pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

Talk to a friend while ago that her and her husband that use to have a dispensary here, got in a tight with the law.

Let's just say as rev likes to quote... It is horse shit.

These rulers and everyone down to the local prosecutors and judges that cause misery to people over " horse shit " laws while they sit there with a shit eating grimace on their face knowing there power to hurt others only and only lays in the fact that they have goobers with guns willing to protect their narrow minded and non empathetic asses.... That is it.


No never the answer.... Just walk the hell away from it and know whether you believe in god or not.... There day is upon them for all misery caused.

Your not free out here boys.

You got plant counts and if they even think your being payed to treat others with bud.... You will go meet the white heads and bruisers down town kind of thing.

Don't think some of the dispensary are not involved in making it difficult to produce your own and of course god forbid the fear of sharing and someone say your selling.

I miss home... Bad.

Back home use to be ruff on us.

According to even my papaw they have lightened up and as long as they see your not selling, they usually just shake a finger and walk out over a few trees for yourself.

If this true I am home bound soon enough.

Heck even in the day the 18 tree rule would just get you a misdimeanor back home.

1000$ and a honky tonk lawyer would get you back home by 420 time to load one up.

A good officer is a blessing and always welcome in my home.

A bad one or anybody that abused authority better not come to my door and no weapon has ever protected me.
God is good to those that trust him.

My two friends will get through this as so many others that have had to deal with nonsense..... One love
Oh lion of Judah.... Will you tell them where Zion is.... Oh lion of Judah.... The children are all his... Oh Jacob the lion.... Please come out of your cave.... Oh blessed children.... Soon god will show his rage....

Cling to one another now and do not do no harm.... Love the children people and hold them in your arms....

Oh lion of Judah.... Please grow out your mane... Oh lion of Judah.... Release all your shame.... Good tell the children.... Tell them what they don't know.... Oh blessed jahuwa.... Show David where to go...

I love rasta music..
IMG_20170624_113156.jpg The people here I've met are beautiful.
That is why I want to help.
All things will come together.
Just some old stubborn pride that we all can get but it will pass in time as things are understood.

My new little blue agave.

Man I love these and this girl is to the side to grow for a while and be cloned for a good pure agave seeding later.

Preserving these is an honor.

It should be for anyone and perhaps things will come together and god make a way to get these type beauties out to folk again... One love and here if needed.

We all learn from one another..
And yes the plant spa pots I have used a good while and as far as I am concerned I will never turn back.

Love bottom feeding and these are bottom feeding fools and makes it easy as pie.

Let em fill it out from the start when you can and I give them not a drop of water over top and make them fight for it until rooted out and they really hold tight that way.

Lol yes they will grow just find in stagnant water guys not a bubble needed.

Plain water for veg and by the time I Max the heck out of a three gallon they flower and suck up molasses and sugar galore and there is no time for it to stink and the trichomes through the stages is insane.

Just the way I roll now.

Small pots... Pretty big trees but if you want an mblaze beast you slap an hid in the ceiling from the start... Put a seed in seven gallons from the start and let it stretch 10 weeks and strip the thing and flower and blow up 3-4 pounds on one tree under 600 .....I can do same technique however under 400 and get about the same yield.

Yes you need enough lights and lumens means nothing.... Par.

But techniques is most important and three good months veg.

Sea of green guys with large counts scoff at this method... Lmao.. One love
OK last update till at least a couple weeks.
Girls look good and pushing out new sites from last plucking.
The reason why master kush responds so well to plucking is from the Acapulco side of it.

Pure Acapulco will bush huge and respond like no other I have grown.

Pluck one like plucking twice on some of them.

I keep my t5 4 foot or better from the very start and pluck and defoliation makes great yield.

You can cram allot of bud on a 3ft bush if you tailor it correctly.

Once I discovered proper ripening, I realized the t5 potential, because in second stage all the bottom buds will start swelling and becoming larger and the whole tree starts pumping cannabinoid at that time.

Proper leaf pulling during flower as hopefully you will watch also gives the whole tree plenty of light.

By second stage build up they have lost most leaves anyway as the zacatecas demonstrated.

now the stuff on top is to keep out gnats.

Love the stuff and out here you do not by dirt, you by gnat inoculation kits lol.

