Rural America.

I have a lot to say about this topic. Not long ago I let some pretty awesome urban decay and decamped to a red state. I have been agog at the differences but I am trying to merely focus on one aspect that I just cannot understand.

So now I am in daily contact with a whole lot of America's "heartland" dwellers and I gotta say: It does not compute.

The people I am living among want to do nothing, learn nothing, go nowhere. Why? Are they suffering from a lack of curiosity? Are they satisfied? Are they stupid? I just don't know.

The other day I was speaking to a 27 year old guy who, by all rights, is doing pretty well. He has been nowhere. Ever. And it seems that he is cool with that. I was urging him to take some time off and go someplace - any place. And all I got from him was a blank, uncomfortable stare.

My wife is from here, so I asked her. She said that anybody inclined to do so - imbued with the intellectual curiosity to wonder about the rest of the world - already bailed and made their way someplace more interesting. She says the ones that are still here will die here, never knowing the slightest thing about the rest of the world but what will fit on the front of a mesh-back gimme-hat.

Has rural America always been this sociologically retarded?

You forgot the lack of decent produce even though its grown all around and the fact that people refuse to eat vegetables if they dont have a ton of salt or ham.
I have a lot to say about this topic. Not long ago I let some pretty awesome urban decay and decamped to a red state. I have been agog at the differences but I am trying to merely focus on one aspect that I just cannot understand.

So now I am in daily contact with a whole lot of America's "heartland" dwellers and I gotta say: It does not compute.

The people I am living among want to do nothing, learn nothing, go nowhere. Why? Are they suffering from a lack of curiosity? Are they satisfied? Are they stupid? I just don't know.

The other day I was speaking to a 27 year old guy who, by all rights, is doing pretty well. He has been nowhere. Ever. And it seems that he is cool with that. I was urging him to take some time off and go someplace - any place. And all I got from him was a blank, uncomfortable stare.

My wife is from here, so I asked her. She said that anybody inclined to do so - imbued with the intellectual curiosity to wonder about the rest of the world - already bailed and made their way someplace more interesting. She says the ones that are still here will die here, never knowing the slightest thing about the rest of the world but what will fit on the front of a mesh-back gimme-hat.

Has rural America always been this sociologically retarded?

If you don't like rural America then move. Who the F are you to judge other people? You sound like an elitist and a bigot. I have lived more urban and rural and I like rural better. I have lived across the street from $5 million houses and rural working people. I would trust the rural people more. Rural has far less crime and less hate than urban areas. There is more hate in urban areas. Really - just stop the hating.

PS: I probably have visted more countries than you ever have or ever will. Europe used to be nice but much of it has been ruined thanks to progressive, elite, Deep State open borders and the fascist EU.
Oh, I left something out. They are fucking miserable. Wage slaves. Typical hobbies: drinking.

Bud Light, you betcha. Maybe some Coors light.

My neighbor comes home with a twelve pack of Coors Light every single day. When I am out reading I can hear him open every one of them while he stares out into space without ever seeing a star.

Sad that you moved to trailer park. Try getting an education and some job skills. While you are at it, try to stop generalizing about people. It makes you look small minded, like a bigot.
If you don't like rural America then move. Who the F are you to judge other people? You sound like an elitist and a bigot. I have lived more urban and rural and I like rural better. I have lived across the street from $5 million houses and rural working people. I would trust the rural people more. Rural has far less crime and less hate than urban areas. There is more hate in urban areas. Really - just stop the hating.

PS: I probably have visted more countries than you ever have or ever will. Europe used to be nice but much of it has been ruined thanks to progressive, elite, Deep State open borders and the fascist EU.
You must be joking about the less hate. Seriously, the only thing they have less of here is culture. They have plenty of more though. More obesity, a lot more obesity.

Europe used to be nice but is ruined by all the "progressives"? When did you notice this? What exact year was that?
Baldrick, iv wondered every word you have.... iv been born and raised in a pretty rural setting, still live in pretty rural setting...

