First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
very nice man, I will be keeping up with this because i may have to do something like that in the very near future since I might be relocating. Just got my feet wet this year with a single indoor grow. she is coming out good, cant wait to work on something like this tho.

if u would like my grow journal has some pics of my first baby.
you will if he is still around???


Well-Known Member
hey greenb dude howz it goin bro my fukin computer sucks ass lol
looks like you been away again for abit so hope youz all good mate and looking forward to speakin wid cha..


Well-Known Member
Greetings all - both I and my girls are still alive LOL. And I haven't got busted yet!!! Sorry for disappearing again, and thanks for all your comments and for maintaining interest given my sporadic conduct on this forum. I took a load of pics about a week ago and transferred them to my external hard drive for posting. Then one of my dogs decided to knock the hard drive over and it broke, so I lost ALL of my grow pics (plus about 400 Gigs of movies etc). But life goes on.

Anyway, I'm going to visit all your grow journals now, and post some new pics later today (I haven't taken them yet). Bye for now and hope to speak to you all later.

PS Good to see you're still around too UK - I thought for sure you had left us. Look forward to some banter later ;)

PPS I will see those glass pics of yours yet loaded LOL. Looking forward to it ...

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Just stopping to say hello and welcome back GreenB.

Looking forward to seeing some new pics.

Glad to hear you are OK. I guessed you was but it's nice to know for sure.


Well-Known Member
my sporadic conduct on this forum...

Where are these pictures? Would love to see how the girls are getting along.
A few months back an external hdd of mine blew up. Smoke came out of the back and all! Lost 500gb worth of dvd's...

What you gonna do over the winter greenb? An indoor project perhaps?


Well-Known Member
Greetings all - both I and my girls are still alive LOL. And I haven't got busted yet!!! Sorry for disappearing again, and thanks for all your comments and for maintaining interest given my sporadic conduct on this forum. I took a load of pics about a week ago and transferred them to my external hard drive for posting. Then one of my dogs decided to knock the hard drive over and it broke, so I lost ALL of my grow pics (plus about 400 Gigs of movies etc). But life goes on.

Anyway, I'm going to visit all your grow journals now, and post some new pics later today (I haven't taken them yet). Bye for now and hope to speak to you all later.

PS Good to see you're still around too UK - I thought for sure you had left us. Look forward to some banter later ;)

PPS I will see those glass pics of yours yet loaded LOL. Looking forward to it ...
Well.... since you asked about it... here is a start... lol...... some of those bowls are half smoked,..... and I started smoking a couple of them all the way back in April! lol...



Well-Known Member
your just a big tease gb nice to have you back
Hi bob, good to see you too thanks! Must have a chat after I get some pics up ...

Just stopping to say hello and welcome back GreenB. Looking forward to seeing some new pics. Glad to hear you are OK. I guessed you was but it's nice to know for sure.
Thanks Barking, and thanks for stopping by. Will get some pics up shortly.

started my 2nd grow journal greeny, check it out.
good to see you back.
Cheers mammal, will have a look at your second grow journal as soon as I get my pics up.

Ha! Where are these pictures? Would love to see how the girls are getting along. A few months back an external hdd of mine blew up. Smoke came out of the back and all! Lost 500gb worth of dvd's... What you gonna do over the winter greenb? An indoor project perhaps?
Hi Staro. Pics coming shortly. Yeah those external HDDs are crap, I'm not buying another one. That one wasn't even a year old (all it did was fall over on it's side and it jams LOL). Couldn't even send it back under warranty cause all my grow pics were on there LOL. Would love to do an indoor grow over the winter. Depends on whether I can justify spending the cash on lights etc (still living on a shoestring).

Well.... since you asked about it... here is a start... lol...... some of those bowls are half smoked,..... and I started smoking a couple of them all the way back in April! lol...
Bloody heck loaded, that's only a start??? They're really, really lovely mate, you've got some beauties sure enough. I particularly like the little red curved one (pics 10 and 11 I think, I can't see the page at the minute). Very unusual. Now you've got me wanting one LOL. Many thanks for going to the trouble to post the pics loaded, very much appreciated. You've got a great collection there. And that's only a start he says :)

OK, I've already uploaded the pics, just need to post them now, although that may take a while knowing me. Sorry it's so late, especially if you had to wait until "tomorrow" LOL. The wee man (that's my son) dropped a large mirrior on his toe earlier and split his toe nail. You can imagine the yells of him which lasted for about an hour and a half. He was in agony. Felt really sorry for him, one of those times you just wish you could take all the pain in his stead. Anyway, hence the delay. Will get cracking shortly after I get a smoke and a cuppa going. See you in a bit ...


Well-Known Member
There is good news in relation to the Purple Powers, and some not so good on the Cinammon front, although it could be worse (I'll explain why later). I'll start with the Cinammons, but first a few pics of all the girls. The first two were taken a couple of weeks ago. Just showing you so you can see why my wife is complaining about not being able to go in and out the house like she used to LOL.

