Sperm count drop 'may lead to human extinction'

True, but so is Judaism and Christianity and it goes pretty far back. Also Sharia law is basically Christian/Jew law so our Christian leaders don't mind them too much just more votes for Democrats and Republicans the way they like it. I think we should allow an equal number of Buddhists, Hindus, Confucius, etc. people in be cool to have more pagans I love reading about Odin, Zeus and Shiva etc. so many different stories. I find it very interesting learning about ancient cultures that are mostly destroyed thanks to the religions that stem from Judaism and Communism.

I do believe in something just too many religions to decide from even the ancient Egyptians are pretty cool especially with what they accomplished in a free society according to science, of course the Bible says slavery but their is no evidence of it. Not like the Incans and Mayans were slaves and they accomplished some amazing shit too.

I lost a few brain cells reading that.
True, but so is Judaism and Christianity and it goes pretty far back. Also Sharia law is basically Christian/Jew law so our Christian leaders don't mind them too much just more votes for Democrats and Republicans the way they like it. I think we should allow an equal number of Buddhists, Hindus, Confucius, etc. people in be cool to have more pagans I love reading about Odin, Zeus and Shiva etc. so many different stories. I find it very interesting learning about ancient cultures that are mostly destroyed thanks to the religions that stem from Judaism and Communism.

I do believe in something just too many religions to decide from even the ancient Egyptians are pretty cool especially with what they accomplished in a free society according to science, of course the Bible says slavery but their is no evidence of it. Not like the Incans and Mayans were slaves and they accomplished some amazing shit too.
Have you taken a look at the Book Of Mormon? It's amazing shit too.
are you really trying to re-kindle hitler's "judeo-bolshevism" rhetoric, you kiddy diddling wife beater?
Now I'm a wife beater??

No, I was not even thinking about Hitler the entire post just the facts. Do you have any idea how many Native American religions where completely destroyed by Christianity?? Not too mention all over Africa, Europe, middle East, Australian Natives, etc. Etc. I'm not really blaming the Jews most of it was Christianity but stems from the Old Testament. Joshua and the Israilites killed entire villages men, woman and children in the name of the God of Abraham.
Lol, no but I did hear about it on South Park got to be a top 5 episode. :)

Not really since I don't believe in the Bible. Mormons are basically Muslims Christianity with a few twists.

From the tone of the full page ad they placed after that show aired they also believe in the Constitution and free speech and the pursuit of happiness .

Kinda makes you just a bit more twisted wanting everyone to dress according to you.
But 'they' won't check, and if they do, most likely in secret research programs, the info won't be made public.