Ban white people

You kind of missed the point. But hey, your point was great.

That's why I love Bernie Sanders, he's like Jesse Jackson for spoiled white kids.
Dude, are you just trolling or do you want to discuss something?

You conflate personal responsibility with the responsibility one has to treat others fairly. And now toss some troll bullshit like this. Are your feelz hurt? Just because I said that racism is a problem in the US because some whites are still denying freedom to black people? Why does mentioning this very real problem upset you so much?

Maybe you have a problem with white guilt. Go ahead, let it out. We care for you deeply.
Please read post below this
The one where London laughs because you infer that you are bothered by the notion that a black person might think you are a cracker?

What's the harm in that? It's not as if you are saying he denied you a job or is undervaluing your services because you are a cracker. That would be a racist act. But how often does that really happen? Is this a hypothetical or real situation? I'm willing to bet that sort of thing happens to a black person every day in this country. Many times a day. So often that it's impossible to deny it happens and impossible for black and brown people to avoid to the point where we have a names for it. Systematic racism and Institutional racism. As far as I know, white people don't experience either. This gets back to my reasons for naming racism in the US as a problem with white racist people, about 30% of the population, to be precise. Maybe more, if we lump all Trump's voters in the white racist category.
Define harm.

Does it include excluding people from say a job based on the perceived ethnicity of their name?

To be honest, I'm trying to understand your point but I can't find a single example of where a person could have strongly held racist beliefs and not discriminate, everyone has "power" somewhere.
Racism is systematic oppression and discrimination based on perceived genetic inferiority. In our society, white people are not victims of racism. There could be a day when it becomes possible, but currently it is not the case.
I would like for you to respect the mans name. Is that so hard to do ?

Good point. I extend my deepest apology, well not my deepest, say like if a building caught fire and the guy died horribly or something, but I'll admit he deserves to be able to call himself whatever he likes.

So, why do you think black people should be forced to ask government if they want to change their name?
Good point. I extend my deepest apology, well not my deepest, say like if a building caught fire and the guy died horribly or something, but I'll admit he deserves to be able to call himself whatever he likes.

So, why do you think black people should be forced to ask government if they want to change their name?
You call me Londonfog. I did not ask the government for you to do so.
You are no good at this