Well I'm impressed! (Window growing)


Well-Known Member
Hello, everybody! This is my first time posting on this forum. Over the past few months I've been stopping by here to read threads on the different ways one can grow cannabis, and I must say, I am impressed! what an exciting and fun hobby (although I'm sure it's much more than that to many of you) to grow cannabis!

A little bit of a back story about myself (this will only take a minute, I promise): I have absolutely no experience growing cannabis. However, I have a degree in horticulture, and am a full-time gardener, designing high-end garden installations and caring for the plants with my own company. I do a lot of gardening, is what I'm trying to say. Around three months ago, a friend gave me a white widow seed. Now I'm obviously not an expert on growing cannabis, but I know enough to know that it's not a plant that can thrive with just window light. It needs the outdoors where it can thrive in the open air and natural sunlight, or it needs the tight constraints of a carefully controlled indoor grow. Anyway, I germinated the one seed that my friend gave to me, and planted the seed in a large planter pot inside my living room. I thought "what the hell, why not?" It may not thrive with window light, but it will be interesting to study how the plant grows, and besides, it will just be nice to have another plant in my house. Over the course of its life, I topped it twice - not unlike pruning any other young plant to encourage wider growth - and I tied down the growing branches to let in more light, as well as to encourage side branches to turn into tops. Fast forward to three months later, and I have this rather large flowering plant smack dab in my living room. I didn't plan for this lol! Growing this plant has really piqued my interest in growing cannabis, and it's something that I'm planning on doing properly indoors with proper equipment and proper nutrition. In three days from now, I'll be moving this plant into my basement where it will spend the rest of its life beneath an led light that I'm buying tomorrow. A couple questions: will the powerful led lights shock the plant? I plan on introducing the light from a further than ideal distance so it doesn't take the shock as bad. Second question: should I give it store bought nutrients this far into flowering? The initial soil mixture that I planted it in seems to be agreeing with it quite well! What other steps should I take to move this winow grown plant into a proper grow setup? I'm actually quite surprised that the plant has done this well! As far as a window grow, it looks quite healthy to me. Should I be pruning the lower leaves off to promote flower growth at this stage? I read some conflicting opinions on the matter

Here are a couple pictures: 20171004_153010.png 20171003_151133.jpg 20171004_142322.jpg

Just to add: the plant received light from both an East and south facing window, as well as a little light coming in through a skylight...

Thanks in advance for any answers or other info :)
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That is a very nice looking plant. I hope you live where it's legal!

As for trimming the lower leaves, no. Any leaves that are still green are converting sunlight to energy for the plant to help it grow.
Thanks, Kerovan! that was my thought as well. I'm just going to leave the lower leaves on it in case the plant gets extra hungry and decides to eat itself. Should I be giving it store bought nutrients at this point? It seems pretty happy with just the soil, but I'm wondering if it would be even happier with supplements.
Looks happy, I say keep your leaves because they will give you tells on when you need to feed. Oldest leaves will start to fade when your mobile nutrients are depleted and that is when you feed.
Looks happy, I say keep your leaves because they will give you tells on when you need to feed. Oldest leaves will start to fade when your mobile nutrients are depleted and that is when you feed.

Thanks for the response, bugeye. So you think I should just let it be until it looks malnourished? So far I haven't fed it anything other than what was in the initial soil mixture -- bone meal, blood meal, sheep's manure, worm castings, sand, topsoil, loam.
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Thanks for the response, bugeye. So you think I should just let it be until it looks malnourished? So far I haven't fed it anything other than what was in the initial soil mixture -- bone meal, blood meal, sheep's manure, worm castings, sand, topsoil, clay.
Well a little more food is always better until it's not, and then you're fucked. So just depends on your risk tolerance. With a new plant, I don't feed a whole lot until it tells me to because I have a low risk tolerance. But I do like putting down teas a couple times per grow and with your mix that might be all you need, if anything.
Sheep shit is excellent stuff. Maybe the best manure and not mentioned much on here.

