Well-Known Member
You same donkeys constantly talk about how sourthern whites vote against their own best interests (which they do) but if someone says the same thing about black people....OMGsss racism!
I just said the opposite. Everybody votes in their own best interest. Always. Unless there is some duress or corruption, they do.
Bernie isn't running for anything yet you continue to grind away on why he lost. When you ask "donkeys" why, you deny our answer. Now you say anybody who didn't vote for Sanders unknowingly voted against their own best interests.
I'm a Sanders supporter who isn't black and so asked the same questions you did. The difference is I listen without my own confirmation bias filter in check. What I heard:
Bernie was viewed as just another white man who came out of nowhere (Vermont is aptly described as such) and told them he had all the answers they need in the form of economic policies. Also free stuff. Bernie's problem with that line is it's been
Remember when he said: "When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto. You don't know what it's like to be poor. You don't know what it's like to be hassled when you walk down the street or when you get dragged out of a car."
If you don't think that set off red warning lights and buzzers to an audience that's seen this all before, you would be wrong. As if being black means being poor. As if race-based discrimination and chilling concerns when getting pulled over would be fixed by economic policies. That Bernie said this was a strong negative against him among black and brown voters. Because they know it's not true.