Ezcloner 128 not so easy. Please help


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone

I have a ez cloner 128 but unfortunately the cloning is not going so easy for me.
Tap water Ph to 5.8 - tested daily
Pump 24/7 Water temp 60-68
Room ambient temp 65-70

Tops cut from mother plant went straight into cloner. Nice and green, 2 weeks later No root still standing up straight a little yellowing on leaves.

Please assist
And if someone can please explain to me how plant root aero-ly (not a real word lol), I am trying to understand how a plant goes about running with just water and I not understanding. I read that yes the little white bumps are suppose to show then you will see roots soon. I see no bumps. Cutting is pretty thick, does thickness have any correlation with time of rooting/white bumps ?

Water PPM under 200 all tap water just PH no nutes.

Another Set of clones was put in. Sides of stalk was "shaved" off to have more surface area contact then dipped in clonex and set in clones for about 2 days now. Will see results from that hopefully sooner then the first clones put in. They exact PPM of tap I forgot it is about 150 -175.

Please if you have any question ask, comments, critique anything will help I will love to understand aero cloning better.

IMG_2242.JPG IMG_2247.JPG
Hey bud, I just cut a whole bunch of clones and have one of these bad boys myself!

I'm running my cloners @ 300ppm with Clonex Solution, 6.0 pH, 70~ degrees in reservoir and I run my cloner 5 on 30 off. What I suggest you doing is re-cutting your steams at 45 degrees, you can scrape the sides if you like, and putting your cloner on a timer. I don't use the gel in the cloner mainly because it just leaves a mess.

You really don't need to run your cloner on 24/7. It makes your reservoir run warmer, and there isn't enough air circulation for your plants. You're probably wondering "what if they dry up and die". When you lift up the top after a spray, you'll notice little droplets of water clinging at the end of your stem - that's enough to keep them thriving until the next spray. I normally expect roots at 7 days.

Good luck!! Happy growing.
Hey bud, I just cut a whole bunch of clones and have one of these bad boys myself!

I'm running my cloners @ 300ppm with Clonex Solution, 6.0 pH, 70~ degrees in reservoir and I run my cloner 5 on 30 off. What I suggest you doing is re-cutting your steams at 45 degrees, you can scrape the sides if you like, and putting your cloner on a timer. I don't use the gel in the cloner mainly because it just leaves a mess.

You really don't need to run your cloner on 24/7. It makes your reservoir run warmer, and there isn't enough air circulation for your plants. You're probably wondering "what if they dry up and die". When you lift up the top after a spray, you'll notice little droplets of water clinging at the end of your stem - that's enough to keep them thriving until the next spray. I normally expect roots at 7 days.

Good luck!! Happy growing.
Hey bud, I just cut a whole bunch of clones and have one of these bad boys myself!

I'm running my cloners @ 300ppm with Clonex Solution, 6.0 pH, 70~ degrees in reservoir and I run my cloner 5 on 30 off. What I suggest you doing is re-cutting your steams at 45 degrees, you can scrape the sides if you like, and putting your cloner on a timer. I don't use the gel in the cloner mainly because it just leaves a mess.

You really don't need to run your cloner on 24/7. It makes your reservoir run warmer, and there isn't enough air circulation for your plants. You're probably wondering "what if they dry up and die". When you lift up the top after a spray, you'll notice little droplets of water clinging at the end of your stem - that's enough to keep them thriving until the next spray. I normally expect roots at 7 days.

Good luck!! Happy growing.
when you say 5 on 30 off you are talking minutes not seconds right lol
Your trying to root that og right?

White widow, blue dreams and black mamba.
Yes I am trying to root clones.

I will pick up clones ex solution tomorrow but is this really needed or optional. Ideally I would like to get to the understand where I am root under tap water alone . I don't believe clone ex will make this process any faster.

I have increase ambient room temp to 70 degree and set pump on 5 min ON 30 min OFF

I have recut stems as took a little off the side wall of stems.

Just from pass reading I assumed 24/7 pump faster rooting process and longer roots vs time pump longer time to root but decrees chance of stem or root rot due to water temp to high.
Hello Everyone

I have a ez cloner 128 but unfortunately the cloning is not going so easy for me.
Tap water Ph to 5.8 - tested daily
Pump 24/7 Water temp 60-68
Room ambient temp 65-70

Tops cut from mother plant went straight into cloner. Nice and green, 2 weeks later No root still standing up straight a little yellowing on leaves.

Please assist
And if someone can please explain to me how plant root aero-ly (not a real word lol), I am trying to understand how a plant goes about running with just water and I not understanding. I read that yes the little white bumps are suppose to show then you will see roots soon. I see no bumps. Cutting is pretty thick, does thickness have any correlation with time of rooting/white bumps ?

Water PPM under 200 all tap water just PH no nutes.

