We are fighting a well coordinated and highly developed indoctrination campaign against Americans, waged by corporate funded interests from Breitbart, the Heritage Foundation and Exxon to Fix News and PragerU. These are designed to push the 'alternative facts' based narratives we've been seeing from the right wing for years.
It's why the true believers spout talking points but can't discuss them intelligently. It's why they throw out impressive sounding terms but can't define them. It's why they have strong positions on issues but can't debate their merits.
So instead they get flustered and angry at being called sheeple, stupid or outright hoodwinked by those who spoon feed these narratives and carefully spun disinformation campaigns to them.
How else to get poor people suffering from loss of jobs, civil rights environmental quality and a decent future TO VOTE DIRECTLY AGAINST THEIR OWN ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL BEST INTERESTS?
And since the Republican Party is the official mouthpiece of these interests (and the Democratic Party is the officially bought and paid for 'opposition' that doesn't really oppose them), Congress will continue to do fuck all to stop it. They're making too much money to stop now, anyway...