Russian Collusion The Real Slim Shady

Russia-Obsessed Media Shocked To Discover Facts About Russia Stories That Discredit Their Narrative

Journalists can't push a Russia collusion narrative for a year then go silent because it turns out Russians paid a shady opposition research firm that happens to employ a bunch of their close friends.

maybe if you spam the same crap that known russian bots are spamming on social media it will undo the trump tower meeting between don jr, manafort and kushner with several kremlin spies.
maybe if you spam the same crap that known russian bots are spamming on social media it will undo the trump tower meeting between don jr, manafort and kushner with several kremlin spies.

Fusion GPS took the fifth in front of house intel.

That's reality
Mueller's familiar with Russian collusion. He began the Mikerin probe. Odd dontcha think. He can be silent on one count yet investigate another!
Mueller's familiar with Russian collusion. He began the Mikerin probe. Odd dontcha think. He can be silent on one count yet investigate another!
what are you gonna do when the indictments start happening, nazi boi?

btw no one cares about your right wing blog conspiracy theories.
no, emails from don jr.

Sure they were trying to get the dirt on your girl.
While breaking public trust may be impeachable were laws broken? Conspiracy?
Did it help him win? She did garner more votes after all.
Stick to wood butchering. You suck at politics and legal matters.
Sure they were trying to get the dirt on your girl.
While breaking public trust may be impeachable were laws broken? Conspiracy?
Did it help him win? She did garner more votes after all.
Stick to wood butchering. You suck at politics and legal matters.

he conspired with kremlin spies.

then he lied about it for 5 days in a row.

then he said there was nothing else.


indictments are coming, nazi boi.