actually gold is still the new gold
but it is being fk'd by paper trading of gold that does not exist and then the buysell algorythm
does the work..
gold is the only real thing..but this world /monetarysystem is not real
but we are starting to live in a virtual world..btc itself makes sense..lets hope the bankerpapertraders/do not
find out how to crash it every week for their little profit..and never say never
that said i do wanna get a bit..pardon the pun
The only time gold won't be valuable is if the world is coming to an end. It has intrinsic value for industrial uses in electronics. If I need to haul a lot of value from one place to another without carrying currency, gold is a good option. But it doesn't swing wildly like Bitcoin so there is less potential for profit.
@ttystikk China was the biggest btc market until they banned it recently, it dipped and within 2 weeks it was at an all time high.

thank god for that! Those fuckers can jog on.

The tulip bubble story is something btc gets compared to a lot, mostly by people that dont understand how or why btc has value. The whole tulip thing wasnt even really a bubble

Ive been trading digital currencies for 5 years. At the moment bitcoin is moving more toward the Store of value side of things because of the scaling issue - Bitcoin is slow, really slow compared to visa. But secondary layers like Lightning network will fix this but core wont rush it. N o one expected this year to unfold like it has.

Blockchain is the THE biggest digital revolution since the internet. It is right now changing the way millions of industries work - cutting out the expensive middle man via a trustless digital ledger is saving billions already. ive invested into countless blockchain projects via altcoins, theyre absolutely fascinating.

Im surprised that someone as efficiency driven as yourself isnt ALL OVER IT

i could go all day man (:
Clearly I have much to learn about it. I'm always ready for an education!
"But it doesn't swing wildly like Bitcoin so there is less potential for profit."

i agree..however it should have swung way way up bynow.. and is being held down by fake paper gold options
because of fear of fiat losing to whats real..the 20 trillion$debt will be kicked further for the "protection of the people"..
and we all know where that gets us

tty everything you said about bit coin is true..except it may end up having a life of its own..

and thanks Lukio for your insight..
"But it doesn't swing wildly like Bitcoin so there is less potential for profit."

i agree..however it should have swung way way up bynow.. and is being held down by fake paper gold options
because of fear of fiat losing to whats real..the 20 trillion$debt will be kicked further for the "protection of the people"..
and we all know where that gets us

tty everything you said about bit coin is true..except it may end up having a life of its own..

and thanks Lukio for your insight..
This is a big reason why I'm thinking of buying gold. It's value will rise in the next crash. Another way to say that is the value of the currencies will fall and gold will hold its value.
I thought my account at BTC-e was lost since the domain was seized earlier this year. I just found out they reopened under a .nz domain. Logged in and there is my 0.043 ETH still in my account. Woo hoo!
That's awesome! Gotta love pleasant surprises (:
A bit like the 1 I had last year....I had totally forgotten about an insurance/savings policy I took out in 1985 when I was 19. I had cancelled it in favour of having the monthly payments for beer money instead. Was only a few £'s invested but that grows quite a bit over 30-odd years......just a shame I have to wait until I'm 55 to get my hands on it!!
this guy is amazing, he sums it up way better than i can. he knows wassup
Fascinating and exciting in equal measure. If I were a young banker starting out in finance I'd forget about the old ways of doing things; it'd be like an automotive engineer learning how a steam engine works.
The lack of control will have a lot of govts. worried tho I think, not to mention banks/bankers. No more JP Morgan sucking out billions for their own pockets and leaving the rest of us to pick up the tab. (:
Fascinating and exciting in equal measure. If I were a young banker starting out in finance I'd forget about the old ways of doing things; it'd be like an automotive engineer learning how a steam engine works.
The lack of control will have a lot of govts. worried tho I think, not to mention banks/bankers. No more JP Morgan sucking out billions for their own pockets and leaving the rest of us to pick up the tab. (:
Except that JP Morgan Chase had the active assistance of the US Federal government, they didn't do it alone.

By all appearances, considering nothing fundamental has changed, they'll get the same bailout the next time.