Thank God I opened my mind, but it leaves one pretty lonely... it's one thing to not be cultured, but to despise culture any different than your own, is confining yourself to live in a tiny world... it speaks to that lack of desire for anything better, ever...

I think Padawanbater has such a valid point that "fear, fear, fear" has been pounded into them that it's all they can now see...

Yes there are some great things the rural folks do and great parts of their culture of helping their neighbors, being tough, being proud to work with your hands and come home from work dirty but proud, but the good points of that culture can't be enjoyed by others when the rural folks declare they are the defenders in a culture war that's trying to ruin their culture, when no one is. We just want yawl to mature a bit with us and quit shaming the gay kid till he pretends to be straight and you rejoice in helping fix him, or till he offs himself and u blame it on "he was troubled". We want you to know we aren't declaring war on Christmas if we say Happy Holidays... cuz Christmas is a GD holiday! We want you to mature with us to not think our neighbors who are Muslim are terrorists by default... there is no real culture war to be fought once yawl lay down your culture war weapons at everyone that's not a rural merican...

That stubborn self reliant pride is an Achilles heal of our Republic, it's what built this country but if it doesn't mature it could also be our downfall...
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The phenomenon you site is so well articulated. John Lennon "working class hero" sums it up still too..

Its a form of slavery. The historical slave in America was surrounded by a land controlled by whites in every aspect. They as African Americans were beaten down and entrapped by a social network that kept them down, they could not rebell, they could barely escape, a few that went along w the whites had life a bit better. Same thing the 1% is doing to these folks, keep them dependent on Corp America and no way to really fight for more but let a few of the peasants who respect them earn high 5 or maybe even 6 figures as incentive to the rest of the labor to work harder for corporate and you may get there too... when in reality the 6 figure earner has more in common with a homeless bum than the 1% economically. So that satisfies the ambitious ones but many folks just give up the fight...

But what's the solution to a people who stubbornly don't want to understand anything different ever?
If you look at the bell curve of the human IQ the peak is at 100 which explains a lot. Many of the the rural young that go to college get a taste of the possibilities in the big cities and the rest of the world and don't go back, they want more than cow tipping in their future. There is still plenty of crime in the rural areas, it's just more spread out.
Expound please. I really want to know. Does the stultified social life just fail to jump-start one's soul? I mean, we have a library. Globes are not that hard to find. The sky is the same world over. Why don't they think?

What is at the core of this acceptance and unfounded pride of that which you can see at an arm's length?

Yeah, I know, those in the inner city are seldom better off - but they don't seem so satisfied about it.

We have discussed many aspects of this environment and how it is different than where I grew up. Just for stats. 88 kids graduated high school in my wife's class. 1800 in mine. My mother. An educator and later a computer science phd designing for the Air Force and my dad bought a house in a neighborhood on the East Coast that had the second highest test scores for High schools in the country in the early seventies.

I got a good education for a misguided kid with divorced parents at 13. And my friends were very smart and creative. But for lack of feeling home and having at least a mom around I was raised by the television in the 80's and mom worked and went to college again.

Mom succeeded. I drifted for a very long time.

Mrs. Medical grower is one of the young people who travelled and searched. I met her in a ski town in Colorado.

She is happy to be home. Much happier.

It's the comfort and safety of community they cling to.

At the gas station/ convenience store. There is amazing home style fried chicken fresh all day. And farm fresh co-op meats right in the cabinet that are as nice or nicer than I would see at a very expensive market back home. And it it reasonably average market priced.

And when she buys a steak or a wedge of local cheese and maybe a little locally made chocolate candy she is greeted by an average of 4 people by name. That know her. Knows her family maybe they share history. Maybe it's her moms best friend. Maybe it's just her customer from the next town over where she works as a cosmetologist and continually meets and gets involved with the community there.

Get the picture?

If she was robbed everyone in town (well many of the towns people) would instantly have the perpetrators description. Certain of them might sweep the streets armed. And dangerous. And some of them have licenses to do it. One of the two cops here might be tagging along.