We have all complained for many dirt companies we trust are sending this infected dirt out.

Bottom feeding and old gnattrol on top keeps them away.

Also adds some silicon to beef them up a bit.

Just like silly thrips or any other critter we have to take precautions.

Summer is here and the bugs do not get stoned and forget that... Lol

Here now we have 12 Max count and that is against our constitution.
However I don't like confrontation so I stick.
I will be honest, if I get a bit over it is not nothing but males for short period.
Never go over six flowering or the ole knock at the door from the counting squad could come.
Least of their worries however are old rednecks breeding out of closets however and most cool folk just doing a job.
Once again, be nice, show love, common sense.
A smart ass will however get a bad reward from them.. IMG_20170626_145232.jpg
One love
Hey Rev, your Acapulco Golds look nothing like the two varieties I have. Mine are narrow leaves and delicate even in veg. They are good though, Bodhi and Snowhigh versions. The leaves go yellow super quick so the gold name is right just for that alone. Not sure if they are the 'real Acapulco Gold' or not, but the Bodhi version is super kind high with some trippy aspect for first 30 minutes of high. The Snowhigh one looks just like it in pictures, have not run it yet.

I hear you about gnat infestation kits instead of soil. I am dealing with that right now. I had not thought of bottom feeding to help that as I just have the waterproof 'tray' that comes with the tent, not saucers for each pot. Will switch over as I have done the bottom watering method before. I put around 1 teaspoon of Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap into 1 gallon of water and watered them with that, have been using bti spores in water as well. I think a bit of soap in the water strips them of their waxy coat and they die. I vacuum the flying ones out of the air hehe.

I am using the biax 55 watt or PLL twisted tube fluorescent lights in 10,000 K to finish the plants. It is called the Finisher btw hehe. Not sure what Kelvin you are using at least the 6400 K I am sure. I have the lights as close as I can get them to get more energy to the plants, as in 2 to 8 inches depending on how the light covers the canopy. These are high altitude plants so highest light energy without burning makes sense to me. I took what you posted to mean you keep your lights well above your plants?

Have heard a lot of good things about Tennessee, might go down there someday and check it out. Several people I know from here in California and elsewhere have retired there. There and North Carolina.

On the old knowledge being lost, well I do not have any opinion there, but the strains of old are all but lost. I am sure some small farmers and the Indians still retain the more spiritual and psychedelic varieties of pot.
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Thanks for stopping yessum!


You know brother you here every story in the world when it comes to where the strains of the Dutch came from.

Unless all the Dutch in a conspiracy " I doubt" they just missed it.... What they all really are and do in the wild.

Just like the proper ripening has been forgotten for over 50 years or more and the next generation just forgot...

Just a rush to cut not realizing all the healing and effects mental they would me loosing.

Back to genetics.

Most the stuff the Dutch bred back in the day and California that was Mexican came from northern cartels and the more northern purple Mexican indicas that are more laid back like Afghanistan and morroco and these Mexican indicas where pure indicas.

In Tennessee and southeast we get the southern Mexicans from tropic of cancer down to South America that are all very sociable and mind expanding and aphrodisiac and phychedelic.

This is what people want and most Now has been either cut down, sprayed or forgotten about as far as the old orginal cannabis down there.

The pure natives of Mexico " Indians " preserved these and many came out of Oaxaca through the cartels.

Not saying southern stuff did not and does not filter through California or northern stuff some to us, however rare.

The Dutch new their Afghan and Asian and African stuff well.... Just not southern Mexican and below.... That simple or it is a conspiracy " wich I doubt. "

Just much overlooked and they can either pay attention or not as the wisdom comes to the surface again.. It's choice.

Your Acapulco girls indeed would not be pure.

None of those boys over there have any pure Acapulco or they would be showing and selling.... Guaranteed.

The pure Acapulco bamboo pollinated trees of Southern Mexico and small region in Panama produce straight from the wild the most incredible cannabis experience known if took complete through the three stages.

I've lived here three years I tell these boys.

Don't you think I have tried the best grown by the best?

And I promise I've got some stubborn brothers out here that know how to grow bombs.

Hybrid Bob is not stubborn and my man will veg a tree a darn year as Bob gets sad if there not seven foot tall for flowering lol... That's indoors!

