ChilLED grow light

Intelligent for taking himself seriously enough to conceal his identity from government shills like yourself. If liberty and freedom is too much for you, I've got an awesome gig for you. I'll provide meals and some leisure time. That way you have the structure you so desperately desire.
No normal is not like that that is called criminal behavior covering your identity knowing you are breaking law. He stated that himself. Thread is about chilled boards off thread.
I wasn't spurned by anything you wrote, I don't get personally invested in people I don't know.

It is what you wrote that made me aware of your sadness, nothing more than you showing all of us your true colours.

People that give freely should be revered.

To be perfectly honest, when I logged back in from a decade hiatus from these boards I was upset to read about claims of these LEDs doing anything comparable to HID from my experience so long ago. It seems as though all of the LEDs have advanced enough for me to pay attention.

After spending a month, or so, crunching numbers I found the 3W and 5W emitted to be outdated due to efficiency when compared to COBs.

Even now, I made a new friend on these boards (imagine that, I'm not pissing everyone off) and he is using a 5W panel to great success, over 1g/W. Still, I know dollars to donuts a comparable COB lamp will cost less than half of what he spent while using less energy.

I won't believe any hype of blurple being superior to COB unless it can be proven; @CobKits is right, you are wrong and spouting nothing but nonsense.

I give but you are not honest anyone can see your agenda dr enigma doctor of mouse droppings
I don't actually get information about lighting from videos much. I just go to the actual sources myself, meaning the manufacturer data sheets usually. I did watch plastic head's videos when he first started making them and I first started learning about LEDs for plant growth, but anyone but a total noob wouldn't get much out of his videos, the early ones or the recent ones. There's plenty of other channels with info on grow LEDs though. Not gonna list them all, too many. His channel is okay I guess just nothing special. The mouse thing is obviously just lame though. What the hell does a mouse have to do with growing weed?

Actually I can think of a better channel right now, RealStyles. And if you followed plastic head's forum threads long enough you'd see that every now and then he reveals his dickness. Usually conceals it so people don't know, but like GanGreen, he can't suppress it for long. Both of them are types of people I just can't stand, pretentious pricks. Do I ever ask people not to post on my threads? No, because I'm not a pretentious prick who thinks their threads are fucking solid gold. You ever take a good look at GanGreen? Guy like that, on the street, knock him cold in a second if he took that attitude with me. I mean nerdsville. Just be laying on the ground in a fetal position, probably convulsing. And plastic head? Guess where that mouse head would be stuck. Another fucking nerd who thinks he suddenly got cool because he grew weed. Don't work that way. They're just nerds who happen to grow weed.
There are plenty of yt channels by professional folks with background in what they speak. Lots of pot videos but that does not make you an expert just a person growing with a camera and computer. Nothing special in that. Want special check out Subcool BOG or other long term seed makers a true art form or maybe even Soma my mentor along with BOG that I studied under.
You have to find an expert if you expect to learn. Your friends aren't your mentor just common ideals.
Two guys you all follow are just that guys you follow. Did they get it right. Go ask the actual experts Engineers the real deal trained by experts
I think more folks should go take a community college electrician and electronics course before they attempt to help others in the areas of lighting design load calculations current demands. These are all serious subjects that could result in death of you and those living in your environment.
I studied under an electrician as an assistant a two year electronics program with Navy and six years of engineering in college.
I know what to do. I didn't learn my craft on youtube nor do I practice on youtube.

I do practice guitar with my guitar teacher on youtube his name Griff Hamlin Blues Guitar Unleashed and Vicenzo my jazz guitar teacher from Italy
Sorry about the venting about two certain people. Off dope for the last few days so kind of edgy. I guess any free information is helpful, regardless who it comes from.

About COBs vs PCBs, probably no big difference. COBs are just designed for a smaller fixture size or spot type lighting. Just a matter of personal design requirements I guess. Nothing wrong with COBs, with the right optics. Just not that easy to find good optics. Angelina type reflectors aren't that great really. Need a collimating type optic, as this page explains. Some illustrations from the page. I'll copy/paste the text relating to the images. With such lenses, COBs MAY have an advantage over PCBs, which don't collimate at all. It would require investigation. I think you would want a "medium" type collimating lens, not a spot or wide.

Table 1 illustrates three key differences in performance between these modules. For example, the TIR lens system delivered twice the central lux of the reflector module, with 2× the “lux efficacy” measured in lux/watt.


Fig. 2 shows the measured intensity distribution over viewing angle. We can immediately see that FWHM viewing angle (in this case 24°) doesn’t tell the whole story. The TIR lens design produces a smooth, well-controlled slope up to the peak intensity, while the reflector’s intensity distribution flattens out in the wide-angle glare zone.

The biggest difference I have found is heat dissipation. It seems diodes not to close together have an opportunity for the copper trace to dissipate heat while there is no trace on the cobs
I give but you are not honest anyone can see your agenda dr enigma doctor of mouse droppings

I told you in response to your PM you had one more chance. This is that chance, now it is ashes.

LED is new, to me, I just happily purchased two COBs for testing.

You will find more and more people ignoring you and your threads will become quiet until the newbies find them and resurrect them.
But the heat generated from them after all conversions is the same.

If you put a cree/citi/vero @ 50W in a sealed room and measured the temps they should record all equal. - even though some offer more L/pw

Not so.

A long time ago LEDs put of more heat than they do now. The more efficient they become the less heat they will produce.

All of this can actually be calculated.
Not so.

A long time ago LEDs put of more heat than they do now. The more efficient they become the less heat they will produce.