Another Set of clones was put in. Sides of stalk was "shaved" off to have more surface area contact then dipped in clonex and set in clones for about 2 days now. Will see results from that hopefully sooner then the first clones put in. They exact PPM of tap I forgot it is about 150 -175.

Please if you have any question ask, comments, critique anything will help I will love to understand aero cloning better.

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Have you cloned this strain with success previously? Some strains take longer than others. I have a GG4 that for the life of me I cant get to root any faster than 10 days, transplant ready at 14. Using the exact same methods, I get transplantable rooted cuts of just about any other strain in 7-10 days.
If you arent familiar with cloning yet, the cuts will be happy in lower light intensity, room temps in the high 70's and RH of 55-65%. Water temps between 67-70*F are prime.
60 degree water temp is freezing. 65 room temp is freezing.
White widow, blue dreams and black mamba.
Yes I am trying to root clones.

I will pick up clones ex solution tomorrow but is this really needed or optional. Ideally I would like to get to the understand where I am root under tap water alone . I don't believe clone ex will make this process any faster.

I have increase ambient room temp to 70 degree and set pump on 5 min ON 30 min OFF

I have recut stems as took a little off the side wall of stems.

Just from pass reading I assumed 24/7 pump faster rooting process and longer roots vs time pump longer time to root but decrees chance of stem or root rot due to water temp to high.

Clonex solution is optional.. it just gives it that little extra boost and that's what I do as the bare minimum as far as nutrients, it might just take longer but that's okay! I personally think water temp is fine, the cooler it is the less likely you'll grow bacteria but I guess it comes down to genetics if your plant will be able to tolerate it. I've had success with both 24/7 and 5/30 but the latter is more efficient.
I run a homemade cloner, it runs 24/7. I check ph to somewhere around 6 - 6.5 don't know water temp because it doesn't matter I've never checked it. I add some type of clone solution most of the time I just mix power with water and add it, but clonex works very well. The #1 thing to cloning is healthy mom! Make sure she is loaded up with nutes especially P & K. Then just cut at 45 degree angle scrap stem dip in powered root hormone. Insert and I like to mist them 1 time with a mild liquid karma mix. Anywhere from 5 to 10 days most of the time roots will grow, there are a few that can take longer.
I do this
I run a homemade cloner, it runs 24/7. I check ph to somewhere around 6 - 6.5 don't know water temp because it doesn't matter I've never checked it. I add some type of clone solution most of the time I just mix power with water and add it, but clonex works very well. The #1 thing to cloning is healthy mom! Make sure she is loaded up with nutes especially P & K. Then just cut at 45 degree angle scrap stem dip in powered root hormone. Insert and I like to mist them 1 time with a mild liquid karma mix. Anywhere from 5 to 10 days most of the time roots will grow, there are a few that can take longer.

I've had success with 24/7 as well but it just all depends on the set up. LK is great for stress relief so if you can afford that, I'd suggest that too.
White widow, blue dreams and black mamba.
Yes I am trying to root clones.

I will pick up clones ex solution tomorrow but is this really needed or optional. Ideally I would like to get to the understand where I am root under tap water alone . I don't believe clone ex will make this process any faster.

I have increase ambient room temp to 70 degree and set pump on 5 min ON 30 min OFF

I have recut stems as took a little off the side wall of stems.

Just from pass reading I assumed 24/7 pump faster rooting process and longer roots vs time pump longer time to root but decrees chance of stem or root rot due to water temp to high.
ez clone website said they got the most biggest roots from a 30 min on 30 min off schedule
Been running aero cloners for almost 10 years. Roots will take forever at anything less than 75 degrees. 78-80 is optimal and you will have roots in a week. Run pump 24/7 with straight water and keep it simple. If you clean your cloner properly you shouldn't have any issues with brown slime. That's where most people fuck up, not cleaning properly with bleach.
from the instructions

For optimal results, the temperature of the water should remain between 70 and 85 degrees with the addition of EZ-CLONE® Clear Rez™ as a preventative measure. Apply Clear Rez weekly at 1oz per five gallons. Using the system without Clear Rez is not recommended.
Been running aero cloners for almost 10 years. Roots will take forever at anything less than 75 degrees. 78-80 is optimal and you will have roots in a week. Run pump 24/7 with straight water and keep it simple. If you clean your cloner properly you shouldn't have any issues with brown slime. That's where most people fuck up, not cleaning properly with bleach.

I run my pump on a timer, he runs his 24/7. So the problem isn't water/air ratio but maybe more so water temp. All my cloners are fluctuating between 73-78 degrees atm and since multiple people disagreed with my statement that must be the problem.
Thank you all for the great collective knowledge.

I will test this 5/30 for a week and post results if any. If noting has change we can go back to drawing bored and see.

Mothers are nice and healthy. Does leaves really have to be trim ? There is no dome and more leave equals higher RH. My humidity is pretty low about 50-60% I don't believe leave will change speed of root but I will cut some and see.

Is there anything I am missing to inform?

Is 30/30 better? Or faster root speed?