Hawaii Growers

911 my baby herm is dying
hes willting and i dont know why i flushed the soil thinking that could be it but his sisters are in the same soil same watering and shes doing fine what could it be.
Do you guys have termites there? I lost two plants to termites this week {in NW Florida}. They look just like that. Give them a tug and the stalk comes off in your hand. Roots and stalk ate just below ground level.
Well, I got my 40% shade cloth spread over the polycarbonte roof before the rain and during the cloudy part of the afternoon. It makes the roof leak like crazy. More so than the coolaroo fabric did that I was rolling up and down the roof for while. I guess it will have to move the shade cloth underneath the roof. High expectations dashed on rocks of reality. At least I got immediate feedback.
that seems to be what i was looking for this is the first time this ever happend to me. now i kow what im fighting.
Try to avoid using those saucers underneath your pots and instead use something that lets water drain or elevate your plants so they dont sit in stagnant water. Its an easy way to get a problem in the root zone and those are usually the most difficult to deal with because you often dont see symptoms until its too late.
Some strains are $90 for an 1/8th on Oahu and the buds are brown and seeded...this is the AAA topshelf stuff too. The two grades are AA and AAA lol. What a fuckin joke....they have reviews on weedmaps and nearly every one says they got a bunch of seeds in their nugs.
That's a steep price. Its between 120 and 150 dollars an ounce in Aussie . and that's top shelf buds in the area I'm in
Some strains are $90 for an 1/8th on Oahu and the buds are brown and seeded...this is the AAA topshelf stuff too. The two grades are AA and AAA lol. What a fuckin joke....they have reviews on weedmaps and nearly every one says they got a bunch of seeds in their nugs.
Well at least this won't be hurting the grey and black market guys. Actually a buddy of mine said he's raising his prices since the dispensary opened so maybe it will even help some guys out, ha ha.
Do you guys have termites there? I lost two plants to termites this week {in NW Florida}. They look just like that. Give them a tug and the stalk comes off in your hand. Roots and stalk ate just below ground level.
We actually have a couple different types of termites. There's flying ones and ground burrowing ones, but I can't remember ever losing a plant to termites. I've lost plants to all sorts of things, but termites aren't bringing up any memories.
That's a steep price. Its between 120 and 150 dollars an ounce in Aussie . and that's top shelf buds in the area I'm in
Really? I thought weed was way more expensive there. About 6 years ago I was considering moving there or New Zealand just because I read/heard it was something like $4-$5000/lb. That's too cheap considering the laws over there in some of the territories/states. Potential felonies are not worth $120 ounces.
same here in maine,dispensaries selling grade b for top notch price feel sorry for folks
Aloha green jus upped there price that pic I showed they going for 90$ an eighth haha gotta be kidding I'll got to black market before that atleast they ain't tryna rob patients and yeah whole crop is seeded that's why thc is low. They said on news they tryna breed plants for there conditions. Think they having a lot of problems growing lol that's what's bound to happen when u give dispensaries based on money smh
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Try to avoid using those saucers underneath your pots and instead use something that lets water drain or elevate your plants so they dont sit in stagnant water. Its an easy way to get a problem in the root zone and those are usually the most difficult to deal with because you often dont see symptoms until its too late.
Saucers? I ain't no space-man! Plants sit on concrete blocks or cedar/redwood boards, no saucers. I usually throw some plastic screen or landscape fabric on the bottom to cover the holes.
Golden Lemon from DNA heard it of hitting 27 percent thc our dispensary hits 16% they doing something wrong
I never had my stuff tested or had the privalige jus go off info on the internet mostly
It may be the mother they were using to get their cuts. Maybe they are using homemade seeds. Never grown that strain, but in theory, the thc should be the same if you had two cuts off the same plant and seeded one of them but not the other.
It may be the mother they were using to get their cuts. Maybe they are using homemade seeds. Never grown that strain, but in theory, the thc should be the same if you had two cuts off the same plant and seeded one of them but not the other.
I don't know but I traded another patient for some that dispensary stuff. It was the low grade one 60$ an eighth but wasn't at all close to homies I've tasted around or blackmarket. But these guys sold 20lbs in three days now they 100lbs of that junk stuff lol sad that there's only one dispensary on island right now they need competition​