Hawaii Growers

That's a cool pipe. I don't think I've seen a silicone one before.

As far as I know only Purpnugz and myself are on Maui. I think most of the regular posters here are on the B.I. and there's a couple from Oahu, one from Molokai, one from SoCal, one from Oz and one from the South, I think. Historically (in this thread) most of the posters have been from the B.I. and Oahu. The only other Maui boy that I can remember on here was TrichyBastard and he hasn't been on here for a long time. I knew him offline and he stopped growing so he stopped posting on here. Positivity is from Maui too, but I don't know if he ever posted in this thread,
The silicon was new to me too, I needed to replace yet another broken glass pipe. Cloud nine had them in an array of pipes, bongs, colors,etc. Cheaper than glass, comfy to hold, less droppable, easier to clean, bowl has holes for screen in bottom, and bowl is removable. Under $20. I moved to a mostly lexan bong with glass downstem and bowl years ago.
Oh yeah, NO BURNS.
Just put some duct tape (or any tape) around the stem with the sticky facing out. I also think there is a recipe on the web for making tanglefoot.

I was using a Samsung point and shoot for a long time. Takes great macros!

I am an honorary Maui boy. My Father lived there from 1963 until 2011. Mostly in Makowao and Kula.

We lost two Maui sons recently - Ryan Dotson and Jim Sweeney. My first surfboard was a 9-6 Ryan Dotson gun with 50-50 rails. I caught everything on that board. It was hell to turn though! The first time I stood up on a surfboard was at Kaanapali on a board I borrowed from Terry McCabe.

My daughter was living on Maui for the last couple of years but she and her fiance moved to Oahu in August.

Anybody ever remember waking up to a front yard smothered in volcanic ash?

That stuff blew all the way from BI to oahu lol, i was a young adult at the time, i remember my yard with avocado/soursap/banannas/peppers ect go fucking wild after volcanic ash blew across the islands.

If that were to happen again, I'd be that guy sweeping it up and saving it to try on cannabis lol.
Any of you guys know Biker Dude in Puna? I want to get some of his turmeric and ginger but I don't think I need 30 pounds.
I apologize in advance if you have slow internet because this page is going to suck to load, ha ha.

It's been awhile since I've thrown up pics so here's a wall of them. All this stuff was grown organically in ground in native dirt without any perlite or peat moss. Just dirt I amend with dry minerals to hit the ratios I want. And I mulched with Timothy hay and bunny manure from the rabbits my kids raise.

Some Purple Mayhem probably around 5 weeks flowering

Some Wolf Pack #1

Gorilla Glue #4 x Valley OG (AKA Gorilla Valley)

This was one of the Jamaican Goji's probably about 3-4 weeks into flowering
And some dried nug shots of some random buds I pulled out of the bags

I think this was my Blueberry Hashplant #4

Blueberry Hashplant #3

Sunshine Daydream #2

My Space Monkey #2 or #1 maybe

I think this might be BBHP #5 or just another pic of one of the previous ones. I got to label these pics when I take them, ha ha
Logged in just too look at those buds!

Too many nice cultivars to remember, poor rik! did you every get your soil tested? No need, nice work.lol
Ha ha, thanks Spliff! I was actually thinking I need to start using a better light source, but I guess it's good enough to get the idea I guess. And I have been testing my soil about every 2 months for awhile now. That greenhouse's soil is almost dialed in perfect. I'm still going to bump up the calcium, boron and copper a bit. Before the last run I added, for the first time, molybdenum, cobalt and selenium (along with whatever else was needed) so I'll have to see how the numbers look on those on the next test to see if I need to bump those up also.

In my other greenhouse the soil started off as crappy old plantation dirt and has continued to get better and better at a surprising rate and hasn't really "settled" yet so I keep having to play catch up in there, but it'll get dialed in soon enough I'm sure.

How's things going for you?
I have been using the AN Jungle Juice Micro for ever to give them all of the micro nutes. Makes a difference. It is like taking vitamins.

Your garden looks killa!

Happy Halloween!
Enjoy looking at you Hawaiian guys grows outdoors. Would love to grow some of your strains here in australia.
I'm testing out my gorilla bomb x ghost train haze 1 cross. 2 distinct types. The pure sativa look of the gorilla bomb and the ght1 look.seems about 60 percent of the plants have inherited the gth1 traits. The ones that are pure sativa looking have the most intense sickening sativa smell.
Also crossed critical super silver haze x trippy gorilla
Gth1 x black d.o.g very nice rock hard buds with extremely sticky buds.
I have been using the AN Jungle Juice Micro for ever to give them all of the micro nutes. Makes a difference. It is like taking vitamins.

Your garden looks killa!

Happy Halloween!
Thanks for the heads-up and kind words Mo. For the most part in my greenhouse that I'm planting out right now I'm good on all the minerals (too good on Mg and Na, in other words not good, ha ha), but I want the Ca to be 85% of the base cation saturation ratio and it's at 77% percent right now so I'm going to bump it up with gypsum (because the pH is 7.1 so no liming sources of Ca for this one) and since I'm raising the bar on Ca I'll be applying more boron too. So it ends up being about 28 lbs of gypsum and 141 grams of Borax and I'll be foliar feeding Cu and Mn because the organic matter percentage is almost 17% so I doubt as much Cu and Mn will be as readily available as the plants will need and with that high of Ca I'll be foliar feeding Zn a little too just because plants seem to metabolize it quickly in the soil when the Ca is that high. I will look into the AN Jungle Juice though. I've never checked it out. It might be useful for the potted plants I get started before they head into the greenhouses.