Amy Vilela for Nevada's 4th

You same donkeys constantly talk about how sourthern whites vote against their own best interests (which they do) but if someone says the same thing about black people....OMGsss racism!

I just said the opposite. Everybody votes in their own best interest. Always. Unless there is some duress or corruption, they do.

Bernie isn't running for anything yet you continue to grind away on why he lost. When you ask "donkeys" why, you deny our answer. Now you say anybody who didn't vote for Sanders unknowingly voted against their own best interests.

I'm a Sanders supporter who isn't black and so asked the same questions you did. The difference is I listen without my own confirmation bias filter in check. What I heard:

Bernie was viewed as just another white man who came out of nowhere (Vermont is aptly described as such) and told them he had all the answers they need in the form of economic policies. Also free stuff. Bernie's problem with that line is it's been

Remember when he said: "When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto. You don't know what it's like to be poor. You don't know what it's like to be hassled when you walk down the street or when you get dragged out of a car."

If you don't think that set off red warning lights and buzzers to an audience that's seen this all before, you would be wrong. As if being black means being poor. As if race-based discrimination and chilling concerns when getting pulled over would be fixed by economic policies. That Bernie said this was a strong negative against him among black and brown voters. Because they know it's not true.
If you don't think that set off red warning lights and buzzers to an audience that's seen this all before, you would be wrong. As if being black means being poor. As if race-based discrimination and chilling concerns when getting pulled over would be fixed by economic policies. That Bernie said this was a strong negative against him among black and brown voters. Because they know it's not true.
That's your opinion. I've spoken to many different people of color about Sanders, they all show virtually unanimous support for his policies when asked on an individual basis. St0w asked a pretty reasonable question; what in Sanders' platform is harmful to African Americans? Most of them saw Clinton as pandering to the black community, she even asked a panel of black people if it was working.
Sanders marched...
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Yet you deny being a homophobe and claim to be a socialist. So clearly you don't believe that what someone said or did in the 60s has any bearing on their campaign. Also, I said he failed to do so during his campaign, you know, that part you snipped off. Funny you'd spend so much time bitching about your comments being taken out of context, then continue to juxtapose with Clinton, who I do not support.
St0w asked a pretty reasonable question
He made a bunch of asinine and racist asserrtions and then asked a rhetorical question to the effect of insisting that black voters did not vote in accordance with their interests, as if he knows their interests better than they do, after fighting for decades for voting rights.
And not a single one of you can address how Bernies platform wouldn't be beneficial to the black community.

- $15 minimum wage
- Medicare for all
- Free public university
- End the racist Clinton era mass incarceration
- Legalize weed

Tell me how those wouldn't benefit the African American community. You can't, so you avoid addressing the question and appeal to emotion, and hurl insults instead.

The '80's were boom times in the US for many. Many Whites. Not Black and Hispanic and not women. Look at the chart below and tell me our economy doesn't show signs of malignant racism and sexism.


How many times must it be demonstrated that "a rising tide floats all boats" is a false analogy to what happens with jobs and wages? Bernie failed to speak clearly about social issues. When he tried, he revealed his discomfort and poor understanding of them.

Black and Brown communities have been told many times to put their issues on the back burner while we deal with economic issues for everybody. As we can see, this didn't work out so well. Social equality is at the root of many issues for minorities, economic inequality is one of them. Not the other way around.

You don't like the answer given you. Which is, the gimmees you listed were/are the most important to white male voters.
Bernie failed to speak clearly about social issues. When he tried, he revealed his discomfort and poor understanding of them.

Black and Brown communities have been told many times to put their issues on the back burner while we deal with economic issues for everybody.


The whole post was sagacious but this is what they're actively avoiding to grasp.
That's your opinion. I've spoken to many different people of color about Sanders, they all show virtually unanimous support for his policies when asked on an individual basis. St0w asked a pretty reasonable question; what in Sanders' platform is harmful to African Americans? Most of them saw Clinton as pandering to the black community, she even asked a panel of black people if it was working.

Right. Who you talked to is definitely an unbiased sample.

How about exit polls during primaries. African Americans: Clinton: 76% ; Sanders: 23%

What is it about voter demographics that you don't like? Could it be that you don't like how they consistently disagree with your view of how things should be?

Everybody votes in their own best interest. Always. Unless there is some duress or corruption, they do.

How many times must it be demonstrated that "a rising tide floats all boats" is a false analogy to what happens with jobs and wages?
What is Hillary Clinton's solution to this problem?

