Are cobs really worth it?

Correcting spellings? Has it really come to that?

I really don't think the topic warrants it, but if I have bothered you enough to incite I'm uneducated because of fast typing on a Cannabis forum and forgetting my grammar then I will leave you to your thing.
Your spelling is fine, your grammar and general attitude on the other hand ............., I'll leave others to judge.
I only really have one life motto, and it's.. try not to be a cunt, sometimes I don't succeed.
No, it's being pedantic.

DrDick had an issue with what I said here. I'd just like to point it out again as I'm not sure why you're trying so hard to have the last say.

I didn't suggest you said that, so I'm not sure why you're getting defensive?

Ok. I'm not sure what to say. I agree with you about CMH being fantastic. We just don't seem to see eye to eye in terms of the simple, measurable, objective fact that LEDs put out more light relative to heat than any other lighting.

I'm out, I respect what you do playing devil's advocate, but taking it so tangental and trying to set up logical fallacies to support your argument isn't the way to go about it.

I have quoted no facts, given no figures, spoken nothing of tangible results.

I knew as soon as you began your quest against me I would have been wasting every breath of serious discussion I tried to have with you.

You have told me that without any shadow of a doubt that 1000w of LED will put out more light(I am going to assume we are talking umol here) than an HPS. I disagree not with the actual fact you can indeed do this (and in most cases will), just that you have left much open ground.

1000w of good COB build or Quantum Board vs 1000w of basic HPS, yes my money is on the LED. But 1000w of cheap nasty low quality LED panel vs 1000w of Phillips de HPS, sorry I would bet on the HPS all day long. And this is and was from the very beginning my only point.

And there is nothing pedantic about it, calling a statement pedantic or silly or calling people names because you don't like its direction just looses the topic, looses respect on all sides..

Sorry but now I have just lost this topic, and its a large part of the reason my grow room is now HID and not LED. Because every time I came here to ask the experts about anything to do with LED I just got called out, chewed out, and genuinely called names.

I came into the LED forum earlier in the year to ask if anyone had some good results with QB's and could show me a few diaires, and the same thing happened. NEGATIVE ALL THE WAY, nobody even stopped to ask weather I was actually liking the QB tech.

Maybe if LED users go rid of the anger towards their haters they would stop being haters themselves. I just want to grow some weed.

Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Night all. Maybe I can have an opinion respected in a few months when I have a QB or two. Unitl then I will leave you good people to it.

You have told me that without any shadow of a doubt that 1000w of LED will put out more light(I am going to assume we are talking umol here) than an HPS. I disagree not with the actual fact you can indeed do this (and in most cases will), just that you have left much open ground.

1000w of good COB build or Quantum Board vs 1000w of basic HPS, yes my money is on the LED. But 1000w of cheap nasty low quality LED panel vs 1000w of Phillips de HPS, sorry I would bet on the HPS all day long. And this is and was from the very beginning my only point.

And there is nothing pedantic about it, calling a statement pedantic or silly or calling people names because you don't like its direction just looses the topic, looses respect on all sides..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're being fucking pedantic again. If I was talking about QB, why the fuck are you bringing up blurple?

Stop accusing me of having something out against you, I didn't even address you, I addressed the other troll, DrDick.

Fucksakes dude, spend some time on introspection. You're saying one thing and acting the opposite way.
I have quoted no facts, given no figures, spoken nothing of tangible results.

I knew as soon as you began your quest against me I would have been wasting every breath of serious discussion I tried to have with you.

You have told me that without any shadow of a doubt that 1000w of LED will put out more light(I am going to assume we are talking umol here) than an HPS. I disagree not with the actual fact you can indeed do this (and in most cases will), just that you have left much open ground.

1000w of good COB build or Quantum Board vs 1000w of basic HPS, yes my money is on the LED. But 1000w of cheap nasty low quality LED panel vs 1000w of Phillips de HPS, sorry I would bet on the HPS all day long. And this is and was from the very beginning my only point.

And there is nothing pedantic about it, calling a statement pedantic or silly or calling people names because you don't like its direction just looses the topic, looses respect on all sides..

Sorry but now I have just lost this topic, and its a large part of the reason my grow room is now HID and not LED. Because every time I came here to ask the experts about anything to do with LED I just got called out, chewed out, and genuinely called names.

I came into the LED forum earlier in the year to ask if anyone had some good results with QB's and could show me a few diaires, and the same thing happened. NEGATIVE ALL THE WAY, nobody even stopped to ask weather I was actually liking the QB tech.

Maybe if LED users go rid of the anger towards their haters they would stop being haters themselves. I just want to grow some weed.

Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Night all. Maybe I can have an opinion respected in a few months when I have a QB or two. Unitl then I will leave you good people to it.

LOL.Yes I can and yes I will.Have you ever looked inside one of these?Their chips are driven by two drivers.Like it's actually two cobs on one die.each driver powers half the cob.I was gonna wait untill a driver failure to modify the light.
I have a single cob version of this light that I use to shine up into the plants that shit the bed last week.Ima relplace it with one of the new driverless leds.4500k 50watts(probablly more like 30)Three for 15 bucks.I can't resist the urge to try them.I understand some brands have a visible flicker,but I don't think the plants are gonna care.I'm also fairly sure they will fit the single cob fixture.

Let us know how the 3 for $15 work.
I have quoted no facts, given no figures, spoken nothing of tangible results.

I knew as soon as you began your quest against me I would have been wasting every breath of serious discussion I tried to have with you.

You have told me that without any shadow of a doubt that 1000w of LED will put out more light(I am going to assume we are talking umol here) than an HPS. I disagree not with the actual fact you can indeed do this (and in most cases will), just that you have left much open ground.

1000w of good COB build or Quantum Board vs 1000w of basic HPS, yes my money is on the LED. But 1000w of cheap nasty low quality LED panel vs 1000w of Phillips de HPS, sorry I would bet on the HPS all day long. And this is and was from the very beginning my only point.

And there is nothing pedantic about it, calling a statement pedantic or silly or calling people names because you don't like its direction just looses the topic, looses respect on all sides..

Sorry but now I have just lost this topic, and its a large part of the reason my grow room is now HID and not LED. Because every time I came here to ask the experts about anything to do with LED I just got called out, chewed out, and genuinely called names.

I came into the LED forum earlier in the year to ask if anyone had some good results with QB's and could show me a few diaires, and the same thing happened. NEGATIVE ALL THE WAY, nobody even stopped to ask weather I was actually liking the QB tech.

Maybe if LED users go rid of the anger towards their haters they would stop being haters themselves. I just want to grow some weed.

Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Night all. Maybe I can have an opinion respected in a few months when I have a QB or two. Unitl then I will leave you good people to it.

You're soft,

there's plenty of good led growers on here that are willing to help. Just have to know who to ask. Yeah there are guys who feel the need to bash but thats everywhere really.
Let us know how the 3 for $15 work.
I can do that.I'm really curious about them.Bigclive on the u tube reverse engineered one.I intend to use one as under lighting in my flower box. I started doing that with cfl and it helped my flowers a lot so I got a single cob and shine it up in the canopy.When the slow boat from china gets here I'll do a thread or post on putting that cob in the fixture.we will see.