Mayweather or Mcgregor?

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  • McGregor by KO

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  • McGregor by points

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Check out Floyd on the left.
If mayweather gets hit with a left like Pauli with 8oz gloves it could very well be the end of the night for mayweather
You're out of your mind, so many fighters landed BOMBs on Mayweather and never dropped him.

What part of a straight left off of a slip vs flinging power shots (hooks upper cuts heavyweight straight hands) don't people understand?

Maidana was LANDING 12--->6 O'clock overhand bombs on Floyd, couldn't phase him. Actually I thought they were going to break Floyd's defense and was thinking o shit this might be it.... yet the fucker just cannot be figured out, figures the other guy out, and wins.
You guys are gonna need some Conor hankies after he tosses in the towel or poops himself from some liver shots.

He is also about to get a lesson in dirty boxing, and fighting off the clinch like nobody even sees coming, Floyd is so fucking dirty you guys don't even know.

The awareness of where his head, your head, his hands and yours and how fast he can take advantage of that is like nothing I've ever seen anywhere on either side of the boxing/mma world.
Kind of a dumb questions asking if Mayweather is going to KO. He hits like a woman.
Mayweather is not known as a heavy hitter but he does have 26 ko's to his name out of 49 fights to say he hits like a girl is not really true. Mayweather will win this easily but then again it was never about boxing it is all about the money for both fighters. Sure Connor has a punchers chance but realistically it is not much of a chance. Mayweather will hit and run winning the fight on points just like he did to the Pacman.
I doubt MacGregor will even be able to land a shot on Mayweather.
Probably gonna wal
Fair doesn't mean what you think. We know what a great fighter he is. What the fuck are you talking about? He's beaten total fucking bad asses. He's UNDEFEATED.

Also in a fighting gym mutual respect is the norm.

That video has a story of McGregors petty cowardice attached to it. Extremely unsportsmanlike
UNDEFEATED? Not really

one nasty clean left, two other lefts for sure, lots of dirty boxing and still Pauli didn't go down.
Here's mayweather landing a clean left hand when his opponent isn't looking, hands down, small gloves, and no headgear and it took two clean cheap shots in a fight he was losing to drop him.

Floyds a great boxer best defensive boxer ever no doubt it. He's boxed so long he doesn't have to think about his movement or counter punches it all reflex by now. The thing people don't understand is he's not boxing another boxer. He's gonna be against a striking style very different than someone who's boxed for 30 years. Mayweather should win this fight, but if he thinks he's gonna toy with mcgregor and walk threw him the way the fans do he could find himself on the wrong side of the biggest upset in sports history.
"Floyd Mayweather is going to fight Conor McGregor tomorrow" lolol say that to yourself out loud without laughing
Just watched the weigh in, not sure if I'm gonna get to see it or not. Prolly not gonna pay for it.
yeah im not paying for it.. was gonna go to a bar near me to catch some of it at least. but i called and they said itll be super busy.. lots of reservations. not even going to waste my time
"Floyd Mayweather is going to fight Conor McGregor tomorrow" lolol say that to yourself out loud without laughing
i put a hundred on mcgregor.. horrible odds, but great pay out lol. mayweather is too defensive and timed. mcgregor fights all out.. while id like mcgregor to win, i dont see it happening. but if mayweather gets caught off guard just once it might happen
Who saw the weigh in?

McGregor looks significantly smaller today no?

Lol look at those cores, just look at 'em..... Floyd looks like a friggin' redwood while Conor looks thin and almost frail. Makes you wonder who was really wearing high-heels on the world tour.
"God don't make mistakes, and God only made one thing perfect, and that's my boxing record" - Mayweather.
Ok I'm in Conor's corner.
I'd like to see it after all this hype, and it's an interesting back story
but I ain't payin' for it either. Good Luck McGregor ya' Irish bastad!