The flush "myth"

It's actually pretty comical to read some of the original grow books I grew up with. Funny thing is I didn't read much of em, a few that got me started then just kind of went with it, did ok so far lol.
I read the microbes book. That's about it.

I grew up on a farm. My parents raised a garden every year. I was helping when I started walking.

Always been organic. With a farm comes all the manure and compost a person could need.

I used synthetics some. Never cared for it and went back to organic. My outdoor vegetable garden is a large scale no till. Nothing but water is needed.

I guess what I'm getting at is I treat cannabis like any other plant. Its not special.

KISS. Keep it stupid simple.
Less is more.

Don't over complicate it and keep the plant happy and everything else falls in place.
Flushing as a topic on this forum is cancer. People just can't accept there is no scientific proof of it benefiting anything.
People don't flush their fucking tomatoes or onions in the garden. Fuck veggies at the store are grown with a lot nastier shit than cannabis growers use. Like @whitebb2727 said.. it's nothing special.. just a normal plant.. treat it as such and it will be fine..
I read the microbes book. That's about it.

I grew up on a farm. My parents raised a garden every year. I was helping when I started walking.

Always been organic. With a farm comes all the manure and compost a person could need.

I used synthetics some. Never cared for it and went back to organic. My outdoor vegetable garden is a large scale no till. Nothing but water is needed.

I guess what I'm getting at is I treat cannabis like any other plant. Its not special.

KISS. Keep it stupid simple.
Less is more.

Don't over complicate it and keep the plant happy and everything else falls in place.
Ya me too re the garden, fucking weeds and fucking potatoes, tons of em lol, we leased the fields to the guy with the tractor lol. The organic versus salts was never a preference with most of the early stuff being organic, that's all I had, started getting bigger and it was way easier to do non organic, being very illegal and usually kind of remote. We actually bought tons of miracle grow time release back in the day, I know, the horrors. I really don't notice a big difference in the salts used if used properly. I was more into it for the money up until I retired (mostly lol) 10 years ago. I'm now more concerned about producing stuff that puts my ass on the couch to unamp from the day. I work way harder now then when I was doing my thing lol. That's kind of why I don't get all bent about different people's ways of growing, just taking in what helps me to get better. And yes maybe I ask to many questions but it's more to discuss and debate, not to prove anyone wrong :).
im not a farmer but do live in an agricultural state and as a teenager served time in paddocks for cash on the school holidays, weekends etc.. Ive never heard any farmers at the pubs, winery's or AG shows say the words Flush" or "Defoliate".
Only mushroom Tek uses the word senescence, our clones and cells are not so short lived and enough that we talk in leaf budgets, sink/source etc etc.

Teaming with microbes is a weak book if your trying to give a good account of the actual science, this you would realise if you knew the exact science.

What are you talking about? Mushroom Tek? Cannabis 100% is subject to senescence . Ever grown an outdoor plant in the ground? Ever grown a plant long enough to actually witness it? And Teaming With Microbes is not a weak book by any means . Its a great place to start for people interested in TRUE organics.
I don't get it. Cannabis grow forums are so full of myth.

Simply because they're full of person's who simply start a seed or even a clone from somewhere, and when that plant has a problem, they come in here and ask for help (more like "hold my hand, and get me through this").

This can't be hard. Mom grows plants all over the house. All I see her do is water it......Blah, blah, bah.

Then you get the one's that buy magazines....."But HT said to flush, so did their grow god, Danny Dummkoph. Then I read in Jorge's book that he say's to flush. All the old info out there says to flush"...

"You fuckers here are wrong, stupid, ass holes, dumb fuckers", or, like came up here in this thread,,,"Not any kind of actual authority."

What the fuck makes a "recognized authority?" You write a book your an author, not an expert on a subject... Jorge is full of shit theory.....He's never been in the growing industry as in farms, greenhouses etc. He grows dope, has for a long time, and has BS theories and full of old school myths....He's an authority??? On what?

What ever! I wish I had a buck for every "flush, yellowing leaves and pH of my run off, question." Oh yeah, and "What are these brown spots and Do I have bugs."

Not to mention. "What strain is this?" or "How much will I yield?"
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Only mushroom Tek uses the word senescence, our clones and cells are not so short lived and enough that we talk in leaf budgets, sink/source etc etc.

Teaming with microbes is a weak book if your trying to give a good account of the actual science, this you would realise if you knew the exact science.

The Teaming series is an introduction to organic's. It's written in layman's terms...... But, your right in a way. Still a damn good read for those wanting to change over!
It's actually pretty comical to read some of the original grow books I grew up with. Funny thing is I didn't read much of em, a few that got me started then just kind of went with it, did ok so far lol.
Ever see this one from 1975?
I'll be curious when I find someone who has it what they think, I thought it was a good book for 1975.
I'm guessing that those from the Jorge camp grew guerrilla style and for cash. They surely fed to the end for big profits/heavy weights. They added elements and witnessed growth.
The weed tasted like shit when dried. they couldnt figure out how to make it right. they tried feeding only water at the end and found what they were doing was actually starving their plant at the end in an attempt to use up excess carbs in the plant material. ah...they were flushing out the excess carbs they figured.