Point, nothing out here compares to the feelings god's originals provide, it's just so much knowledge was lost and many pure southern trees they would have started with would have indeed probably most all been crossed with Afghan.

Does it make that much of a difference?

Unreal difference.

Indeed without doubt for instance master kush is a pure Acapulco bred to an Afghan.

No comparison... Acapulco can hurt you and if cut to early it will curse you by giving you the worse mind crushing paranoia of your life.

Ripen it gold.... It sets you free.

Something else I teach about bamboo pollinated Mexicans and tai is this.

Their is different species of bamboo and different environments the bamboo and cannabis comes from " micro climates " if you will.

Shorelines are light and produce a large bud.
Red Acapulco grow more inland like some Panamanians in red clay soil and then there are some in between in microclimates.

As I've said brother, the books will have to be rewritten... However much to prove and of course those that will doubt until it is,... Takes time, it has been illegal a long time and no true botany studied.

That is why I hope to help.

You need real pure ones to understand the botany and by grace we have them and know exactly what they are.

The shorelines yessum are from seeds better than 40 years old.

My reds came from better than 60 year old seeds.

The rest... Time and effort.

The reds are unreal and bleed intense red through the leaves even in veg.

They will bleed your eyes out also lol.

Stick around and let's get em gold and here if needed

One love
I am sure old mother sativa will be along in a minute, I gave him a heads up you were back in town. I accidentally broke the top off a Guerrero x Michoacan vegging plant. So, quick dried it under cfl, which took a few hours really. Just took a couple tokes off a joint of leaves and got a sublime high off it. Not strong of course but the quality of the high is just outstanding. Could be a male as far as I know. '78 Guerrero x late sixties early seventies Michoacan. Snowhigh stock. I am hoping it leans to the Michoacan. The seeds are 3x normal size and not stripes.

The Acapulco Gold are quite small with no marks to speak of on them. People do not know what they are missing with these heirloom Mexicans and old sativas in general. Well that is my opinion anyways.

Yeah, the pot legal states are also big time nanny states as you know. Smoke up but watch every other damn thing you do.

Colombian Gold '72 and Oaxaca '79 in the mix here too.
I have heard of the surrounding plants affecting the taste of the pot grown next to it before. That pic of you with the snake, oh my God. I think I may like this Michoacan better than the Acapulco Gold, and just some leaves at that.

Sixties to early seventies, I think that was prime time. It went on much earlier too though. In the 30's Mezzrow a jazz musician turned on Harlem to Mexican gold colored pot. It was considered the best around.
Pure columbian I need.
Could be some in the old stash but not banking on it as true pure columbian got rare after mid eighties.
That hybrid Bob two years ago got some over 30 year old pure columbian gold seeds from a old lady friend and only 4 and couldn't get em to go.
Freezing is important.
Even if you move and they UN thaw just refreeze again.
Only way to keep old stock popping.
Got seeds older than me popping cause they kept them frozen as much as possible over the years.
One love
Thinking of jazz.
I have been playing and singing and writing all my life.
Told a buddy the other day, he said do you play jazz?

I said, ya I guess if I want.

He said, you like jazz?

Said, why I love jazz and my wife has listened to classical since sleeping with it as a child.

Well, have you considered?

I said no, I've been in a hole for years and all I want now is to play johnny winter until my hands fall off. Lol

Jazz I said, is what you play when your tired of playing everything else....

Then a Dixie of homemade melon wine and some sax we go!
When I moved here, one of the first things I seen was a leaf chart.
I laughed.

So much messed up so it takes time to fix it.

Seen all these different leaves supposed to show indica from sativa.

Not being an ass and I have put myself out there but it is also.... ' completely 100% horse shit. "

Old rev puts it simple without long drawn out litany.

Only thin fingered leaf sativas are those from high altitude.... Columbian.... Equatorial... That is it.

Even the original 20 foot sativa that at least they use to preserve in Oaxaca is a wide fingered leaf tree... Laughing.

I've grown em indoors with no veg time under halide and they still get seven foot and give you pound to pound and a half.

Praying for a pair from the old stash but if not.... I know whoms got em... Trip back home kind of thing... Lol

Acapulco of any kind has never had thin fingered leaves.. Lol

My wife.. Known her all her life.