They're Too Big To Fail, after all...


When corporations take over government and ramp up enforcement of laws against the citizens, that's fascism.

It's time to look at America in the cold light of reality and see the parallels between what it's doing now and 1930s Germany.

Currencies as a store of value hold that value because of the strength of the economy underlying the issuing nation. Bitcoin has neither an economy into itself nor a government guaranteeing its value.

We already have digital currency; electronic money transfers between banks accounts happen millions of times every day.

This is a bit disjointed but the common factor is that these are all breadcrumbs pointing the way towards a very disturbing future.
I'm working on it....trying to hook up Green Leaf with a UK/EU distributor (:

You need to think bigger!!!

Dont find the distributor, Become the distributor !!!!

Or have you seen how much £££ people are making from decanting nutes into smaller bottles? Now if you had nutes that are impossible to get over here......Maybe thats just my mind finding an earner in everything lol

I bought 0.001 btc a few months back @£30 and now its £80. Next time it goes down ive got a couple bags ready for it.

Plants are coming along well lukio i thought youd already flipped that lot.
I'm working on it....trying to hook up Green Leaf with a UK/EU distributor (:

An EU distributor would be really nice. Shipped via GLS(EU only) and nobody within EU would have to pay import tax anymore. At least untill yet...(Brexit).
These import taxes each time are really a pita. Have to pay it for COB's, for stripes, drivers and now also for fertilizers, LOL! Only available power fertilizer here is the Greenhouse stuff and I don't like it because it's too exspensive and not realy a all-in-one solution.
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Except that JP Morgan Chase had the active assistance of the US Federal government, they didn't do it alone.
Yeah I realise that but that is another reason to buy into cryptocurrency because govts/institutions don't have a hold or control over them.
Currencies as a store of value hold that value because of the strength of the economy underlying the issuing nation. Bitcoin has neither an economy into itself nor a government guaranteeing its value.
Cryptocurrencies are different than traditional money. Here is an example: I'm looking at a cryptocurrency that aims to be the one of choice that gets used in VR and VR gaming. Those in-game purchases that happen in games atm,on smartphones, with the use of $'s/£'s might well be made in future using the cryptocurrency instead. When people at home want to create their own VR worlds and need assets such as a house/bar/street/whatever they might use the new currency and as it gets used - creating a VR economy - it will increase in value. There is no inflation. No $30 transaction fee if overseas. No turmoil due to a war in the Middle East. It's totally different and needs to be thought of in a different way completely.
There are a few cryptocurrencies vying to be the one of choice used by cannabis dispensaries/farmers. As they get adopted they will increase in value. The more they get used the more the value will increase (Up to a point) so it is a whole new deal.
We already have digital currency; electronic money transfers between banks accounts happen millions of times every day.
Yeah true but look at the piss-taking fees that get charged, essentially for nothing except use of the network which transmits the money/information!
Cryptocurrencies don't have that. If I send 1 BTC to you it arrives as 1 BTC. If I send you a $ it probably arrives as 90 cents or less maybe. International trade done in millions/billions of $'s is raped by bankers for their own enrichment. Won't happen with crypto.
@Stone_Free great conversation, it's an interesting perspective.

On the Brexit topic; do you guys think it's a good thing for the country? Will it happen? Do you personally want to see it happen? The news here is spinning it relentlessly negatively.
it's an interesting perspective.
Yeah it really is. I was reading that the US Govt. want people to declare their cryptocurrencies domestically and also for international travellers who have over $10K worth. This is a fight they and other govts will lose. Once these currencies are in everyday use by millions it's out of govt control. They won't be able to arrest millions of people. It'll make the gun control argument look like a pillow fight imo.

As for Brexit, I'm not sure Lukio wants his thread filled with it so I'll just say this. I wouldn't trust the EU as far as I could throw it (:
They have massive youth unemployment in a few countries yet they are starting to put together an EU army/arms industry. It'll end badly if they don't focus on the real issues, which they either won't or can't do.