Hello Everyone
I have a ez cloner 128 but unfortunately the cloning is not going so easy for me.
Tap water Ph to 5.8 - tested daily
Pump 24/7 Water temp 60-68
Room ambient temp 65-70
Tops cut from mother plant went straight into cloner. Nice and green, 2 weeks later No root still standing up straight a little yellowing on leaves.
Please assist
And if someone can please explain to me how plant root aero-ly (not a real word lol), I am trying to understand how a plant goes about running with just water and I not understanding. I read that yes the little white bumps are suppose to show then you will see roots soon. I see no bumps. Cutting is pretty thick, does thickness have any correlation with time of rooting/white bumps ?
Water PPM under 200 all tap water just PH no nutes.
Another Set of clones was put in. Sides of stalk was "shaved" off to have more surface area contact then dipped in clonex and set in clones for about 2 days now. Will see results from that hopefully sooner then the first clones put in. They exact PPM of tap I forgot it is about 150 -175.
Please if you have any question ask, comments, critique anything will help I will love to understand aero cloning better.

I have a ez cloner 128 but unfortunately the cloning is not going so easy for me.
Tap water Ph to 5.8 - tested daily
Pump 24/7 Water temp 60-68
Room ambient temp 65-70
Tops cut from mother plant went straight into cloner. Nice and green, 2 weeks later No root still standing up straight a little yellowing on leaves.
Please assist
And if someone can please explain to me how plant root aero-ly (not a real word lol), I am trying to understand how a plant goes about running with just water and I not understanding. I read that yes the little white bumps are suppose to show then you will see roots soon. I see no bumps. Cutting is pretty thick, does thickness have any correlation with time of rooting/white bumps ?
Water PPM under 200 all tap water just PH no nutes.
Another Set of clones was put in. Sides of stalk was "shaved" off to have more surface area contact then dipped in clonex and set in clones for about 2 days now. Will see results from that hopefully sooner then the first clones put in. They exact PPM of tap I forgot it is about 150 -175.
Please if you have any question ask, comments, critique anything will help I will love to understand aero cloning better.