Trump unites NFL - against him.

That first statement is just so ridiculous it's beyond words.

The reason the rich have been getting richer is because they have the capital to invest, money makes itself if you've even the slightest bit of sense and some starting capital.

Even an extra 20% net on top of the highest earners and Corporations won't change that in the slightest, they'll still make money hand over fist and you'll still complain it's not fair.

Shitty stagnant wages at the bottom are the problem.

I have dealt with plenty of import export type scenarios over the last few years. I can tell you absolutely that the lopsidedness of our import, export duties has not helped to remedy our trade deficit quite the opposite. The reason we have stagnant wages at the bottom are two major things. 1 when it is much cheaper to both have the labor done overseas and ship it into this country with little to no tariff most opportunistic businesses will of course go that route leading to less manufacturing jobs. 2 having a large force of undocumented workers who again opportunistic businesses use to do labor has kept wages lower as well. (I am against paying someone less to do a job because you can due to thier legal status). If these workers where made citizens they would be able to demand fairer wages driving the price of labor up. Labor is a commodity just like oil or anything else. Supply and demand rule the price. Increase duties coming into this country from places such as China. You will see more companies manufacturing here in the U.S. which will increase the demand for quality laborers. Increased demand with a static supply will of course increase the cost of quality labor. That's why we had a very strong middle class in the 50s because we produced most of what we consumed.......
Anyone with common sense would have known what type of surgery I was referring to. Secondly insults and name calling show your maturity level. Those tactics are generally used by people who have no real fact based evidence to use to try and prove their ideological point.
So, ignoramus it is. Elective, cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance. The patient pays out of pocket.
Again, instead of trying to have intelligent discussion you move to demean or belittle the person who's opinion you don't agree with....

Thank God we live in a free country and I can't force you to buy my "bad lights"..... Although if I was providing shitty overpriced health insurance that might be a different story.....
You should read a book on marketing.
I have dealt with plenty of import export type scenarios over the last few years. I can tell you absolutely that the lopsidedness of our import, export duties has not helped to remedy our trade deficit quite the opposite. The reason we have stagnant wages at the bottom are two major things. 1 when it is much cheaper to both have the labor done overseas and ship it into this country with little to no tariff most opportunistic businesses will of course go that route leading to less manufacturing jobs. 2 having a large force of undocumented workers who again opportunistic businesses use to do labor has kept wages lower as well. (I am against paying someone less to do a job because you can due to thier legal status). If these workers where made citizens they would be able to demand fairer wages driving the price of labor up. Labor is a commodity just like oil or anything else. Supply and demand rule the price. Increase duties coming into this country from places such as China. You will see more companies manufacturing here in the U.S. which will increase the demand for quality laborers. Increased demand with a static supply will of course increase the cost of quality labor. That's why we had a very strong middle class in the 50s because we produced most of what we consumed.......
You should read a book on foreign trade too. Start with David Ricardo.
Shareholders won't let wages go up. They will automate if they can't out source cheaper. Shareholders force companies to take care of them. We've created a monster with the markets. Back in the 60's I worked for milacron. The president of the company actually came out and talked to the employees. Very large company until it went public.
Again, instead of trying to have intelligent discussion you move to demean or belittle the person who's opinion you don't agree with....

Thank God we live in a free country and I can't force you to buy my "bad lights"..... Although if I was providing shitty overpriced health insurance that might be a different story.....
Pay to advertise shitty lights made in China, pretending they're made by Uncle Sam and apple pie, come into forum to win friends and influence people by being an arsehat, anti advertising vibe? like it
Actually @ttystikk , trade policy is not simple and the two of you are apparently unaware of that. Trade between countries allows each to benefit from their comparative advantages and not waste scarce resources producing that which another country can produce more efficiently. This allows them to allocate their resources in the most productive and advantageous way which benefits both economies. What is confusing you is that the benefits of this trade accrue unevenly across an economy without progressive taxation and "big government" policies working in concert with trade policy. Your small government buddy is exactly the type of person that would whine about the domestic policies that might have allowed the benefits of trade to not make the rich richer (in the case of the US, these would be the owners of capital) and the poor poorer. "why should my tax money go to help labor?" is exactly the type of thing he would say. And that has been the attitude that has resulted in the mess we are in, not the trade itself.

Sorry, you are rooting against your own team here.
Pay to advertise shitty lights made in China, pretending they're made by Uncle Sam and apple pie, come into forum to win friends and influence people by being an arsehat, anti advertising vibe? like it

Lol, you would. I have come to respect your misanthropy.

Sounds like a good business plan to me.
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Shareholders won't let wages go up. They will automate if they can't out source cheaper. Shareholders force companies to take care of them. We've created a monster with the markets. Back in the 60's I worked for milacron. The president of the company actually came out and talked to the employees. Very large company until it went public.

I would agree with that but wages are stagnant in small business as well which aren''t publicly traded.
Pay to advertise shitty lights made in China, pretending they're made by Uncle Sam and apple pie, come into forum to win friends and influence people by being an arsehat, anti advertising vibe? like it

No if you actually pay attention we have always been very open about where our lights where and are now made. Being a small business we couldn't meet minimum order qtys to actually have our products made in the USA. Now though our boards are made in Michigan and we assemble our lights in an ISO certified factory in Tennessee. Unlike most we worked as hard as possible to start our business and then create jobs with it. Maybe our small contribution is nothing in the grand scheme of things but we are honestly trying to do the right thing. Those new employees at our manufacturer have insurance and profit sharing. The average end of the year bonus at this business is 15-30k. So go ahead stand on your soap box and tell us how you try to make the world a better place.