All of this can actually be calculated.
you're misunderstanding this a little. 1000W of hid or 1000W of led will ultimately generate the same amount of heat that has to be dealt with, but 1000W of led can give you more usable light for that 1000W. the efficiency increase in led technology means that it's possible to achieve the same light levels with less watts. in other words, 600-750W of high-efficiency led can replace 1000W of hid, resulting in less heat being produced because less watts are being used..
I told you in response to your PM you had one more chance. This is that chance, now it is ashes.

LED is new, to me, I just happily purchased two COBs for testing.

You will find more and more people ignoring you and your threads will become quiet until the newbies find them and resurrect them.
Actually you can keep your money your leaders tried that threat. Spend your money poorley enjoy your lost income. Threaten me. I don't sell anything you can buy from me. I have ethics you seem you want to save everyone. Go do something for people in your community. I don't want or need your help. I am not selling anything what a threat.
You been warned DR I am so sad. So tired of folks telling me what to do while asking what to do. Lol
Not so.

A long time ago LEDs put of more heat than they do now. The more efficient they become the less heat they will produce.

All of this can actually be calculated.
Why don't you buy a chilled grow light kit already mounted and wired and just enjoy instead of trying to build. Vitally already worked out all the issues. All you have to do is plug and play. I have been following Vitally when he had his Gen1 light engine. Don't worry about physics he has already worked all that out go watch his video and you will just buy one or more. More than worth what he sells at. No I have no relationship just recognize great when i see it
Not so.

A long time ago LEDs put of more heat than they do now. The more efficient they become the less heat they will produce.

All of this can actually be calculated.

I understand your view but its slightly wrong, it is the case that even if cobs got to 99% efficiency - say 49.5W into useable light - heat will still come.

The difference being HPS waste much on Direct Heat from loss, COBS have less Direct Heat from loss.

You could say then whats the point of going LED.

And the point would be that if we did get to 99.5% efficiency, we would then only need 24.75W of power to create the same light as we did with 50W at around 50% efficiency.

THEN with only 24.75W of power needed, we would have less heat.
I understand your view but its slightly wrong, it is the case that even if cobs got to 99% efficiency - say 49.5W into useable light - heat will still come.

The difference being HPS waste much on Direct Heat from loss, COBS have less Direct Heat from loss.

You could say then whats the point of going LED.

And the point would be that if we did get to 99.5% efficiency, we would then only need 24.75W of power to create the same light as we did with 50W at around 50% efficiency.

THEN with only 24.75W of power needed, we would have less heat.

So, you are saying 250W of HID will produce as much heat as 250W of quality LED?

Show me.
So, you are saying 250W of HID will produce as much heat as 250W of quality LED?

Show me.

250 watts of heat is allways 250 watts of heat. Difference is how the heat is transmitted: HPS will throw it directly at your cannopy thru IR (which in some quite cold scenario can acutally be good) heating the leaves directly, keeping them a few degrees over ambient. Leds with heatsink transmitt the heat to air thru convection: air gets hot (and will generally rise and get extracted) and the air in turn will heat the cannopy, keeping it a bit colder than ambient. Difference here is how you manage the heat: LED lets you keep a higher ambient with less problems also the heat it generates tend to be easier to get out of the way before it hits the plants. However all the light coming out of your fixture, be it HID or led, will eventually turn in to heat except for a miniscule part that gets abosorbed by photosyntesis.
6x6 = 36 SF 36 0.238 PCBs per square foot = 8.5 bgoards for a ppfd say 9 boards
you would need
1 - 1200w commercial fixture - ($2700)
2 - 400w commerciala fixtures - ($2000)
I get around $5k for 2000w of some of the best leds in the market today. Not bad.

9 - 4xcxb3590 - HLG-185-C1400B - $4k basic easy $5k.
I would take two built fixtures for the price of building 9 fixtures of equal power.

I was talking about running 36 x 90watt boards at 350ma ( about 27 watts a sq ft)
250 watts of heat is allways 250 watts of heat. Difference is how the heat is transmitted: HPS will throw it directly at your cannopy thru IR (which in some quite cold scenario can acutally be good) heating the leaves directly, keeping them a few degrees over ambient. Leds with heatsink transmitt the heat to air thru convection: air gets hot (and will generally rise and get extracted) and the air in turn will heat the cannopy, keeping it a bit colder than ambient. Difference here is how you manage the heat: LED lets you keep a higher ambient with less problems also the heat it generates tend to be easier to get out of the way before it hits the plants. However all the light coming out of your fixture, be it HID or led, will eventually turn in to heat except for a miniscule part that gets abosorbed by photosyntesis.

Show me.

I have to see for myself before I'll believe what you wrote.

Put 250W in a small space, record temp, that means the ballast as well.

Then do the same with 250W of COB, and not two COBs being run at 125W, we all know that will be far less efficient than ~62W.

I have a feeling the COBs will run cooler, that is my hypothesis.
So, you are saying 250W of HID will produce as much heat as 250W of quality LED?

Show me.

Thermodynamics states that Energy cannot be created or destroyed within a system, we could call this system our universe or for your objective the system being a sealed room with 250w of HPS, and 250W of COBS.

The part your missing is that when the objects under your HPS or COB absorb the photons, the temperature of those objects increase.

If thats not the part your missing, then what is happening in your system that allows for the remainder of the 250W(barring ballast/driver and HPS/COB loss) of energy to be destroyed?

I guess a "physical" test you could do to show yourself if you wanted to not be theortical about it would be to completely freeze the heatsink on the back of your COB and put your hand under the COB - you would still feel heat thats not being generated from loss (poor efficiency) from the COB Technology.
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