Not Again... Americans who can't afford their mortgage up 145%

We have to stop everything being based on growth, it's not sustainable.
Killing all growth is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Replacing coal power with solar and wind is highly beneficial.

Electric cars, trains, ships and perhaps eventually even aircraft.

Reforestation and organic soil building on mass scales to sequester excess carbon.

Developed nations don't grow larger population; only under developed ones do, because people see their children as their retirement insurance. If the planet had security, population growth would fall to sustainable levels.

We have the technology, resources and the money to make the above possible; what's lacking is the will and the vision to do so.
Ya sometimes, what like maybe 1% of the time here in reality? Planning for hard times is part of responsibility in so far as not extending yourself to the max debt every time you get a new job or a raise or every time your home equity gains a dollar.

the guy who couldn;t afford his home and so moved into a trailer is telling us about financial responsibility, everyone listen up.
oh I'm well aware. it's about time for Americans to downsize their mcmansions and their hummers which they can't afford so they may afford themselves through a hardship.....or even some aflac insurance. you know, that duck?

yep, let's all move into trailers in the woods and buy life insurance for our kids as a primary investment and get all of our healthcare from UC profit mills.

genius level shit.
When everyone around you is an asshole, NEWS FLASH - you are the asshole!

not everyone around me is an asshole, just the handful of jew haters that have flooded the forum recently.
LOL, tinted specs, what about white haters like yourself?

i hate white people?

better not tell my wife, her family, my family, and my friends.

or were you just trying to use another one of your neo-nazi, white supremacist talking points?

clumsy attempt.
Dude. Half of all the things you type is blame whitey. It's racist as hell. Nobody is out to get you. I wouldn't recommend interacting with the police and nuclear war is a bad thing. I've been in jail more times then you. Had more guns pointed at me.

It's not about your neighbors. We're in this $hit together and I'd enjoy my children living in a peaceful country for a change. Damn, get a stress doll if it'll help.