Sanders supports paid maternity/paternity leave. He supports raising the minimum wage to $15/hour, universal healthcare and education. All positions that would disproportionately benefit minorities and women. Explain how that isn't in accordance with their best interests?
Everybody votes in their own best interest. Always. Unless there is some duress or corruption, they do.
St0w is asking if you think the way someone votes is in their best interest? Meaning, in your view, are poor southern white people who voted for Trump voting for their best interests? Obviously not, since you think Trump's policies are harmful to poor people. They may think they're voting for Trump for their own best interest, but objectively speaking, we know the answer is they're not. The same, I believe, can be said for Clinton supporters.
What is Hillary Clinton's solution to this problem?

Sanders supports paid maternity/paternity leave. He supports raising the minimum wage to $15/hour, universal healthcare and education. All positions that would disproportionately benefit minorities and women. Explain how that isn't in accordance with their best interests?
Hillary is a private citizen. As far as I know, her current solution is to make money giving speeches.

As far as the second paragraph goes, I covered that already. Go back to post #64.
St0w is asking if you think the way someone votes is in their best interest? Meaning, in your view, are poor southern white people who voted for Trump voting for their best interests? Obviously not, since you think Trump's policies are harmful to poor people. They may think they're voting for Trump for their own best interest, but objectively speaking, we know the answer is they're not. The same, I believe, can be said for Clinton supporters.
My opinion is somehow more important that what the actual voter was doing at the time of their vote? I wouldn't presume. To do so would be pretentious, paternalistic and reek of privilege. I respect the right of everybody to choose as best they see fit. That would include whining racist
Trump supporters
^^I disagreed with their choice. Will that mollify you?
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Hillary is a private citizen. As far as I know, her current solution is to make money giving speeches.

As far as the second paragraph goes, I covered that already. Go back to post #64.
Did Hillary Clinton have a valid solution to the social injustice problem you prioritize over the focus on economic inequality Sanders supported during the primary? What do you support to fix the issue?

Supporting Sanders' platform is disproportionately more beneficial to minorities and women. It's a set of valid solutions to help fix an aspect of the problem you claim to care about the most.

To what happens and jobs and wages? Sanders supports raising the minimum wage to $15/hour, that's a direct effect on wage increases for a huge percentage of minority workers that has a direct impact on benefiting their lives.

Did Hillary Clinton have a valid solution to the social injustice problem you prioritize over the focus on economic inequality Sanders supported during the primary? What do you support to fix the issue?

Supporting Sanders' platform is disproportionately more beneficial to minorities and women. It's a set of valid solutions to help fix an aspect of the problem you claim to care about the most.

To what happens and jobs and wages? Sanders supports raising the minimum wage to $15/hour, that's a direct effect on wage increases for a huge percentage of minority workers that has a direct impact on benefiting their lives.
I'm lost here.

Is the subject what I think or why black and hispanic voters chose Clinton in whopping large numbers?
My opinion is somehow more important that what the actual voter was doing at the time of their vote? I wouldn't presume. Do do so would be pretentious, paternalistic and reek of privilege. I respect the right of everybody to choose as best they see fit. That would include whining racist
Trump supporters
^^I disagreed with their choice. Will that mollify you?
If you believe Trump's policies are harmful to poor people, how would it be in their own best interest to vote for him?
Hillary's solution was to win a presidential election against a fascist. You know, the election that the Berniebros handed to him by splitting the party at the most inopportune time (or maybe it was exactly the opportunity they wanted, seeing as how so many berniebros seem overjoyed he won)
I've said before, people always vote in their own self interest. How they make that choice it theirs to make. What is important to Trump supporters? Ask @Flaming Pie , I'm in no position to speak for her.
If you can't explain how voting for Trump would be in a poor persons best interest, how can you claim that is in their best interest?

You're saying you can't know while simultaneously claiming to know that it is
Hillary's solution was to win a presidential election against a fascist.
But what was her solution to solving the social injustice problems you lend top priority?
You know, the election that the Berniebros handed to him by splitting the party at the most inopportune time

More Sanders supporters voted for Clinton than Clinton supporters voted for Obama, and Sanders campaigned for Clinton after the primary. Sanders and his supporters did everything he/they could to ensure Clinton beat Trump. Unfortunately it wasn't enough.
the social injustice problems you lend top priority?
Thanks for yet again conveying that you don't care about them. This is why nobody likes berniebros.

As for the rest of your sniveling, why don't you ask a Clinton supporter? I'm telling you why nobody likes you aside from other white guys (with victim complex) like you. You have such a short attention span, I'm beginning to think you're on meth or something.