Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

Yes and yes and we're going to see them eventually. The fact that they may exist is already part of the public record based on Comey's testimony (his written statement, in fact). There is a lot of activity and testimony that we're not privy to yet and the leaks (which so far, anyway, have been very reliable) indicate there are smoking guns all over the place.

What I don't understand is, with all this info on the web..don't they understand we know?

Trump is an idiot..but I'm sure Kushner has a brain and can read.
the way he plans to use it is definitely illegal.

name, address, social security numbers, voting history back to 2006, felony convictions, and more for every single voter in the entire united states. and they want to make it all public for good measure.

the mercers and cambridge analytics would have a field day weaponizing that information and they wouldn't even have to hire russian hackers to steal it from the states like they did last election.

He's like a very stupid super villain.
Yes and yes and we're going to see them eventually. The fact that they may exist is already part of the public record based on Comey's testimony (his written statement, in fact). There is a lot of activity and testimony that we're not privy to yet and the leaks (which so far, anyway, have been very reliable) indicate there are smoking guns all over the place.

So, you don't KNOW they exist? That's not very promising, as far as a "smoking gun" is concerned. Admittedly, I am not very aware of all the hoopla surrounding this issue. It appears to be mostly nonsense, though, from an outsider's perspective that is just growing into a fetish-laden turdball for (falling) MSM ratings.
Speculation built on top of speculation is tricky business and I can't say it ever really pans out into something concrete. At least, I can't think of any recent incidents, not that I'm trying hard. Take 9/11 for example; for all of the speculation built on speculation, what did it really garner? Was any "justice" done as a result?

He's so much better looking, easy on the eyes..

Sigh...If only you grokked what the ugliest part of his body is. Looks don't make up for uh-uh-uh-uh a uh-uh vacuum in uh-uh-uh cognitive uh-bility. :mrgreen:

WRT the "tapes", I do not see any reference to them in the "articles of impeachment" presented by Sherman. Only "obstruction of justice" re: Flynn.

The precise violation being suggested falls under this:

(b)Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—

(3) hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation [1] supervised release,,[1] parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

And from what I can gather by quickly perusing the Goog, I see only a reference to "threats" made to Comey over the Flynn investigation, which was from Comey's testimony, if I have the story correct.
This has smaller wings than a thalidomide penguin, on the surface of it. Everything else I have seen pop-up in the responses is unsubstantiated "theorizing" by those with probable drug-induced right-hemisphere deficits. IOW, it's seemingly unactionable.

Again, I don't know all the details, but what has been demonstrated so far is a desperate grasping at straws. That is perhaps another reason for the changing tide in Democrat appeal; the consistent failure to manifest positive change begets animosity. Incidentally, that will do more damage to the Donald IF he also fails to manifest such change. The mid-terms will bear that out; however, it is not going to come from this impeachment nonsense. It is energy and resources frivolously wasted, IMHO, and will serve more to backfire on those pushing it the longer it draws-on in stasis.

Then again, maybe this is just a giant "make work" project to keep less-than-useful people busy? (How's that for "theorizing", eh?)
It certainly keeps the "people" occupied in banter. :mrgreen:
It appears to be mostly nonsense, though, from an outsider's perspective that is just growing into a fetish-laden turdball for (falling) MSM ratings....unactionable....a desperate grasping at straws....this impeachment nonsense.... energy and resources frivolously wasted...

you should tell mueller to stop hiring so many top tier prosecutors then.

or i will tell him for you. i'll let him know a little racist kektard said it's just a ploy for (FAILING!) msm ratings.

nice job imitating trump by the way. not at all pathetic.
So, you don't KNOW they exist? That's not very promising, as far as a "smoking gun" is concerned. Admittedly, I am not very aware of all the hoopla surrounding this issue. It appears to be mostly nonsense, though, from an outsider's perspective that is just growing into a fetish-laden turdball for (falling) MSM ratings.
Speculation built on top of speculation is tricky business and I can't say it ever really pans out into something concrete. At least, I can't think of any recent incidents, not that I'm trying hard. Take 9/11 for example; for all of the speculation built on speculation, what did it really garner? Was any "justice" done as a result?

