

Well-Known Member
If it's a dog that is raised to fight, and it mauls someone, then YES, it's the dog and it's just doing what it knows.

But pits are like any other dog, you can raise them normally. You don't HAVE to raise them to fight. It's not like they're just violent dogs.

I had a pit and a dachshund at the same time, the dachshund was the one you had to watch out for.
Thats great wikid! My weener dog was the one to watch too. He actually used to try and fight pit bulls!! He was a VERY dominant dog and without a strong handed owner from early on such as me he could have easily been a little shit that bit kids and tried to fight other dogs. I really think it is 99% owner and 1% Dog. Lots of dogs require a good owner who is not afraid to show the dog who is boss. If you do not train a dominant puppy from a young age to be submissive to ALL people (especially children) then it is quite possible that it will have violent outbursts.
My next dogs will be a Greyhound (super chill breed totally laid back) and another Dachshund (real smart ass attitudes!). I'm going to name them Ren and Stimpy. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
See when it comes down to it most people look for a loving dog that no matter what can be trusted. i believe that dogs are usually a reflection of the people they own it and its shows through their build,discipline,smarts,and def their behavior. most dogs are a replica of their owner and thats usually in their behavior to. if a dog is around an enviornment full of anger and argument then the dog is gonna reflect that behavior in its actions. but i also do believe some dogs are more prone to certain behaviors than others but that also doesnt mean its in the genes so to speak.but maybe their genes somewhat influence how fast or how little it takes to set the dog to that angry stage.
but i also believe that as their are people that are just born cold blooded their is also dogs that are born the same way. in most cases in people they are not born that way but raised that way and there is no way to correctly figure that out either. i think we could compare dogs to humans in this situation due to the fact dogs are humanlike in their behavior....do people agree with this or disagree?


Well-Known Member
I agree with you about pitbulls but I vaguely remembered the story about the lady that had a face transplant because of a dog attack and that it was a lab. I looked it up, sure enough. That was a huge surprise to me.

About 2/3 of the way down the article.

Face transplant patient speaks out - More health news - MSNBC.com
millions of labs vs thousands of pits.

less than 5 major attacks a year for labs. I do believe that number is higher for pitbulls


Well-Known Member
if they're not unpredictable what happened when the pit ripped a child out of it's wagon?

did you read this story?

Flashback: Companion Trained Pit Bull Attacks Police Horse
SPCA Trained Pit Bull-Mix Had Been Tested Twice
San Francisco, CA - In November of 2003, a pit bull-mix attacked a police horse in Golden Gate Park. The dog belonged to an SPCA volunteer who took the dog to senior centers. The attack landed the dog owner in the hospital after being kicked by the horse and the dog in the vet after being shot by an officer. The officer riding the horse suffered back injury from the attack.

The dog attacked the police horse, named AAA Andy, after the dog owner, Anna Klafter, let her off her leash to play with other dogs near the Conservatory of Flowers, something she had done in the past. The dog had been through extensive training and behavior tests that had shown her to be sociable, Klafter said, so she didn't see any harm in it.

The area near the conservatory is not one of Golden Gate Park's 24 designated off-leash areas, and Sgt. David Herrera, who was patrolling on horseback, ordered Klafter to put Nettie on a leash. This is when the pit bull charged the police horse, biting its leg and belly. Klafter tried to regain control of Nettie from underneath the horse and was struck in the face with a hoof.

Besides the possible skull fracture, Klafter suffered a broken finger and head laceration. The horse suffered bites to his belly and one hind leg, and Herrera suffered a back injury caused when he fell from the horse. Another officer shot Nettie, who is expected to survive -- at least for now. A hearing would determine the ultimate fate of the dog.

Officials who trained Nettie said the dog belonged with kids and old folks, not in the pound. Klafter adopted Nettie from the SPCA, where she had volunteered for more than two years, sometimes leading dog-training classes. Nettie's previous owners gave her to the city's animal control because they were moving to an apartment where dogs were not allowed.

Nettie was given basic behavior evaluations by Animal Care and Control in addition to an aggression test for pit bulls. She was tested again by the SPCA and trained for animal assisted therapy. Netty received references from eight people after Klafter adopted her, including animal trainers from the SPCA and Animal Care and Control, and received no negative reports.
Though Nettie's response to children and seniors was tested, she had never met a horse. The novelty may have caused her to give way to her aggressive instincts, said Daniel Crain, president of the SPCA.
Sgt. Phil Downs of the San Francisco police equestrian unit said AAA Andy was fine. Luckily, the dog did not "lock on" to the horse's leg. But Downs fears the horse may be more than skittish when confronted with dogs in the future. The ill effects will be seen down the road, he said. "Unfortunately, a horse has a long memory.''

yes, they do just freak out

....a horse??!! exactly..you're oblivious to the breed. My dog hunts for rabbits at the school all the time. Why? Because he likes to. Good exercise if you ask me and thats all the further ill note on that.. Im probably a bad person because of this.