Her neighbor when she was a kid had a daughter she was friends with.

Her dad, old starseed and honestly... Probably has forgotten more about this tree than most know and the only man I know to hatch the most rare of all cursed form cannabis... A snow white tree.

Rev your nuts!

A snow white tree and another snow white with green splashes on it.... Indeed

Anyway, my friend has pictures of himself at eight years old standing next to several 8 foot Acapulco in his aunts backyard from the early seventies in his little bell bottoms lol.

For years he walked on a petrified cane that looked like bamboo to me and I thought it was.

One day he said, john do you not know what my cane is?


He said, yes and no.

He said, my cane is a stalk from one of the Acapulco that you seen me standing next to as a boy for that is what Acapulco is!

Let's just say god took over from there and the adventure began years ago.

Much wisdom the old timers had back home and because of legality nobody talks... Most that wisdom is dead now.

Plain truth, but I am working on it... Need help... Many hands, make light work.

One love
We all got a story so here is one on the last gold Mexican I got before moving.

Finding gold back home in Mexican is 1 in a million anymore for the youth down there cut early and rarely decarb in the sun anymore.

However, it can happen.

One day a buddy came over and he looked like someone lost their best friend.

Handed me a sack of some stuff so nasty I couldn't identify it and I didn't know if it could possibly be truly gold or if a Mexican mule wiped his arse with it lol.

Anyway, got us so high I thought I would laugh myself to death for hours and colors and music and everything just beautiful.

Went to grannies and had a joint of it next day in my little red cap.

Aunt s. Comes by and says hey boy you got one!

I smiled and said, oh I've got one alright and haven't smoked since the one I smoked yesterday lol.

She says boy I've been smoking 60 years I don't need your mouth just fire it up. Lol

She takes two big drags and suddenly phone rings she says uncle k needs me at the cabin pronto with the 2x6 and runs out the door.

Ten minutes later Lmao uncle k calls and says, john David what in the hell is wrong with my wife!?

I said, what do you mean?

He said, I've been watching for the last five minutes aunt s out there trying to pull in the driveway?

What do you mean?

She can't find the drive way boy, I'm watching her from the window and she pulls in.. Bows over steering wheel and looks like she is laughing her ass off and then she backs out of the drive and stops and looks like she starts laughing again!!??

Son what did you give her! ....laughing

See guys that is what true ripened cannabinoid bud will give you.

Freedom in your mind and complete healing to the body.

A complete ripe fruit to take a stoned out nation and make them a nation of high and inspired people whom can heal.

God please let them hear how important this is.

I can take also a man whom is a complete and angry asshole and give him thc and he changes little.

I can take that same man and give him cannabinoid and he will become a crying snivling little girl ready to give up his pride... His jinn... And turn to god and his brothers.

It cures mental illness.

They must hear.....
Yessum are you old moms generation?
You in your fifties brother?

That's right, he got to smoking a bit earlier than me. The good stuff was on the way out as I started in '74, I had no idea at the time. Johnny Winter, first album I ever bought was 'Still Alive and Well' and in Quadraphonic around 1974. He had just gotten off heroin and recorded that record.

I have got a Les Paul and SG and play all the time, blues mostly. Old mother sativa is a musician, saw some good videos of him in action on youtube. Played foot bass, guitar and sang, all at the same time.

Jazz is kinda tough, have looked into it. major scale instead of minor. The chords were tougher or most were. Maybe I will give it another try. Turn off the distortion, play clean and use the neck pickup. That is how most do it. The Les Paul was designed to be a jazz guitar, yet it is a rock and roll icon to this day. Little trivia for you.

Back in '78 I saw a friend's indoor grow of what he called Acapulco Gold. Big hardy plants with fairly wide leaves. That was in veg. He was using fluorescent lights, hardly any hid at that time. His grow got ripped off and he left the area soon after, never smoked any.

The Colombian Gold is from Underground Seed Collective, well regarded heirloom conservators. It looks a hell of a lot like the Acapulco Gold I have, delicate and rather small leaves. The Michoacan is almost indica looking, dark in color, quite short and pretty wide leaves. Just flipped it a week ago so we will see who is male and female in a week or so. The Oaxacan is lighter in color and stretches more.