They are comfortable and work very hard for their elders in my experience. Even if they hate their job. But worked it all day.

I don't know how else to explain but you made some negative comments that I agree and disagree with. Some very smart, successful and capable people are around me.

When I need help. Even though I am not legally (and religiously) married to my long term girlfriend I usually receive it.

I am surely not like most of them. But it's ok to be weird out here. Even if it's to them. And yeah. I said them. They are very different and emotionally away from me. Even their understanding of me and my drive to do interesting things. To say interesting things. To actually meet people.

They just don't get me. I don't randomly shoot at furry things or even drink beer.

Although I accept one once in a while. To be polite. I even drink it. I like it here. It's beautiful. We float down rivers together. The kids are bright and wonderful and they make me happy.

I hope that helps explain things in a more positive light.

About the guy drinking every night. Maybe not everyone likes doing what they perceive as the right thing.

So they learn to make the best of it their own way. Just like the rest of us. Whatever our environment is.
We have discussed many aspects of this environment and how it is different than where I grew up. Just for stats. 88 kids graduated high school in my wife's class. 1800 in mine. My mother. An educator and later a computer science phd designing for the Air Force and my dad bought a house in a neighborhood on the East Coast that had the second highest test scores for High schools in the country in the early seventies.

I got a good education for a misguided kid with divorced parents at 13. And my friends were very smart and creative. But for lack of feeling home and having at least a mom around I was raised by the television in the 80's and mom worked and went to college again.

Mom succeeded. I drifted for a very long time.

Mrs. Medical grower is one of the young people who travelled and searched. I met her in a ski town in Colorado.

She is happy to be home. Much happier.

It's the comfort and safety of community they cling to.

At the gas station/ convenience store. There is amazing home style fried chicken fresh all day. And farm fresh co-op meats right in the cabinet that are as nice or nicer than I would see at a very expensive market back home. And it it reasonably average market priced.

And when she buys a steak or a wedge of local cheese and maybe a little locally made chocolate candy she is greeted by an average of 4 people by name. That know her. Knows her family maybe they share history. Maybe it's her moms best friend. Maybe it's just her customer from the next town over where she works as a cosmetologist and continually meets and gets involved with the community there.

Get the picture?

If she was robbed everyone in town (well many of the towns people) would instantly have the perpetrators description. Certain of them might sweep the streets armed. And dangerous. And some of them have licenses to do it. One of the two cops here might be tagging along.

They are comfortable and work very hard for their elders in my experience. Even if they hate their job. But worked it all day.

I don't know how else to explain but you made some negative comments that I agree and disagree with. Some very smart, successful and capable people are around me.

When I need help. Even though I am not legally (and religiously) married to my long term girlfriend I usually receive it.

I am surely not like most of them. But it's ok to be weird out here. Even if it's to them. And yeah. I said them. They are very different and emotionally away from me. Even their understanding of me and my drive to do interesting things. To say interesting things. To actually meet people.

They just don't get me. I don't randomly shoot at furry things or even drink beer.

Although I accept one once in a while. To be polite. I even drink it. I like it here. It's beautiful. We float down rivers together. The kids are bright and wonderful and they make me happy.

I hope that helps explain things in a more positive light.

About the guy drinking every night. Maybe not everyone likes doing what they perceive as the right thing.

So they learn to make the best of it their own way. Just like the rest of us. Whatever our environment is.
Tldr, Write an autobiography, ffs.
There is probably something to that. There seems to be a heightened awareness of the dangers of others to kids, and parents seem to have reacted to this by walling their kids away. My mother used to talk about how it "wasn't this way when she was a girl" and yet she would also tell the story about the child murdering predator in the 1930s that scared her and her peers so badly.

But I don't know if this is a feature of rural life per se. I have seen parents in New York subjected to legal action for letting their eight year old take the bus by themselves.

Also, it is "their safe zones" - not "there".
Americans have gone scared and paranoid.