Im not saying another word in this thread. Everybody is entitled to there own opinion and can choose any dog they want.

I will probably own a pitbull for the rest of my life, along with many other dogs of different types of breeds.

I am confident that no pitbull I ever own will ever attack somebody at random or unless directed to. I dont need my dog for protection and I don't train my dogs for protection, but they would protect me in a second.

PS: I want a jack russel terrier, while we are on the subject.



Well-Known Member
Who wants a loud ass beagle? And yes My pitbull is oh so vicious.

Clearly you know jack shit about pitbulls or the majority of their owners.


Well-Known Member
anyone who keeps a baseball bat next to their front door.

plain and simple.


I would expect someone of your age to not be so naive. Most pitbull owners are just like me. Respectable, Law abiding, productive members of society who hate the fact that pitbulls are used as status symbols. You think you despise the people who chop their ears and tails, and strap on spiked chains. How do you think I feel? Having to combat that stereotype every single day. People asking me repeatedly "Is he mean?" All because a small numbre of dumbfucks think it's cool to parade around with a dog they have no business even having. Pitbulls are very intelligent, Caring, Loyal dogs. They should be in the hands of responsible people.
Not your drug dealers, buddy hustlers and R&B Thugs.


Well-Known Member
Oh and Labs do bite just as much as pitbulls. It's just when a lab bites someone it's a "Freak accident", But when it's a pit it was destined to happen and aires on CNN.


Well-Known Member
a certain amount has to be the dog, but people who own pits need to realize that they will attack for no fucking reason whatsoever. negligent owners who think their pit is somehow different, just like all the other people who had their child/grandmother killed by a pit

You're a moron. It's never the dogs fault, and nothing never attacks for no reason. People raise pitbulls to be aggressive because they believe it's a supreme fighting dog, and they know jackasses like you will cross the street as soon as he see's one. When the fact of the matter is if you introduce something to a certain lifestyle and he has a level of loyalty to where he's willing to die for you you have a problem. Owners direct there pitbulls down that slippery slope. My pitbull has never bitten ANYONE. My pitbull doesn't show aggression towards ANYONE. He wont even jump on young children and disabled people because he realizes they're different than me. They're intelligent animals who need to be directed down the right path. Just like with anything else...If you treat it like shit what's going to happen?

I don't care what anyone says. They're amazing dogs, and to hate them is to never have actually known one.


Well-Known Member
you know *most* but not all pot smokers are lazy no good losers, who think it is cool to smoke reefer.........................one time I I was had a neighbors house and saw this pot smoker and all he did was sit and watch t.v. the media tells me that reefer can make you go crazy I read stories about how bad weed is every once and while.....................................its ironic that the ignorance shown by posters about pitbulls on this thread is exactly why people think weed is evil to..............ignorance, ignorance, ignorance.


YouTube - Pit bull attack 3 week old baby

YouTube - vicious pitbull attacks

YouTube - Senior Pit bull eaten by baby

YouTube - Baby feeds Pit Bull

YouTube - Pit Bull & Chicks - HAPPY EASTER !!! ;)


Well-Known Member
These dogs are up against so much. Why do a bashing thread on them????? Nasty.

Because he's just like the average person who wants to kick something when it's down. Regardless of his lack of knowledge concerning a subject. That's just like some outsider calling him a drug dealer based in his occupation as a caregiver. It's shortsided and ignorant and someone who posts on this site and is revered as much as he should know better. We're all misfits on this site.
All kept down by corrupt laws and ud-educated assumptions. Just like the APBT.


Well-Known Member
Because he's just like the average person who wants to kick something when it's down. Regardless of his lack of knowledge concerning a subject. That's just like some outsider calling him a drug dealer based in his occupation as a caregiver. It's shortsided and ignorant and someone who posts on this site and is revered as much as he should know better. We're all misfits on this site.
All kept down by corrupt laws and ud-educated assumptions. Just like the APBT.

who's down?

i AM a drug dealer, all day long. i sell drugs. i sit with buyers and make DEALS. plain and simple. i'm not trying to deny or sugarcoat it. i am what i am.

once again, denial. is it sooooo hard to say that the track record of pitbulls stands against them, regardless of what the media says? just because they've been bashed doesn't make the facts any less true.

I AM A POT SMOKING DRUG DEALER AND PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:


Well-Known Member
If I could give you more rep I would.(I have to spread it)
Yes, we all are misfits on here. I thought everyone out here was more open minded than this....it is shocking.
For the record, I owned a Beagle (joey) This dog was the biggest pain in the ass I have ever owned....with that said, I would not start a thread bashing the beloved Beagle, just as I don't condone a thread bashing Pitts..Just sayin'
Because he's just like the average person who wants to kick something when it's down. Regardless of his lack of knowledge concerning a subject. That's just like some outsider calling him a drug dealer based in his occupation as a caregiver. It's shortsided and ignorant and someone who posts on this site and is revered as much as he should know better. We're all misfits on this site.
All kept down by corrupt laws and ud-educated assumptions. Just like the APBT.