How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

Hmm. Well I never got past the vision of "field of weed". I suppose I would have to deal with the thieving bastards. But it would serve me right for planting where all manner of scum could see it. On a brighter note.....I recieved my green paper from health Canada today. Initial paper work recieved by HC may 5th. Holler frig man. For the first time in the 30 years plus that I have been growing I will be
Well if you have your papers from Health Canada your field of dreams can actually become reality. All you need is the land to grow on. I will have 20 monsters like mine in the backyard next year in a semi permanent greenhouse. I'll be frolicking in the foliage. Lol
Hmm. Well I never got past the vision of "field of weed". I suppose I would have to deal with the thieving bastards. But it would serve me right for planting where all manner of scum could see it. On a brighter note.....I recieved my green paper from health Canada today. Initial paper work recieved by HC may 5th. Holler frig man. For the first time in the 30 years plus that I have been growing I will be
moot point really..
Only diff is..(:
They know you are growing a LEGAL SYSTEM? lol

seems kinda wacked out if ya ask me..

You signed up with a white flag when everyone will be growing anyway

..with out a permit.

that's the way I see it.. lol and don't let the morons(government) try and make ya think differently about it
moot point really..
Only diff is..(:
They know you are growing a LEGAL SYSTEM? lol

seems kinda wacked out if ya ask me..

You signed up with a white flag when everyone will be growing anyway

..with out a permit.

that's the way I see it.. lol and don't let the morons(government) try and make ya think differently about it
I see your point, however in my case I have a restricted weapons permit which allows the boys to inspect my digs and ensure that my stuff is secured properly. Better to a have a piece of paper that says I can than nothing. If they want to rip my harvest I'm buggered, but that paperwork also might help in a court battle. I apparently have more rights to possess cannabis as a med user compared to a rec user. Though time will tell how that pans out.
restricted weapons would do it lol but if they were just long guns ...Id think twice..
better they know you grow and have guns...
rather than know you have guns and think you are illegal! :)
They could charge us for oxygen and co2 based on the average human inhalation and exhalation amounts, I am kind of shocked that they do not charge us for it in Ontario yet.

I wasn't going to say anything but fuck, how many Lumens, how many PAR, how many UTA (up the arse) shine on your face, you stand on the land you own that you are taxed on, the sun shines on you and the bankers laugh as you pay the rent on the lumens of the sun...

Is that our pitiful future? What can we envision that makes life better than what they would have our future become? I for one will not stand for it. Neither should you.
If you were in the GTA I would hook u up for sure lol along with a few of these other polite regulars.
Id give Photon my biggest log after thanksgiving dinner!
Lol it's all good Jay. Soon enough I will have some home grown of my own. I am happy for you having such an awesome harvest. You have a lot to share and be thankful for this thanks giving.

Photon is probably a pagan, imagine him and his Yule log when you are feeling blue lol. Should make you smile:D