica leaves, I laugh to myself because I know that's not true. It has skinny narrow leaves most usually with double serrations and long fingers. The plant is very lime green in color and in the sun can flash a bluish green color, as you walk by it. The plant grows medium to tall and has great yeilds, although some phenos can be a little lower yielding. You will always get a straight punch to the face of fresh rotten skunk spray, that will never fail to make you gag. I have never smelled here once in her wet or dry form that she did not make my eyes water and even though I love the smell of skunks driving down the road, it still turns my stomach. Never once have I ever or heard from those who have tried it, claimed anything sweet from it. Its like this... If you put a man in a room, blindfold him. Take a bag with a freshly killed dead skunk and the opposite bag with a fresh or even dry couple of ounces of this stuff and tell him to tell you which is which, he cannot and will not be able to do this. I promise.

I have finally got access to a small pill bottle of seeds from the old man. He had been sick the last couple of years and had been out of the game. His newest batch of seeds, he threw me the bottle and was happy to just be alive. I have never been so blessed to have them and it might be a good thing I did because I have big plans.

I plan to save the true road kill that in most places is already extinct. That is what sparked my interest in this whole thing to begin with, reading a long the forums seeing all of these people spend all of this money and try so hard to obtain the real thing. I have even seen people say that it is non existent now and truly long gone. That's when I had enough, and decided to in some way, some how, bring it back.

So my plans are, to take a quarter of those seeds from the bottle, plant them and let them open pollinate each other to get the numbers and somehow get them out to the public.

I hope to do this in the spring or by next fall at the latest.

I will document it on here, show the few phenos that exist and go from there. So basically, I am just getting started on the whole thing.

Also... As rare as this Kentucky Roadkill is, in my opinion obviously the rarest strain left in existence, I plan to do some cross breeding as well with selected phenos.

I have the Skva chem 91, the confirmed cut by Chemdog, which is also quiet rare. I think it would be nice to cross it over to the road kill. I think that would be an amazing, rare hit.

But for further info on this Kentucky Roadkill, please check out the link I posted in the beginning of this post.

Some will read this, and frown in disbelief, or this may interest some. Honestly, with the frustration that comes along with the never ending loss while searching the road kill, I wouldn't believe it either. From the looks a of it, people are bending over backwards trying to find it.

But I can guarantee, once the time comes and the moment is right, when these finally make it out there, you guys will thank me for it... I'm not here to raise hopes and slam them down I'm here to save the true Road Kill Skunk... I am not a breeder by any means, breeding is new to me and I am in the process of learning. There are tons of people on here that could school me and I will admit that. But what I do know is fact, is we do have the roadkill here in Ky, that I know for a fact people are looking for, and I have the key to open a whole new door in the search for it. Just keep an eye out, she will be abundant in the near future.
Can't wait til you get those going. When you get ready to get rid of a few, I would like to be on the list. Even if it means I have to buy a couple of hogs.

I bet you are right about a lot of old seeds being popped from strains we thought were long gone. Good luck.
Well I have some more news... I stumbled across a fellow grower from West Virginia, not too far from the Kentucky border. He also has a private closely held road kill male and female that was passed to him from a local breeder in his neck of the woods a few years ago, he has been working his line as well. He has offered me some pollen and a female cut and beans to work with and play around in my line once I get it rolling.

The guy is legit, he threw down some mean pictures over on IC mag for me... Looks almost identical to ours here in Eastern Ky and after reading my testimony he claimed that if anyone is worthy of it, it would be me... He said that he can see my true interest in the line and wants to see what I can pump out. He claims that he would not part this clone, pollen, seeds, nothing out and that it is absouluety priceless in his book. Man I'm stoked that he gave me the news on that because this way we can get something together as closely to stable as possible with hardly any pheno variations when it's worked out.
Can't wait til you get those going. When you get ready to get rid of a few, I would like to be on the list. Even if it means I have to buy a couple of hogs.

I bet you are right about a lot of old seeds being popped from strains we thought were long gone. Good luck.

Thanks man, I will keep you in mind and make sure and let you know when things are ready. I hope to spread it everywhere and not rip any ones ass while doing so.
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We found a real keeper out of 7 females so far.

My buddy brought the latest finished pheno over, and it was very floral/Bubblegum smell, and taste. Lung buster, and long lasting high. Made your eyes really red. It still could have gone longer. It went 68 days, and could have gone 80, but wa the best of the bunch so far, wit huge buds.

Buddy got 18oz from 1 plant/20 gallon container Promix BX and 1000w Hortilux HPS.

The largest bud with minimal stem was 40 grams. IMHO this stuff has to go 100% or it hurts the terpenes, but is still pretty strong. And NO so far its not the most potent weed Ive smoked, but its very very good. Only thing is it takesso long.

Buddy #2 has 20 females at 6 weeks veg for next pheno hunt. Will have 4 x 1000w Hortilux flowering.

But in reality, I have high hopes for the

Dominion Seed Company.

Granny Skunk

Dominion Skunk

Sis Skunk

While these aren't RKS they are some great genetics. Especially the Skelly Hashplant, and Super Sativa Seed Club Sk1. Not to mention Chemdog, and Chems Sis.

Will be some potent stuff.

Buddy that brought me the BOH the other day, is going to start, or has already started a pack of the Uncle Festers.

Swami got his shit from COOT, and COOT is BOEL, and is responsible for some of the original genetics. NO argument there.

Hey man, sorry if my ignorance is shinning through on this question lol, but... In the beginning of this post are you speaking about the Nature Farms Skunk 18 line? Or something different?

Just trying to confirm my understanding.

You found a bubble gum leaning pheno in those?