Liberal amendment to remove 100 cm plant limit from 4 plant home grow passes #HESA #C45


Well-Known Member
the politics drive the med program....
Money drives politics, unless people care enough, then people drive policy. Organized people with a plan do their best, harder to change a law than to get a better one. Many of the people who care are driven by greed and fear, only reason they aren't active now. Soon my grow will be done and given to the poor, then I plan on going a bit more public and having a few of these discussion with provincial and federal folks, in PUBLIC. It might not be pleasant for them.


Well-Known Member
oh frig

SPARE US ALL....:shock:
I'll spare you, but you haven't answered any questions, I did, are you special somehow? I got no time for snowflakes or greedheads. Tell me different using something others can use too, your posts are mostly ego food and not much help, post a link for the info that started the thread, others might like to make a judgement on it. Cause I'm making one on you.

Folks like drama, makes for a good thread;)


Well-Known Member
Money drives politics, unless people care enough, then people drive policy. Organized people with a plan do their best, harder to change a law than to get a better one. Many of the people who care are driven by greed and fear, only reason they aren't active now. Soon my grow will be done and given to the poor, then I plan on going a bit more public and having a few of these discussion with provincial and federal folks, in PUBLIC. It might not be pleasant for them.
see how this one goes...:idea::weed: as I said So far So good..

don't like drama Just say it how it is is all :)
can you say EUCHRED


Oh SHIT how quick they forget!... (:


Well-Known Member
I'm always after good ideas, anybody wanna make a suggestion!;)

I'm wide open... Head down and in the corner...:o


Well-Known Member
see how this one goes...:idea::weed: as I said So far So good..

don't like drama Just say it how it is is all :)
can you say EUCHRED


Oh SHIT how quick they forget!... (:
Don't mean ta jump on ya, I usually respond, not react, my bad

Laws will be changed. I gotta big beef with the drug war on pot. Personal and political, everybody should. Not about getting busted and lives ruined, but more about the 10s of millions who suffered and died, cause science was stifled for years. That's gonna change, real quick, cause science has the tools and knowledge to make quick work of cannabis. For years it was the most exciting thing in pharmacology and the human endocannabinoid system is crucial to all animal life and is primal. Jury is still out on kids, but older adults and brain injuries are almost in the bag.

Sorry, sometimes I get a bit wound up over political and social issues, not about poor little me (many years of training), that's about the only thing that gets me jacked! Call me what ya want, don't bother me. I know who and what I am (training too), only my example counts. (quitting pot, fell on the wagon, giving away the grow and going political, etc). I'm starting a new teaching practice again, with a new manual, based on science and my own experience. Mostly online, and I'll send students to the best spots for free basic training. Most training is by email and clients are encouraged to use their jobs to maintain their practice.

All free too


Well-Known Member
see how this one goes...:idea::weed: as I said So far So good..

don't like drama Just say it how it is is all :)
can you say EUCHRED


Oh SHIT how quick they forget!... (:
There is an upside to all this. Its good practice for the politicians, I'm real good at making them squirm... :wink:


Well-Known Member
There is an upside to all this. Its good practice for the politicians, I'm real good at making them squirm... :wink:
The maritimes are where the low hanging provincial fruit is. Not too much money to spend on court challenges, not the best lawyers either, good place to change the law with the supreme court, quickly. Don't wait for these pricks to give you a law, make one! We are free citizens, or will be soon.


Well-Known Member
Minimum get charged with assault.
I just would like to know how he plans on having the decision makers acknowledge what he is saying, in public. That's half the battle, the other is money. Who is going to unselfishly invest money into cannabis science without hoping to gain capital on the investment?


Well-Known Member
From the Canada thread, my views:
Cannabis Legalization in Canada
After the new year, as the promised legalization date approaches, we will be finding out more about what the government is thinking. Either through public announcements or most likely "leaks", so they can publicly float they're intentions without making a commitment (politicians, ya gotta love'm). As this process unfolds I would expect and encourage those who are here now and in the future to not be shy about making your views and opinions known, especially to the media and politicians, phone calls work better than email for this. Sitting outside the bastard's office works real good. If ya don't like what yer hearing, call up and give'm shit, when you get your MP on the line (insist) you might want to start with, " What the fuck do you think yer doing, I wouldn't of voted fur ya if I knew ya was gonna be that fuck'n stupid, you dumb bastards..."

I expect things to get pretty political and warm around here then...
Fortunately the Americans will be busy impeaching Trump to pay much attention to us, it'll be HUGE and he will go down in flames bigly, it'll be quite the show.
I'm will'n to give odds on it...;)
Wow that literally answered nothing. FYI youre preaching to the very well informed choir, no need to tell people how to build a clock when all they want is the time............


Well-Known Member
The maritimes are where the low hanging provincial fruit is. Not too much money to spend on court challenges, not the best lawyers either, good place to change the law with the supreme court, quickly. Don't wait for these pricks to give you a law, make one! We are free citizens, or will be soon.
Youre ansering your own posts? Nope no ego food posts here folks run along now.........


Well-Known Member
:roll: I don't think it will be either. How do you plan to get a politician's attention in a public setting?And what makes you feel confident that they will give you a response?
Guess I'll just have to be creative about that, what do you figure a politician wants? Publicity? Money? Look good to folks? I got lot's of levers I can play with, but not if they or somebody else can convince me, I'm wrong. They have to use logical argument however, cause rhetoric will get'm a fresh asshole or renovated one in public. It would be a stand, run or fight situation, I win either way. As for how it would unfold, we'll just have to see, cause I live it one moment at a time. Maybe the poll for NS and the info I dropped on that thread, will get somebody's attention. They might see the danger...


Well-Known Member
what do you figure a politician wants? Publicity? Money? Look good to folks? I got lot's of levers I can play with, but not if they or somebody else can convince me, I'm wrong. They have to use logical argument however, cause rhetoric will get'm a fresh asshole or renovated one in public. It would be a stand, run or fight situation, I win either way.
Respectfully, you sound very young and rather naive. You don't have any levers so the sooner you recognize that fact the farther ahead you will be...

It will be very, very difficult getting the audience of senior elected officials that have the ability to impact decision making. Moreover, they will not give you the platform you seek and provide you with a public forum. That would simply be poor decision making on their part, and their PR arm would oppose such a request.