Sigh...If only you grokked what the ugliest part of his body is. Looks don't make up for uh-uh-uh-uh a uh-uh vacuum in uh-uh-uh cognitive uh-bility. :mrgreen:

WRT the "tapes", I do not see any reference to them in the "articles of impeachment" presented by Sherman. Only "obstruction of justice" re: Flynn.

The precise violation being suggested falls under this:

(b)Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—

(3) hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation [1] supervised release,,[1] parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

And from what I can gather by quickly perusing the Goog, I see only a reference to "threats" made to Comey over the Flynn investigation, which was from Comey's testimony, if I have the story correct.
This has smaller wings than a thalidomide penguin, on the surface of it. Everything else I have seen pop-up in the responses is unsubstantiated "theorizing" by those with probable drug-induced right-hemisphere deficits. IOW, it's seemingly unactionable.

Again, I don't know all the details, but what has been demonstrated so far is a desperate grasping at straws. That is perhaps another reason for the changing tide in Democrat appeal; the consistent failure to manifest positive change begets animosity. Incidentally, that will do more damage to the Donald IF he also fails to manifest such change. The mid-terms will bear that out; however, it is not going to come from this impeachment nonsense. It is energy and resources frivolously wasted, IMHO, and will serve more to backfire on those pushing it the longer it draws-on in stasis.

Then again, maybe this is just a giant "make work" project to keep less-than-useful people busy? (How's that for "theorizing", eh?)
It certainly keeps the "people" occupied in banter. :mrgreen:

I live here and the mood is dark..something is going to happen and soon.
What is he supposed to be impeached for, anyway?
I've been trying to figure that one out myself they claimed Russia influenced it found no evidence. Now Trump is trying to prove voter fraud so Russia obviously didn't interfere. Lol
You mean they printed something then later retracted because they found an error in the reporting?

It's so sad that any little snippet..any modicum is celebrated. Yet the Blowhole does nothing but cause trouble with his paranoid delusions..

He's going down and he's going down, and that goes for the cunt he sometimes sleeps with..until Jared comes home.
Better watch out I got banned for saying something less than the C word. Also CNN had no evidence of Russian interference in the election but they damn sure reported it.
the way he plans to use it is definitely illegal.

name, address, social security numbers, voting history back to 2006, felony convictions, and more for every single voter in the entire united states. and they want to make it all public for good measure.

the mercers and cambridge analytics would have a field day weaponizing that information and they wouldn't even have to hire russian hackers to steal it from the states like they did last election.
He just wants to prove voter fraud, calm down. I mean it will hurt Democrats probably even establishment Republicans like Romney and McCain put them all in prison. This could be a great thing don't even tell me Obama was better he started war all over the world leaving Trump to deal with WW3.
He just wants to prove voter fraud, calm down. I mean it will hurt Democrats probably even establishment Republicans like Romney and McCain put them all in prison. This could be a great thing don't even tell me Obama was better he started war all over the world leaving Trump to deal with WW3.

Do you believe giants and ogres might hurt democrats and establishment republicants too? LOL!
Just saw a video of Dump getting off AF1 and wandering away from the limo down the runway, someone had to direct him back to the limo he just walked past. Is it a act or has the dementia really kicked in, there are several other recent examples.
Just saw a video of Dump getting off AF1 and wandering away from the limo down the runway, someone had to direct him back to the limo he just walked past. Is it a act or has the dementia really kicked in, there are several other recent examples.
Literally the door to the limo was directly in front of AF1's stairs. He walks down the stairs and just before he gets to the limo he turns right and starts walking down the runway, wow.

he's lost it already. completely.
