doc destroys all infortmation shortly after the order is placed. Unless some sort of government was able to get a warrant to seize all his records in the 15 min after you placed your order and before he destroyed the record, then you dont have a whole lot to worry about. You are much more likely to have your money order "lost" by the post office. Also, the doc operates out of Europe, unlike Emery who was operating out of Canada. It is much easier to extradite (excuse spelling) a "criminal" out of Canada, therefor American goverment went through the effort of obtaining a warrant for his arrest. This is much less likely to happen to a seed operator out of Europe, as they are much less likely to be sent to the US to face trial. One such case has happened where a seed seller turned over his records, but this man was a notorious "sell out" and turned over his records after a minimal amount of pressure. Doc's record shows that he will most likely never be put in this type of situation, and even if he were, most of the records would have been destroyed.
As for customs, the worst thing they will do is confiscate the seeds and send oyu a letter saying the product you were trying to recieve is not allowed in the US. Slap on the wrist at best. Again though, Doc's security is top notch, and any customs inspector would be hard pressed to pick em out of the bunch.
Let me just say though, I understand your fear. Some people would call it paranoia, but I disagree. The fact is, the American government is fucked up and they do fucked up shit. Excuse the language. Big brother is watching. You just have to assume he doesnt care about the weed plants you are growing , and the statistical data shows this is true. Grow operation busts are down over the last couple of years, especially under 20 plants, and when Bush is gone, they will continue to drop. Most people don't know that through 2002-2005 the DEA was conducting a "Marijuana Eradication" program whereby they worked with state police to organize pot busts. It failed miserably and no longer exists. In fact, the program discovered so many continous grow operations, that they begin planning strategies for the taxation of marijuana. Some states even have marijauna tax stamps. Whereby if you don't put this stamp on a bag of weed, or plant, if busted, they could fine you for it. The insane thing is, police staked out the tax stamps offices, which are completey anonymous, and followed people to their homes, where they simply asked if they could come in and look around. If people were silly enough to say yes without a warrant, then many were busted with the very weed they were trying to stamp in order to adhere to the rules. This is just an example to demonstrate the paradox that is our legal system. The bottom line is whether or not they follow the rules in order to find out what you are doing doesnt matter, they have to legally prove it in court. So, if they dont have a warrant, dont let them in. Dont leave fertilzers and soil sitting around in plain sight. Dont let light leak out of your house. Dont give anyone, anywhere any reason to possibly belieave you might be growing marijuana. A search requires a warrant, and a warrant requires probable cause. Give them no cause for a search, and you give them no warrant. A fact: 90% of all marijauna busts come from an anonymous tip as the source. Now, this means two things. One: A lot of people get busted cause they can't shut up. Growing weed is fascinating and you want nothing more than to show of the "fruits of your labor." Ignore this impulse. Two: Cops make up tipsters in order to cover up some real knowledge, such as they snooped around your yard and looked in a window. It happens, again, just dont give them any reason to be suspicious. Oh, and a word about grow shops. Cops and Washington and Oregon were known to sit outside of grow shops and record license plates, and even follow home, people who had purchased high powered grow lights. I personally go to a local hydro shop, but i know the owner and dont worry to much about it. Just be careful. Thats about it. Be smart, and be safe and you shouldnt have to much to worry about.