I could speculate as to why but it would not change the basic facts of the matter.
We have discussed many aspects of this environment and how it is different than where I grew up. Just for stats. 88 kids graduated high school in my wife's class. 1800 in mine. My mother. An educator and later a computer science phd designing for the Air Force and my dad bought a house in a neighborhood on the East Coast that had the second highest test scores for High schools in the country in the early seventies.

I got a good education for a misguided kid with divorced parents at 13. And my friends were very smart and creative. But for lack of feeling home and having at least a mom around I was raised by the television in the 80's and mom worked and went to college again.

Mom succeeded. I drifted for a very long time.

Mrs. Medical grower is one of the young people who travelled and searched. I met her in a ski town in Colorado.

She is happy to be home. Much happier.

It's the comfort and safety of community they cling to.

At the gas station/ convenience store. There is amazing home style fried chicken fresh all day. And farm fresh co-op meats right in the cabinet that are as nice or nicer than I would see at a very expensive market back home. And it it reasonably average market priced.

And when she buys a steak or a wedge of local cheese and maybe a little locally made chocolate candy she is greeted by an average of 4 people by name. That know her. Knows her family maybe they share history. Maybe it's her moms best friend. Maybe it's just her customer from the next town over where she works as a cosmetologist and continually meets and gets involved with the community there.

Get the picture?

If she was robbed everyone in town (well many of the towns people) would instantly have the perpetrators description. Certain of them might sweep the streets armed. And dangerous. And some of them have licenses to do it. One of the two cops here might be tagging along.

They are comfortable and work very hard for their elders in my experience. Even if they hate their job. But worked it all day.

I don't know how else to explain but you made some negative comments that I agree and disagree with. Some very smart, successful and capable people are around me.

When I need help. Even though I am not legally (and religiously) married to my long term girlfriend I usually receive it.

I am surely not like most of them. But it's ok to be weird out here. Even if it's to them. And yeah. I said them. They are very different and emotionally away from me. Even their understanding of me and my drive to do interesting things. To say interesting things. To actually meet people.

They just don't get me. I don't randomly shoot at furry things or even drink beer.

Although I accept one once in a while. To be polite. I even drink it. I like it here. It's beautiful. We float down rivers together. The kids are bright and wonderful and they make me happy.

I hope that helps explain things in a more positive light.

About the guy drinking every night. Maybe not everyone likes doing what they perceive as the right thing.

So they learn to make the best of it their own way. Just like the rest of us. Whatever our environment is.
I think one of the final stages of maturity is acceptance. If its good or bad . Well said
must be exhausting dumbing yourself down living amongst all those hicks.perhaps something more interesting to read would keep you from being distracted by all the coors tabs your neighbor is pulling.
PS: I probably have visted more countries than you ever have or ever will. Europe used to be nice but much of it has been ruined thanks to progressive, elite, Deep State open borders and the fascist EU.

Well this is interesting and merits qualification.

Please list the countries/cities you have visited in Europe (and when) which used to be nice (examples of the 'nice things' you witnessed would be helpful), and those cities you have since revisited and subsequently deemed to have been 'ruined thanks to progressive, elite, Deep State open borders and the fascist EU' (citing examples of their ruin).

Many thanks.
Well this is interesting and merits qualification.

Please list the countries/cities you have visited in Europe (and when) which used to be nice (examples of the 'nice things' you witnessed would be helpful), and those cities you have since revisited and subsequently deemed to have been 'ruined thanks to progressive, elite, Deep State open borders and the fascist EU' (citing examples of their ruin).

Many thanks.
He read Breitbart. We all know it.
must be exhausting dumbing yourself down living amongst all those hicks.perhaps something more interesting to read would keep you from being distracted by all the coors tabs your neighbor is pulling.
So if the book I am reading is "interesting" enough, it will impair my sense of hearing? Please give me some examples of these books.

I do nothing to "dumb myself down" as you say. I will take your word for it regarding the level of exhaustion it gives. Try to get some rest - you must be very tired. I would have figured with all that hard work you wouldn't have time to be offended by my posts.