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Don't worry bro I'll post some nudes. I'm feeling frisky today.
It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company. George Washington

Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. George Washington

Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism. George Washington

“People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they have not communicated with each other.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

“Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again – just watch. He can do much better!” Donald Trump

“All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.” Donald Trump

“I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” Donald Trump

“The point is, you can never be too greedy.” Donald Trump

this is like sniping at each other while using Godzilla as cover....it doesn't matter who shoots who, when you're all going to get stomped on and ground into jelly.......aim at the real monster......there are only minor monsters here
By quoting my post you directly called me out with your writings. Guilty conscience? Not hardly.
Your quoting my post and insinuating my complicity is a public cry out to all that may feel that you
need/want a White Knight savior. While not a direct request a cry is a cry non the less.

As to the "tit pics" Who advised you that would not be in your best interest? Or perhaps
you had already sent them I don't know that.

The author of said "Quest" diatribe is not relevant in that it was posted by you and you now show us
that you indeed find it amusing. What does that say about you even though you protest by saying
you wish @cannabineer no ill fate.

Casual whining? It appears that much of your time is spent bellyaching. Here and there.
Wow what an ear full your finds must get for someone to write such a mean spirited story
about someone they do not know and have never had contact with.

Back to the White Knight theory, it could be someone you know logging in of their own volition
to "save the princess" and we just take it for granted that is a new sock spawn.

You are quite correct. You did advise me not to send pics to anyone. I assured you I hadn’t, and at that point I indeed hadn’t. So where were you going with that? Is this you saying “haha I told you so?” Yeah cool.. you told me so. You were right I was wrong. What happens next? pfft

Criticise me for finding that story humorous. It was. A lot of stories are humorous. Why? Because “stories”are, exactly what they are, stories. Why do people laugh when the “bad” character in a comedy movie meets with some kind of ironic, ill fate? I can’t guess it’s because they actually envision that happening to another human being and take pleasure from the image/thought. But hey don’t quote me I could be wrong.

Back on Topic -
Did I ask you to “stand up” for me via personal message? If you believe I have, then I give you permission to post public any part of a pm msg sent to you, by me, where I make a direct and specific request, “explicitly” asking you to defend me publicly.
You are quite correct. You did advise me not to send pics to anyone. I assured you I hadn’t, and at that point I indeed hadn’t. So where were you going with that? Is this you saying “haha I told you so?” Yeah cool.. you told me so. You were right I was wrong. What happens next? pfft

Criticise me for finding that story humorous. It was. A lot of stories are humorous. Why? Because “stories”are, exactly what they are, stories. Why do people laugh when the “bad” character in a comedy movie meets with some kind of ironic, ill fate? I can’t guess it’s because they actually envision that happening to another human being and take pleasure from the image/thought. But hey don’t quote me I could be wrong.

Back on Topic -
Did I ask you to “stand up” for me via personal message? If you believe I have, then I give you permission to post public any part of a pm msg sent to you, by me, where I make a direct and specific request, “explicitly” asking you to defend me publicly.
Stop telling people to post pms you troglodyte.

It's against TOS whether you "give permission" or not.

Stop being so stupid.
feet are just feet? 20 toed feet are just feet?
truly, we are limited by our own interests and passions....
you have to try to understand another's passions to truly understand that person...you have to understand a culture's art before you ever have a chance of understanding that culture's people...even if you're part of that culture
How do you keep all those synonyms in one bed?

They friendly with each other?

'splains your rabid jealousy of gay men. They are poor sources for the physical adulation that is your drug of choice. :joint::bigjoint:
Where are you on the Kinsey scale ..-...a. bear?
I’m going to take an uneducated guess and say smack bam in the middle of 4 and 5.
I have and have had many gay male friends. Are you saying a male 6 on the Kinsey scale is unable to appreciate an attractive physique if it belongs to a woman? No..? Surely I must be mistaken...?....smh, surely..?
You are quite correct. You did advise me not to send pics to anyone. I assured you I hadn’t, and at that point I indeed hadn’t. So where were you going with that? Is this you saying “haha I told you so?” Yeah cool.. you told me so. You were right I was wrong. What happens next? pfft

Criticise me for finding that story humorous. It was. A lot of stories are humorous. Why? Because “stories”are, exactly what they are, stories. Why do people laugh when the “bad” character in a comedy movie meets with some kind of ironic, ill fate? I can’t guess it’s because they actually envision that happening to another human being and take pleasure from the image/thought. But hey don’t quote me I could be wrong.

Back on Topic -
Did I ask you to “stand up” for me via personal message? If you believe I have, then I give you permission to post public any part of a pm msg sent to you, by me, where I make a direct and specific request, “explicitly” asking you to defend me publicly.

While not a direct request a cry is a cry non the less. Answered. What is the level of your reading comprehension?

No its not an "I told you so", merely pointing out that you did have an opportunity to avoid what
your choice has evolved to. I have no problem to speak my mind. If I choose to stroke your
ego, good or bad, you will know it. There will be no vale to mask it.

What happens next? That's up to you. Keep calling me up and I'll keep responding to you.
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