Well-Known Member
Been waiting to see some Glukiebreath! Keep us updated....the gnarly one is a OGKB leaner so may give you a great Glue/OGKB mix!
I was hoping for a OGKB Dom.....fingers crossed. I'll try and update often..Been waiting to see some Glukiebreath! Keep us updated....the gnarly one is a OGKB leaner so may give you a great Glue/OGKB mix!
Now all we need is someone to pop some Tangbreath! Anyone got some going?
knew there was a sleeper in that 1
I just grabbed a pack of both and 2 meat breathBoth would be nice lol but has anyone grown or tried both? Or even either?
Chem tastes like sweet pine as far as I'm concerned. You will be the final judge, but I have a feeling it will taste much different than it smells. You are talking about something that will have very little chem in it though.Get both to the above poster. Anyone smoked any chem genetics before? Garlic breath will be my first just curious if people love or hate that smell and taste.