Lovely plant. I cannot wait to see what you do with a dedicated room
@Lucky Luke, thanks! I'm very excited to set up my grow space! I have lots of space for it, and I feel like I'm in the right financial place to be able to set one up properly. And for the sheep's manure, it works wonders for other plants, and it seems to be working well for cannabis too. Of course I'll be researching other nutrients to use in the future to optimize growth, but for now this is working quite well.

@Bugeye thanks for the advice. I'll be picking up some supplemental nutrients for the plant at the same time as the light.

Oh man I can't wait! Haha you guys probably see the excitement of new growers on here all the time... but it's real! I'm not sure why I didn’t start growing cannabis sooner. I grow every other kind of plant. Pumped as fuck!
Yes, unfortunately. But not really unfortunately. It's worth it. It blocks the entrance to my downstairs, which is a little bit of a hassle, but luckily I have an outside entrance to my downstairs that I use. I live in a tiny place so I have to make some comprises for space.
I'm guessing he was asking due to lighting complications, at lest that's how I took the question.
So it does it's dark period there to then?


I cover it up with two layers of breathable black landscaping fabric. It's pretty crude, I understand that. It's been... kinda working... ish. That's one of the reasons that I'm going to have it set up downstairs, so I can control the darkness.

Not having an adequate period of darkness for the plant has been causing me some anxiety recently. Hopefully I'm not messing with the plant too much.
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I cover it up with two layers of breathable black landscaping fabric. It's pretty crude, I understand that. It's been... kinda working... ish. That's one of the reasons that I'm going to have it set up downstairs, so I can control the darkness.

Not having an adequate period of darkness for the plant has been causing me some anxiety recently. Hopefully I'm not messing with the plant too much.

It looks beautiful I'm not putting it down .....being a grower I'm trying to wrap my head around how you have a decent sized pot plant for a center piece .....I mean you guys are chillen on the couch next to it ...lol....hell of a conversation piece I'm sure ........dark period is the only thing that seems could be an issue ....that I can think of that is .....GL
It looks beautiful I'm not putting it down .....being a grower I'm trying to wrap my head around how you have a decent sized pot plant for a center piece .....I mean you guys are chillen on the couch next to it ...lol....hell of a conversation piece I'm sure ........dark period is the only thing that seems could be an issue ....that I can think of that is .....GL

I think the size of it comes down to the sheer amount of light is receives? Probably that, and the soil. My cabin is designed with lots of light in mind, and most plants do pretty well inside of it. Here's some herbs grown next to one of the windows

Yeah, it's a pretty funny scene when people first walk into my place and see a big pot plant sitting there. Usually people are surprised at first, followed by quite a bit of interest in it.
Between how it looks and the list of amendments in the soil, I'd say it's getting plenty of nutrition and any additions would be fixing what isn't broken.

It definitely wants a consistent dark period of at least 11 hours of uninterrupted darkness.

It looks gorgeous and is a credit to your education- which is a lot more than that of most here!

I see you being one of the teachers here sooner rather than later.
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Plant looks amazing for "window light" well done. And I can't wait to see how you grow once you get a full set up.
Warning! This hobby is very addictive, and I don't just mean smoking it. I'm addicted to growing now hahah
If you're going to use LEDs definitely go with cobs though, other cheaper lights will work, to an extent but in the long run they're a waste of money really.. There's a few people on here that can help out with LEDs.
Plant looks amazing for "window light" well done. And I can't wait to see how you grow once you get a full set up.
Warning! This hobby is very addictive, and I don't just mean smoking it. I'm addicted to growing now hahah
If you're going to use LEDs definitely go with cobs though, other cheaper lights will work, to an extent but in the long run they're a waste of money really.. There's a few people on here that can help out with LEDs.
Really QB's and strips wont work properly?? - lol