does anyone have side by side pictures of defoliated vs undefoliated


Well-Known Member
Just like the title says

I see a lot of people say defoliation is the most idiotic thing to do.

Does anyone have any side by side photos they would like to share?

PLEASE dont come for arguments
Just looking for side by side photos

I have defoliated a few times and i usually clean up anything that is more than 3 feet from the final canopy hieght

My problem is i never do a side by side to see a difference .

So heres another question

Would anyone be interested if i did a side by side?

I have 4 amnesia haze girls getting ready for the flip soon would anyone care to see what happens if i defoliate 2 and leave 2 totally unplucked?

Let me know but please no arguing.
If you can link to pics that would be great

But dont come here saying shit like youll only fuck the plant up...
I have stripped plants pretty bare before and they always grew just fine .

But i didnt take photos with an un plucked plant for real proof

Please have something to show ...

Or whether or not you would like to see a side by side .

Come on now no bull shit .

And ive heard all the negatives about it from a to z
Just seeing if anyvone has any side by sides
Or if it would be helpful if i did a side by side with weekly updates

With peace I hope
No foliage so looks defoliated to me.
Heres the plants
You guys can pick which 2 get cut.

I just dont want a hate war
Not my finest work but its my first run in "this" rdwc this is my 3rd and probably last rdwc system

Let me know if i should start a new thread
I just hate hearing NO.
But without showing why.

I would love links to any studies anybody found on defoliation
Please remove all the leaves (defoliate). Let's not be another "I'm going to defoliate, I mean prune and trim thread".
Was planning on cuting 2 to were there is only the top 3 leaves or so per shoot
And the other 2 as is
What do you think?
I was thinking the big one on the left keeps leaves and one more in the middle but ill let you guys pick
Why not
leave #1 alone
Pluck #2
Leave #3 alone
Pluck #4
That is what i was thinking myself
I figure if the big one is unplucked and the little plucked one over grows it we will have hard results ...

It doesnt matter to me i know they will make bud either way and im not hung on what weight i get this run.
Because its my first run in this setup and with this strain :) and with my gavita lol
Lot of firsts in this one so i dont care whats going to happen on this one
Ill cut them in a few days if there is enough interest

I'm interested, I'm always interested in experiments which is why I've been trying out home made LED panels instead of being boring and just buying something that some say is good, others say isn't, etc.

I mean, there's always going to be some who will fire off on the "never do that" flame type thing but you just got to ignore them
I'm interested, I'm always interested in experiments which is why I've been trying out home made LED panels instead of being boring and just buying something that some say is good, others say isn't, etc.

I mean, there's always going to be some who will fire off on the "never do that" flame type thing but you just got to ignore them

Ha ha yea man i know all about that one!
Check out my thread
4inches is all them girls need?

for some funny reading :)

If i get enough hits here ill make a new thread with a better title :)

These plants have been in the system for about 4 weeks might let them go another few before i flip still need to figure out how i want my screen
If im going to even use one this time

Ill admit i bought a gavita lol but i have been interested in trying an led build because i like diy too.

Thanks for stopping in fubard
Another reason I decided to build my own was just to keep me busy since I can't work any more. I've just realised I can't actually tell how many Lux is hitting the plant from my new panel as the light meter on my phone maxes out at 32k lux and, well, that's what's being hit so I reckon I might have to get a proper meter for indication.

If that's even vaguely accurate, then I'm pulling well over 30k lux out of a 1 sq. ft. panel, hanging 6" above the plant and that reading is at the highest set of full fan leaves and not right up at the panel, made from cheap LED strip panel that cost me under $50 which I don't think is that bad at all.
Oh well, least i can say for sure when some one asks me lol.

No second hand bull here lol. Just pics good bad ugly will be :)

The way it should be, if you can afford or not care about a failure it's better to learn from a mistake than to be thinking "what if" forever.