Will Congress act now?

Will the Congress enact more gun control?

  • Oh, yea, absolutely!

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Never fucking happen

    Votes: 35 94.6%

  • Total voters
That doesn't seem true. Let's give you a bolt action rifle that holds under 6 bullets and send you into a gun fight against a guy with bump-stock rifles and extended magazines. Fair?

at that range I win even if he's wearing armor.

7.62 x 54 bolt action vs an ar with a bumpstock at 500 yards, no contest.

which brings me back to point....fmj ammo from any hunting rifle should go through multiple targets.
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at that range I win even if he's wearing armor.

7.62 x 54 bolt action vs an ar with a bumpstock at 500 yards, no contest.

which brings me back to point....fmj ammo from any hunting rifle should go through multiple targets.
He had the height, range, windage, pretty much everything calculated out.

Plus the bullets would arrive before you'd even have heard the first shot... your gun might shoot harder but he had all the advantages.
Easier said than done the days. Some reasons;
  1. The People being fed bullshit from well funded sources
  2. Legalized political bribery from anonymous sources
  3. Political gerrymandering
  4. Rampant voter suppression
  5. Acrimony and divisiveness driving many people away and splitting the rest
  6. Political parties can legally ignore the wishes of their constituents
That's a lot of obstacles between We the People and a government that's accountable to us.

Yep, it's hard being the people, it really is. Especially with the anti-intellectual (including science) and anti-government (or "small" government) rhetoric that is so popular with the right, as well as the general apathy and hate of hope, which undermine the people's aptness to do so. Then you have the social political divide that people are also dealing with. Call it a distraction but these are legitimate problems that are intertwined with the politics mentioned above. We are in the midst of a culture war.
Yep, it's hard being the people, it really is. Especially with the anti-intellectual (including science) and anti-government (or "small" government) rhetoric that is so popular with the right, as well as the general apathy and hate of hope, which undermine the people's aptness to do so. Then you have the social political divide that people are also dealing with. Call it a distraction but these are legitimate problems that are intertwined with the politics mentioned above. We are in the midst of a culture war.
We are fighting a well coordinated and highly developed indoctrination campaign against Americans, waged by corporate funded interests from Breitbart, the Heritage Foundation and Exxon to Fix News and PragerU. These are designed to push the 'alternative facts' based narratives we've been seeing from the right wing for years.

It's why the true believers spout talking points but can't discuss them intelligently. It's why they throw out impressive sounding terms but can't define them. It's why they have strong positions on issues but can't debate their merits.

So instead they get flustered and angry at being called sheeple, stupid or outright hoodwinked by those who spoon feed these narratives and carefully spun disinformation campaigns to them.

How else to get poor people suffering from loss of jobs, civil rights environmental quality and a decent future TO VOTE DIRECTLY AGAINST THEIR OWN ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL BEST INTERESTS?

And since the Republican Party is the official mouthpiece of these interests (and the Democratic Party is the officially bought and paid for 'opposition' that doesn't really oppose them), Congress will continue to do fuck all to stop it. They're making too much money to stop now, anyway...
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We are fighting a well coordinated and highly developed indoctrination campaign against Americans, waged by corporate funded interests from Breitbart, the Heritage Foundation and Exxon to Fix News and PragerU. These are designed to push the 'alternative facts' based narratives we've been seeing from the right wing for years.

It's why the true believers spout talking points but can't discuss them intelligently. It's why they throw out impressive sounding terms but can't define them. It's why they have strong positions on issues but can't debate their merits.

So instead they get flustered and angry at being called sheeple, stupid or outright hoodwinked by those who spoon feed these narratives and carefully spun disinformation campaigns to them.

How else to get poor people suffering from loss of jobs, civil rights environmental quality and a decent future TO VOTE DIRECTLY AGAINST THEIR OWN ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL BEST INTERESTS?

And since the Republican Party is the official mouthpiece of these interests (and the Democratic Party is the officially bought and paid for 'opposition' that doesn't really oppose them), Congress will continue to do fuck all to stop it. They're making too much money to stop now, anyway...
Oh, I never realized that supporting the repeal of Citizens United, universal healthcare coverage, opposing the muslim travel ban, endorsing the Paris climate change accord and other centrist or liberal causes was not opposing Republican initiatives on the other side of these issues.

