Good grow books?


Well-Known Member
Jorge Cervantes ultimate grow dvd you can watch it for free on YouTube ,I know you said books but this is a super easy visual!!!
I don't learn nothing from watching videos so never bother with them. I do a lot better with written materials like a book and then you can refer back easier than flipping back and forth thru a video.

Reading a printed page has been proven to increase the retention of new material much better than watching a video and if notes are taken while reading then the retention goes up even more.

I have a lousy internet connection too so videos need to be saved and then run off the hard drive so they play smoothly and half the time they don't save properly.


Well-Known Member
I don't learn nothing from watching videos so never bother with them. I do a lot better with written materials like a book and then you can refer back easier than flipping back and forth thru a video.

Reading a printed page has been proven to increase the retention of new material much better than watching a video and if notes are taken while reading then the retention goes up even more.

I have a lousy internet connection too so videos need to be saved and then run off the hard drive so they play smoothly and half the time they don't save properly.
True!! Videos are nice for things here and there don't get me wrong, but for the very in depth stuff videos do t help me much xD


Well-Known Member
Marijuana Grower's Handbook by Ed Rosenthal
The Cannabis Encyclopedia by Jorge Cervantes

Must haves in the Cannabs growers arsenal.


Well-Known Member
Shoot.. when i started up five years ago i was super paranoid about even checking out sites like these for fear of getting caught. At one point i stumbled upon Greg's Grow Bible in pdf. I ran all 500 pages through a printer at work at 20 pages a time so i wouldnt get caught.

I admittedly have only read a couple other books about the subject since but overall, i was happy with Greg's Grow Bible covering a lot of the basics to get me started with very little available resources except for the guys down at the local hydro shop. Some of the picture illustrations were confusing and not the most helpful or a few were poorly shot but it got me by..