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Im not super bitchen at diagosing issues, but it does look over watered. How is the air in your waterr?

It may be just a shitty seed. Seems like no 2 are alike. Everyone who grows from seed has had a suicidal seed. There just isnt enough Prozac in the world to cheer them up. I grew a Northen Lights seed that grew dark purple. It never got past the size of a small soccer ball. I pulled it because it was a quarter the size of its peers and just couldnt get its shit together. I grow in a DWC with mild nutes, a lot of air, good temps, and great lights. Some seeds just suck... Now, in saying all that maybe its something you can fix.

It looks like it could be a viable plant. It lools like you planted it in a brownie. I your mix looks pretty wet. What is it? Make sure it drains properly, and your arent over watering it. You definatly CAN over water

I hatch more seeds than i expect to grow now. I expect to have some of these slow fuckers and i get rid of them. Its not worth thr heartache. Im kind of taking that to a new level this round. Germinating 12 seeds for the 8 best seeds. I have no room for stragglers this time
Thanks man for reply yea it's these poppers idfk what they call them tbh I have great air in guessing what they were planted in whatever they are called got to wet but honestly it was not always that dry I guess bad seed from bonza 2/4 whatcha gonna do :( attitiude needs to get there credit card back
You jiffy pots look saturated.
Too much water you mean ? Thanks for reply guys thought nooone really answered lol but I guess we are gonna go with overwatering even tho I really really doubt it's that bc I dryed it out before part 2 days ...any chance of her coming out of icu or should I toss her? All sativas now fml no indica lovinggggg
You did say youre growing in hydro right? Most try to bring up the dissolved Oxygen in the system and it also helps keep the creepy crawlers out. With my system the plants roots are sitting in water. If i didnt have a fairly large amout of air in the water my plants eould die VERY quickly. The air bubbles also help the plants roots between the waterline and the bottom of the net cup.

The media looks too wet to me. I dont think its a wonky seed. Do you Ph? Do that.
You did say youre growing in hydro right? Most try to bring up the dissolved Oxygen in the system and it also helps keep the creepy crawlers out. With my system the plants roots are sitting in water. If i didnt have a fairly large amout of air in the water my plants eould die VERY quickly. The air bubbles also help the plants roots between the waterline and the bottom of the net cup.

The media looks too wet to me. I dont think its a wonky seed. Do you Ph? Do that.
Ph is just about right I checked that when I had no other moves temp of water 65 degrees ....I have air stone in dwc that should b making enough bubbles my roots in the nice plant r already sitting in water they big af ! U think I can dig around the stem will that open up more oxygen to her ? #hydrointraining #icantpayforweedanymore #saveherrrr
Just one stone? How large?
The picture shows what i have. Ironically, im disinfecting my system between grows. My "air stone" is a 12" rubber tube with a scrillion little holes in it. I think theres a limit to the amount of O2 you can have in water, ive never measured mine. But, those bubbles pop and flick water everywhere... i think you know this. My point is, more is better in my opinion
Just one stone? How large?
The picture shows what i have. Ironically, im disinfecting my system between grows. My "air stone" is a 12" rubber tube with a scrillion little holes in it. I think theres a limit to the amount of O2 you can have in water, ive never measured mine. But, those bubbles pop and flick water everywhere... i think you know this. My point is, more is better in my opinion
I'm thinking upgrading to a stronger one honestly I bought the cabinet pre made ...I don't see any roots popping out of the dying girl yet ...would be great if that was the problem ...ill post pics tomm I bet she will be completely dead
Yeah... if your roots havent hit the water, which isnt too surprising, that isnt your problem. Top watering too much, or a media that isnt "open" enough to allow the plant to breath is the issue in my opinion.
Yeah... if your roots havent hit the water, which isnt too surprising, that isnt your problem. Top watering too much, or a media that isnt "open" enough to allow the plant to breath is the issue in my opinion.
Hey thanks bro I'm gonna try n open up around the stem maybe it will bring her out of her coma ??
Just one stone? How large?
The picture shows what i have. Ironically, im disinfecting my system between grows. My "air stone" is a 12" rubber tube with a scrillion little holes in it. I think theres a limit to the amount of O2 you can have in water, ive never measured mine. But, those bubbles pop and flick water everywhere... i think you know this. My point is, more is better in my opinion

This is the picture i was supposed to send. The air pump is a lower middle size. I like it, but its loud. I grow in a shed with a wood floor. Holy shit its loud, but i really dont care.


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Hey All, I'm a longtime aficionado of the beautiful weed and am now gearing up to do my first stealth grow. I'm sure I will have some questions- hopefully they won't be too stupid, I have been doing a lot of research, and know there is much more to learn, and so that's how I landed here! Thanks for the great site!
Hey All, I'm a longtime aficionado of the beautiful weed and am now gearing up to do my first stealth grow. I'm sure I will have some questions- hopefully they won't be too stupid, I have been doing a lot of research, and know there is much more to learn, and so that's how I landed here! Thanks for the great site!

Hello everyone, just a new member saying what’s up. I’ve been learning a lot over this past month and I’m almost ready to start my grow. After getting inconsistent and expensive stuff it was about time I gave growing a shot. I have a 2x4 gorilla grow tent for flowering and a 1.5x3x6 cabinet for veg and flower.

My plan is to veg for a few weeks take clippings and transfer those veg plants to the bottom half of the cabinet. After 4 weeks there I’ll transfer to the grow tent and and repeat the process all over for a harvest every month hopefully.

For lighting I’m running 12-44” bridgelux strips in the 4x2 which can do a little over 500 watts max. I’ll have a similar lighting setup in the cabinet but in a smaller version.

What do you guys think? I have some clones coming in at the end of the week.
k so i went into this with a close friend 3 yrs ago. He was extremely experienced and had been doing it many yrs. I on the other hand had no clue. For the first crop he did it all. The second and third he took care of them from cuttings thru the harvest stage into week 5+ where i took over and he gave me a list of foods, measurements, frequency etc. Now 2 yrs after a fall out ive set up shop. (Blue cheese) i got the babies a week ago and now 8 days in after positive growth for the first 6 days im getting a little concerned. I replanted into 15 ltr pots 48 hrs ago the root systems were great. Now ive put all 4 of my 600 watt lights on my cheap mercury based thermometre was reading at 96 farenheit. Ive turned two iff and today been out n bought an air conditioner. Its still reading the same temp despite the air conditioner constantly spewing out cold air for the last 2.5 hours. One maybe two leaves on a few of the plants have either gone yellow at the tip or have the odd yellow spot on. Would anybody suggest this is a result of the heat, a lack of food or a bit of both? Im due to start a feed of samurai canna A and B in the morning and was considering adding rhizotonic again with the A and B. Any tips plz ive invested my last £1200 into this whole thing. HELP
I dont think your gonna see a huge difference in your leaves in 48 hours from nutes unless your Ph is super out of whack. Sounds like you have way too much light. Metal Halides? 96 degrees is too high as you know. Some situations call for higher temps., mi light manufacturer recommends 85 due to a higher metabolism, but 96 is only good for making jerky. Are your leaves curling? Are the yellow spots turning brown and drying up? Pictures are always your friend when you need help here. If you can use a white light maybe a flash, if you can.