Sounds like it's time for a third party.
Oh, I never realized that supporting the repeal of Citizens United, universal healthcare coverage, opposing the muslim travel ban, endorsing the Paris climate change accord and other centrist or liberal causes was not opposing Republican initiatives on the other side of these issues.

Sounds like it's time for a third party.
Let's ask Diane Feinstein to get that universal healthcare started.

Oh yeah, she's too busy raking in corporate campaign cash and saying it's a lost cause.

I'd be a Democrat if they had any credibility. Maybe that's why you still support them- credibility doesn't seem to matter to you.
What I found imprecise about post 708:

I specified in post 709:

If you can't define your own use of the term 'involuntary government' without ambiguity, it becomes a fictitious entity outwith the scope of 'legitimacy' and your whole question is therefore redundant.

Can you define what an 'involuntary government' is in more than a sentence? Specificity and context, please.

"outwith" ? Could you define that term for me please ?
He's a product of right wing indoctrination, as opposed to education. This is why he not only can't think for himself, but can't even define his terms.

Fix News is not in the habit of teaching critical thinking skills.

My parents were both Democrats, as a younger man I liked Jimmy Carter. (I still like him as a person, but not his flawed politics) You might say I was a product of democrat indoctrination.

So, please try again.

Speaking of critical thinking, I just inhaled some Critical Haze.
Anyone else notice how the Vegas shootings/Puerto Rico/Florida aren't even a blip on the radar anymore?

We're on to fucking over nuclear agreements that every other international body in the world says are being strictly adherred except Trump and Nethanyahu?

Why does Trump want the "bad guys" to all arm up to protect themselves from his aggressive posturing?

Iran and Russia are fucking owning ISIS leaving them completely rekt, that's what's worrying Trump/Israel.

It's sad cos I know loads of Israelis and they're brainwashed with a constant feeling of impending doom and mandatory military service but are otherwise really cool people.
Anyone else notice how the Vegas shootings/Puerto Rico/Florida aren't even a blip on the radar anymore?

We're on to fucking over nuclear agreements that every other international body in the world says are being strictly adherred except Trump and Nethanyahu?

Why does Trump want the "bad guys" to all arm up to protect themselves from his aggressive posturing?

Iran and Russia are fucking owning ISIS leaving them completely rekt, that's what's worrying Trump/Israel.

It's sad cos I know loads of Israelis and they're brainwashed with a constant feeling of impending doom and mandatory military service but are otherwise really cool people.
Yea, their cool alright.
If that cocksucker Netanyahu is the longest serving PM in the history of Israel, what does that say about it's people?
I can understand the fear aspect, but a good portion of that paranoia is self induced.
They don't give 2 shits about peace while the US got their back, all they want is the land.
Yea, their cool alright.
If that cocksucker Netanyahu is the longest serving PM in the history of Israel, what does that say about it's people?
I can understand the fear aspect, but a good portion of that paranoia is self induced.
They don't give 2 shits about peace while the US got their back, all they want is the land.
Blaming the average Israeli for Netanyahu is the same as me blaming you for Trump though.

And you have to remember the children are told all their neighbouring countries are endlessly trying to kill them from a young age and then they're forced to serve a few years in the IDF to stoke the nationalism more.
Blaming the average Israeli for Netanyahu is the same as me blaming you for Trump though.

And you have to remember the children are told all their neighbouring countries are endlessly trying to kill them from a young age and then they're forced to serve a few years in the IDF to stoke the nationalism more.
I do blame a lot of Americans for Trump. Those who voted for him, those who didn't vote at all, and Bernie Babies who were mad and forgot to act like a grown person with responsibilities. So yes we also can blame some average Israeli who keep voting this yuck in office
I do blame a lot of Americans for Trump. Those who voted for him, those who didn't vote at all, and Bernie Babies who were mad and forgot to act like a grown person with responsibilities. So yes we also can blame some average Israeli who keep voting this yuck in office
Absolutely but to generalize is to miss the point.
It's why the true believers spout talking points but can't discuss them intelligently.

The 2nd isnt about the right to hunt. That being said, when I hike NorCal I carry a pistol and 30 rounds for cats, bears and crazy people. 9mm browning.

What difference does it really make if you make me carry that 30 rounds in one mag, two, three or even six? What if instead of the browning I took the carbine?