Ban white people

You know about War...Like your hero Trump knows so much about corrupt police... targeting, harassing, and brutalizing people.
Are all black people the same?? I am half white though with a dash of Native.
As a comfortable white man living in lilly white Oregon, I can't speak authoritatively on the subject. I refer you to Undercover Brother as the reference to your attraction to mayonaise. If this gets your taste buds going:


You are not black.
As a comfortable white man living in lilly white Oregon, I can't speak authoritatively on the subject. I refer you to Undercover Brother as the reference to your attraction to mayonaise. If this gets your taste buds going:


You are not black.
I am half black.
What a interesting conversation I stumbled upon today. I want to state first that I am white but in no way prejudice against any race, as a matter of fact my 1st husband was black and my 19 year old daughter is from that marriage and mixed.

With that being said, I looked up statistics here in the United States from the U.S. Department of Justice and found them to be quite interesting. Here is the following statistics along with the reference from where they came from.

While only 13% of the population in the USA is black:

93% of all black murder victims are murdered by another black

85% of all violent interracial crimes are committed by blacks

80% of all shootings are committed by blacks

79% of all robberies are committed by blacks

59% of all murders are committed by blacks

52% of all violent juvenile crimes are committed by blacks

49% of all murder victims are black

45% of all drug offenses are committed by blacks

42% of all cop killers are black

8% of America’s population are black men, yet they account for 40% of American’s total prison population.

99% of all major riots involving property damage, looting and civil disobedience are committed by blacks

Blacks commit 25 X more violent assaults against whites, than whites against blacks.

33% of all crime in America is committed by 3% of the population…blacks between the ages of 16 and 36

I definitely agree that there is some problems in the United States but to point the finger directly at the White Race is rather ignorant. I think the opinion of this thread may have his facts confused.
What a interesting conversation I stumbled upon today. I want to state first that I am white but in no way prejudice against any race, as a matter of fact my 1st husband was black and my 19 year old daughter is from that marriage and mixed.

With that being said, I looked up statistics here in the United States from the U.S. Department of Justice and found them to be quite interesting. Here is the following statistics along with the reference from where they came from.

While only 13% of the population in the USA is black:

93% of all black murder victims are murdered by another black

85% of all violent interracial crimes are committed by blacks

80% of all shootings are committed by blacks

79% of all robberies are committed by blacks

59% of all murders are committed by blacks

52% of all violent juvenile crimes are committed by blacks

49% of all murder victims are black

45% of all drug offenses are committed by blacks

42% of all cop killers are black

8% of America’s population are black men, yet they account for 40% of American’s total prison population.

99% of all major riots involving property damage, looting and civil disobedience are committed by blacks

Blacks commit 25 X more violent assaults against whites, than whites against blacks.

33% of all crime in America is committed by 3% of the population…blacks between the ages of 16 and 36

I definitely agree that there is some problems in the United States but to point the finger directly at the White Race is rather ignorant. I think the opinion of this thread may have his facts confused.