It does actually do this. If I stop feeding nutrients in hydro and go plain water the plant material does show a significant decrease in glucose, thus ridding the plant of these carbs. It still tasted strange so they dug up old tobacco tech and thus began the fermenting of their herb to do the more of the same. common garden herbs are not cured with fermentation before use. tobacco is smooth when fetilizer is tapered in the end. the plant produces less green of course, but its smooth as soon as the twigs snap..(sounds familiar)

jesus didnt cure his kanah~bosem...he used the dried flowering tops straight up:P

my authoritative 2cents
Simply because they're full of person's who simply start a seed or even a clone from somewhere, and when that plant has a problem, they come in here and ask for help (more like "hold my hand, and get me through this").

This can't be hard. Mom grows plants all over the house. All I see her do is water it......Blah, blah, bah.

Then you get the one's that buy magazines....."But HT said to flush, so did their grow god, Danny Dummkoph. Then I read in Jorge's book that he say's to flush. All the old info out there says to flush"...

"You fuckers here are wrong, stupid, ass holes, dumb fuckers", or, like came up here in this thread,,,"Not any kind of actual authority."

What the fuck makes a "recognized authority?" You write a book your an author, not an expert on a subject... Jorge is full of shit theory.....He's never been in the growing industry as in farms, greenhouses etc. He grows dope, has for a long time, and has BS theories and full of old school myths....He's an authority??? On what?

What ever! I wish I had a buck for every "flush, yellowing leaves and pH of my run off, question." Oh yeah, and "What are these brown spots and Do I have bugs."

Not to mention. "What strain is this?" or "How much will I yield?"

Jorge Cervantes would be my LAST choice of anyone to read any garbage he puts out.
Jesus smoked? What would Jesus smoke?

I dont think he toked but the christian bible says him and his long haired fishing buddies wore vials of the anointing oil on their necks and used it to heal the skin lesions and psychotic episodes of the ill. It was also used to induce fits of ecstasy during baptism until the patron could handle it no more, then it was washed off of their temples in water(sound familiar?) when the affected people finally saw visions they were told it was the holy spirit and they were now closer to the god.
as close as I could I replicated this recipe handed down from the god and it was ridiculously effective. I dont suffer from mental episodes or skin lesions so maybe it was different for me.they also mention the burning of the oil as incense, thats the part I enjoy most, I like the smoke , and the classy origins- kanah~bosem, fairy tale or not.
Jorge Cervantes would be my LAST choice of anyone to read any garbage he puts out.

it was my first color paged grow book. I enjoyed others subsequently like Rosenthal but planted my first legal room with the bible in hand. I didnt get steered wrong, never had mites, molds, plant deaths, cloning issues, no room failures no fires. No issues at all. the links were awesome, the pics were priceless.....he's full of shit about the red lights used to make fem seeds, but with a grain of salt it put me straight.
It did not explain why things were the way they were necessarily but thats where Rosenthal came in .
it was my first color paged grow book. I enjoyed others subsequently like Rosenthal but planted my first legal room with the bible in hand. I didnt get steered wrong, never had mites, molds, plant deaths, cloning issues, no room failures no fires. No issues at all. the links were awesome, the pics were priceless.....he's full of shit about the red lights used to make fem seeds, but with a grain of salt it put me straight.
It did not explain why things were the way they were necessarily but thats where Rosenthal came in .

That is my story too. And later editions have most of the old myths edited out. And he has publically said he printed the mis-information.

But I liked the ed rosenthal book more. And back in the late 80's he already had proven even the uv B and far red light effects on our plant.

I also was able to model a perpetual garden after his instruction with very little experience and have harvested consistently ever since.

And (knock on wood) I have still never had a marijuana pest past a couple of visible gnats in my rooms in my old house or new one.

Or most of the rest of the problems I see all over past my first 2 Grows.

I messed up and consulted the Grow bible.

I posted here for the first time 3 years later.
That is my story too. And later editions have most of the old myths edited out. And he has publically said he printed the mis-information.

But I liked the ed rosenthal book more. And back in the late 80's he already had proven even the uv B and far red light effects on our plant.

I also was able to model a perpetual garden after his instruction with very little experience and have harvested consistently ever since.

And (knock on wood) I have still never had a marijuana pest past a couple of visible gnats in my rooms in my old house or new one.

Or most of the rest of the problems I see all over past my first 2 Grows.

I messed up and consulted the Grow bible.

I posted here for the first time 3 years later.

exactly, now is this coincidence? I adapted Rosenthals perpetual too and its flawless, a no brainer after understood, but still was good for me.

Mite Preventing Grow Bible= Priceless