This one was taken today, They were huddling together as it was dull, cold and very windy. The Purps are at the back, the triplets almost 7 feet tall. The largest Cinammon is about six and a half feet. The smallest (the topped one) about five feet.


OK, first the not so good. They're about five months old now and despite having grown into big big bushy monsters, and despite it being near the end of September, I still don't have any buds. They're definitely getting there, but very, very slowly. I'll just show you a few pics so you get the general idea of where they're at.

Pic 01: The topped one.

This plant is amazing. I just topped it once, but instead of getting two main (potential) colas she's produced six, all about the same size and ALL of them bigger than the main (potential) cola on the other three plants. I wish I'd topped them all LOL.

Pics 2 - 5: The potential (boo-hoo).

Just to let you see the great potential these plants have. It's a crying shame as I think, unless they really get their ass in gear big time, they've missed the boat.

Every one of these plants is simply covered in bud sites. What you can't see in the pics is all the flowers right along every branch. Hundreds of them LOL. The flowers smell amazing, somewhere between grapefruit and lemon. And if you run your hand up the underside of the leaves along the branches the smell left is pure, citrussy resin :)

I have to say though, having seen the close-up pics they're a lot further on than I thought. I particularly hadn't noticed all the little crystals/trichs??? starting to cover everywhere. Now this could explain why, as I said earlier, I reckoned they may not be a TOTAL disaster. A week or so ago a gust of wind blew one of the Cinammons over and she broke a large branch off her sister. "What shall I do with this?" I thought. Well, as it was covered with flowers I reckoned it might be worth smoking them (LOL). And they were bloody strong (for me anyway), total face-number, rubbery lips and all that. Not so much of a THC hit, more of an "anaesthetic trip" of some sort, but uppy at the same time and damn nice :) No doubt someone can remind me of the chemicals involved at this stage, I can't remember at the moment.

Now that I've seen that close-up pic I understand why it's so strong. Even the tiny fan leaves give a nice hit. So even if these plants don't go all the way, there's an abundance of smokable material there to give me a nice contrast to the Purples, which I think are well on track ....


I won't gabble on here, the pics speak for temselves. Except to say the small plant has been budding for about four weeks (about half way), the others following about a week behind, and I'm well pleased.

Pics 6 - 10: The Purple Girls

Pics 11 - 17: Colas, Buds and Stuff

The cola on the small plant (the really purple one) is a lot bigger than it looks there, it's really fat LOL. And all the colas seem to be reasonably dense and nice and heavy, more than I was expecting given the crappy weather. These flowers smell weird. At first like rotting cabbage, but inhale deeply and it transforms into a really pungent, oily resin smell, totally crazy and very different from the smell of the Cinammons.

As regards smokability, yes I've tried these too LOL. The other day a caterpillar took up residence in the middle of one of the smaller buds and was basically eating it from the inside out. So I nicked the bud off, removed the caterpillar to a safe place and smoked it (the bud that is). Nice, uppy high like you'd expect from a sativa. I did have to smoke the whole bud (just out of curiosity you understand), and once I did I was very stoned indeed. Very trippy :) Looking forward to these all being well.

Ok, there you have my long overdue update. I apologize for the length of this post, I hope it wasn't too boring. Just trying to catch up for all my missing weeks on the forum. And sorry I didn't get it posted earlier (the wee man's just gone to sleep).


Well-Known Member
Loaded, you're too kind mate. Many thanks for the rep and flattering comments. I worried a lot in the early stages of this grow as I'd not done it before, but given the crappy weather here this Summer I'm very happy with the way it's gone so far and now I've chilled out. Or maybe it's that bit of one of my girls I just smoked LOL. Thanks again man, I'm glad you liked it ;)


Well-Known Member
ive said it before and i will say it again FECKIN ELL ! man ya growin a forest im stunned
fair fuckin play to ya


Well-Known Member
LOL Bob, thanks man I really appreciate your "approval" and kind comments :) I'm just doing my best mate, and enjoying it which is what it's all about. I can see me doing this again sometime LOL. Here, I even had my Dad out there the other day getting him to smell the resin and all. He was really curious about it and asked me all about the plants, how you grow them, what part you use etc. If they should ever get ripped I'll know where to start looking hehe.

How's things with you Bob? Are you smoking anything nice these days? I don't ever know what's going around here cause I never bother trying LOL.


Well-Known Member
looks like shit

:D jokin buddy

your plants are so green and beautiful

i agree with u on the cinnamins....what a shame, do u have any ideas as to whats causing the problem with slow flowering?

that first pic is dope


Well-Known Member
gb ime knocked out by your plants what a result for a first grow the plant with the fat colas looks like its gonna give ya at least 10 oz min
gotta say thought youd bin busted long time no here
whats happend with ya lad hope its sorted now
ime still lookin at other peoples grows ime itching to get some seeds in some soil wont be long now the longer i leave it the better my ideas are lol