Will Congress act now?

Will the Congress enact more gun control?

  • Oh, yea, absolutely!

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Never fucking happen

    Votes: 35 94.6%

  • Total voters
Do you feel that everyone should have the right to own a gun, no exceptions?

I'm less concerned with who owns them, I am more concerned about people who use them or threaten to use them in an application of offensive force. Hence why I rail against government which exempts itself from the prohibition of the use of offensive force.

So, I don't think any person or group of persons has a right to use weapons offensively and I think using them defensively or simply owning and remaining neutral is beyond my purview to determine for others.

To try to address your question,
I'm not sure what you mean when you say "right" though? Who would determine what a right is or isn't ? Who would have the right to take away another persons right preemptively ?
At a minimum, it is the goal of socialists like Obama and neocons like Hillary to turn a right to possess guns into a revocable privilege for peasants, since they both know an outright ban will be resisted... so they work the slippery slope and keep inching towards it. Would you deny that ?

I would absolutely deny that because it is all fabricated and spoon fed to you despite all evidence. You are dumb enough to eat it up because it makes you feel good.

What legislation did Obama propose to end 2A rights? I'll wait for your reply.
I would absolutely deny that because it is all fabricated and spoon fed to you despite all evidence. You are dumb enough to eat it up because it makes you feel good.

What legislation did Obama propose to end 2A rights? I'll wait for your reply.

I don't think the Executive branch proposes legislation. What did he ask Congress to propose is another question though.
Well, I'd agree with you if you were correct, but you see, you're not.

I think all people have the right to be free from forced human associations, don't you ?

Can you tell me who has the right to force another to person associate with them ?

Also, in your ridiculous perjorative, you should have said "Klansmen" , not "clansmen" , numb nuts.

No, the majority that controls all capital and government should not be able to deny rights and dignity to a racial minority. You support letting evil spread under the false claim of liberty. That makes you a subhuman piece of shit.
I don't think the Executive branch proposes legislation. What did he ask Congress to propose is another question though.

He was a senator before he was President. What did he suggest to Congress as president that would end 2A rights?
So only Communists are not fascist? Well since America is the most racially diverse and richest nation in the world fascism isn't too bad under your theory.

In China you can't do shit without permission from the government.

You love your straw man arguments.
No, the majority that controls all capital and government should not be able to deny rights and dignity to a racial minority. You support letting evil spread under the false claim of liberty. That makes you a subhuman piece of shit.

Well, that wasn't very nice.

Actually I support the biggest minority there is....the individual.

I support consensual and voluntary human relations as being the best kind. I'm not sure that you do.

Do you think individuals should be forced to associate with others if they prefer not to ?
Then you should support Obama. But your racist overlords tricked you so they could get rich off your fear. Sad.

So, you haven't answered if / why you support forcing people who prefer not to, to associate. Isn't that kind of a rapist point of view to force a human association between parties where at least one is unwilling to do so ?
So, you haven't answered if / why you support forcing people who prefer not to, to associate. Isn't that kind of a rapist point of view to force a human association between parties where at least one is unwilling to do so ?

no one cares what shitty euphemisms you use for your love of racial segregation, and you have yet tonameasingle goddamn thing obama did to infringe on gun rights you retarded pedophile.
you think it should be legal for whites to kick black people out of stores based solely on their skin color.

I don't think black people should be deprived of determining the use of their own property or their bodies. I'm a little disgusted that you do.
You are confusing "rights" and government granted privileges again, Nanny.

Oh my,. that's a lot of vitriol you spit out, I had you down for being a swallower.
still waiting for even one damn thing, pedophile. name it. name one damn thing obama did to curtail gun rights you fucking pedophile.
Well, that wasn't very nice.

Actually I support the biggest minority there is....the individual.

I support consensual and voluntary human relations as being the best kind. I'm not sure that you do.

Do you think individuals should be forced to associate with others if they prefer not to ?

If not associating means them denying basic rights and services to a racial minority on a mass scale, then yes.